Club -Poi Juggling by Fernandx Mor from Argentina | IJA Tricks of the Month

My name is Fernandx Mor, and I was born in the city of Cordoba, Argentina. I have been practicing juggling since I met the fire poi and decided to travel 8 years ago.
I love spinning things, and the universal language that geometry and movement share.
My favorite concept is in this video, linking rolls/beats together with bodytracer. I like to call them “spinnets” when a contact and a circle (2’s) happen synchronously in the same arm.
I am infinitely grateful to:
All the people who were part of my path, my processes and experiences. Grow and mutate second by second.
To Cafecitx @radicalia.libertaria for their love and creativity that played a very important role in the filming and idea of ​​this TOTM
To Constanza Müller @honguitaconpecas and @manojodehierbas for filming and editing this video and the experience at home with Mauri
To my cat Toroide and @Maine_flowonfire for their support and for the beautiful poi sets that they share with me and I train daily.

Dedicated to each of the beings who became freer by playing.
¡Stay creative!

Mi nombre es Fernandx Mor, nací en la ciudad de Cordoba, argentina. practico malabar desde que conoci los poi de fuego y me animé a viajar hace ya 8 años.
Amo girar cosas, y el lenguaje universal que comparte la geometria y el movimiento.
Mi concepto favorito está en este video, enlazando rolls/beats junto con bodytracer. Me gusta decirles “spinnetas” a cuando un contacto y un circulo(2’s) suceden sincronicamente en un mismo brazo.
Agradezco infinitamente a :
Todxs lxs personxs que fueron parte de mi camino, mis procesos y experiencias. Crecer y mutar segundo a segundo.
A Cafecitx @radicalia.libertaria por su amor y creatividad que tubo un roll importanticimo en el rodaje e idea de este TOTM
A Constanza Müller @honguitaconpecas y @manojodehierbas por ser Filmacion y Edicion de este Video y la experiencia en su casa junto a Mauri
A mi gato Toroide y a @Maine_flowonfire por su apoyo a lxs artiatas de difusion y material, por los sets de poi hermosos que me comparten y entreno a diario.

Dedicado a cada unx de lxs seres que se hicieron mas libres al jugar

The IJA actively searches out the best juggling talent around the world to make awesome videos for your viewing pleasure. Get ready to be inspired. IJA Tricks of the Month are organized by Jorge Vilchis, Erin Stephens and Lucas Adverse.

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