Dieter Tasso on “Drop Everything” podcast with host Dan Holzman

Drop Everything with Dan Holzman
Drop Everything with Dan Holzman
Dieter Tasso on “Drop Everything” podcast with host Dan Holzman
Host: Dan Holzman
Guest: legendary juggler Dieter Tasso talks about his sixty-five-year career

IJA life member and two time team champion as one half of the Raspyni Brothers. Currently enjoying my 34th year as a professional juggler.

Comments 1

  1. Dan- Thanks much for your interview with Dieter Tasso. I saw him a couple times on TV and was blown away with the cups and saucers trick, which I’ve always loved seeing done also on the unicycle. Interesting note: His photo doing the trick was a full-page in my high school biology text book! It illustrated some principal of biology, but I don’t remember what. I sure miss you and all the other IJAers of my time in the organization. So glad to see and hear those of you who are still active. “Keep’em flying” was always one of my juggling mottos, borrowed from a WWII fund raising slogan. Best regards to you and all my IJA friends.- Roger Dollarhide

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