Diane Shelton: Baton Twirler, Juggler, Veterinarian, and Scientist


Diane Shelton wasn’t born into a circus family, despite some newspaper accounts saying that her parents were trapeze artists. Instead, she was born in 1946 in Sweden ,where her Navy captain father was stationed. She and her family moved back to the USA when she was one and settled in the San Francisco, CA area. She was of Irish and Swedish ancestry. When Diane was four years old, she saw a baton twirler in a Saint Patrick’s Day parade in San Francisco and immediately decided that she wanted to learn the skill. Her parents soon enrolled her in dance and baton twirling lessons. Diane became a national baton twirling champion at the age of twelve. She then put together a polished and highly technical baton twirling act that contained baton juggling. She appeared on many television shows during the 1960s and 1970s, including the Ed Sullivan Show, The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, and the Mike Douglas Show. She regularly appeared in circuses and night clubs throughout the country.

In 1966, Diane toured Vietnam with Bob Hope, entertaining the US troops as part of USO shows. You can see photos from her Vietnam performances and tour below.

Diane Shelton with singer Vic Damone and comedy legend Bob Hope

She eventually transitioned into a more standard juggling act using clubs.

In addition to her tour with Bob Hope, Diane also traveled with Liza Minelli’s “Young America” show in Europe.

During her time working in circuses, she grew to love the animals in the shows and eventually started performing with elephants. Her work with the huge animals led her to develop a desire to work with animals for a living.

Diane with Bertha the elephant

Diane had been a very good student and loved biology and chemistry in high school. She began to grow tired of show business, so she enrolled in the University of Nevada in Reno, studying Animal Science while still performing at state fairs during the summers. Diane went on earn a Doctor of Veterinary Science and then a Ph.D. in Comparative Pathology. She is now a professor at the University of California, Davis in the Department of Pathology and the director of the Comparative Neuromuscular Laboratory at the UC San Diego School of Medicine.

ダイアナ・シェルトン: バトントワラー、ジャグラー、獣医、そして科学者

ダイアン・シェルトン(Diane Shelton)については、両親が空中ブランコ乗りだったという新聞記事もあるが、サーカス一家に生まれたわけではない。1946 年、海軍大佐であった父親のいるスウェーデンで生まれた。1 歳のときに家族とともに米国に戻り、カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコに移住した。家系としては、アイルランドとスウェーデンの血を引いている。4 歳のときにサンフランシスコのセントパトリックスデイのパレードでバトントワリングを見たダイアンは、すぐにそれを習得したいと思うようになった。両親はそこで、すぐにダンスとバトントワリングのレッスンに参加させる。ダイアンは 12 歳でバトントワリングの全米チャンピオンになった。その後、バトンジャグリングを含む、洗練された高度な技術を要するバトントワリングの演技を完成させる。1960 年代から 70 年代にかけて、「エド・サリバン・ショー」、「トゥナイト・ショー  with  ジョニー・カーソン」、「マイク・ダグラス・ショー」など、多くのテレビ番組に出演。また、米国内あちこちのサーカスやナイトクラブにも定期的に出演していた。


1966 年には、ダイアンはボブ・ホープ(Bob Hope)と共にベトナムを回るツアーにでる。米軍兵に向けて、米国慰問協会のショーの一環で慰問をおこなった。以下でその時の写真を見ることができる。

ダイアン・シェルトンと歌手のヴィック・ダモーン(Vic Damone)、伝説のコメディアンボブ・ホープ


ボブ・ホープとのツアーに加えて、ダイアンはライザ・ミネリ(Liza Minelli)の「ヤング・アメリカ」ショーに出演するため、ヨーロッパにも渡った。




和訳: 青木 直哉(AOKI Naoya)

David Cain is a professional juggler, juggling historian, and the owner of the world's only juggling museum, the Museum of Juggling History. He is a Guinness world record holder and 16 time IJA gold medalist. In addition to his juggling pursuits, David is a successful composer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and singer as well as the author of twenty-six books. He and his children live in Middletown, OH (USA).

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