We are Tamuz and Ayala from Israel
Tamuz Vardi
juggling since 2013
🍦 Favorite ice cream flavor – sour lemon 🍋
Pet peeve – buying clothes on my own
Guilty pleasure – checking if license plate numbers are valid siteswap🤓
Ayala Eshkoli
juggling since 2014
favourite ice cream flavour – grapefruit campari 🍦
Pet peeve – when the carpet has folds
Guilty pleasure- I like my cereals after they have been soaked in the milk for a few minutes
Tamuz and Ayala are best friends since they were 14, they are both super clumsy and their favourite things to do together are juggling, volley club and trash talk 🤫
filmed and edit by- Daniel Ackerman
song- “Grizzly Bear – Two Weeks (music video in HD) Veckatimest out now”