We’re always looking for ways to give back to our members. Sometimes people ask me what the benefits are to being an IJA member. Currently, we offer IJA members the following benefits:
• Access to our members-only video library and exclusive eJuggle content.
• A searchable listing on the IJA members directory.
• The ability to get IJA group liability insurance for performers.
• Great discounts on props from leading vendors through our Vendor Discount Program.
• Supporting our 501(c)(3) non-profit organization by helping to keep IJA operations going.
For 2017, we have some great members-only content lined up, including festival video releases as well as some never before released historical footage of juggling greats.
We’re always looking for feedback, and we love hearing from our members. Feel free to drop us a line anytime to let us know what you think and what you’d like to see from the organization.
This year also marks our big 70th anniversary festival! We’re trying out a few new things this year for the occasion, and IJA Festival Director Dan Holzman is pulling out all the stops. Expect to see extra shows, a coaching lounge, and more! There will be some major announcements made in the next couple months as we approach the opening of pre-registration.
Wishing you a prosperous year of juggling,
Nathan Wakefield
IJA Chairman