IJA eNewsletter, September 2017

Editors: Don Lewis and Martin Frost

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  • Chair’s message
  • Smithsonian podcast about Paul Cinquevalli
  • Get Ready For Halloween!
  • Marketplace
  • Latest articles in eJuggle
  • Upcoming juggling festivals

Chair’s message, by Nathan Wakefield

One of the benefits of being an IJA member is access to great deals from vendors in our Vendor Discount Program.

We’re very fortunate to have a number of participating vendors who offer our members a number of perks. It’s also a very diverse listing as well. We have great deals from companies that sell traditional juggling equipment, fire props, even danger props and ebooks.

Here’s a quick breakdown of our current offerings for the Vendor Discount Program.

  • Lybrary – 25% off the complete digitized JUGGLE magazine package
  • Bravo Juggling – 10% off all orders
  • Brontosaurus Balls – 14% off on all balls, other than white
  • Flying Clipper – Special IJA member pricing on select balls
  • Fyregear – 15% off all orders
  • Gballz – Free Standard Embossing on orders of 5 or more ballz
  • Juggling Fashion – 10% off all orders
  • Master Ong’s Prop Shop – 10% off all orders (excluding apparel and events)
  • Neon Husky – 10% off all orders
  • Pass the Props – 10% off all orders
  • Sport Juggling Company – Free embroidery upgrade (up to 10 Sportco balls)
  • Three Finger Juggling – 10% off all orders

To take advantage of these savings, simply log in to your IJA account and visit our Vendor Discount Program page

We continue to add new vendors regularly, so be on the lookout in the eNewsletter for announcements of new additions.

Thankful for the support of so many partnering vendors,

Nathan Wakefield
IJA Chairman

Smithsonian podcast about Paul Cinquevalli

This month one of the Smithsonian Institution’s Sidedoor podcasts is about the life of famous juggler Paul Cinquevalli and how his art is being carried on today. The Sidedoor podcast interviewed Thom Wall and Erik Åberg for the history of juggling and circus art like that of Cinquevalli. 

As the Smithsonian says:

In the late 1800s, Paul Cinquevalli was one of the most famous and thrilling entertainers in the world. Tales of his juggling and balancing exploits spanned continents.  But by the mid 20th century, his name was all but forgotten. In this episode, Sidedoor explores Cinquevalli’s epic rise and fall, and brings you inside the Smithsonian Folklife Festival’s circus tents for a one-of-a-kind Cinquevalli-inspired juggling revival.

The podcast episode and more information from the Smithsonian collection can be found on their website: https://www.si.edu/sidedoor/ep-7-man-who-defied-gravity.

Get Ready For Halloween!
by Don Lewis

October 31st is the day when youngsters get out their costumes and do the neighborhood rounds yelling “Trick or Treat!”. Quite often a group of parents travel around with the kids to make sure everything is safe.  It’s a couple of hours of fun. 

Rather than jump up from your comfortable seat every time a miniature goblin rings your doorbell, why not stand outside and juggle something? It usually impresses the kids — and always impresses the adults tagging along with them.  If you have a local juggling club, keep some cards on hand to hand out to people who are interested.  I always find at least a few adults that admit that they can juggle a bit.  And a lot of kids get exposed to juggling in phys ed programs.  Your juggling club is the logical next place for them to go to get seriously hooked on juggling.

One year I was juggling on the front porch and Jen was handing out candy to a steady stream of kids.  One of them said “Hey lady, I really like your mannequin.”  Keep a few spare balls out for impromptu lessons.  A lot of people will say, “I tried but couldn’t do it.”  Get them to quickly catch three balls in order, and then throw them back to you like that. They just juggled and are probably surprised.

The other impediment to getting people interested is the cost of props.  Yes, to a non juggler the props seem expensive.  But, you don’t have to start with the good stuff.  Dollar store balls can be juggled well if they have a bit of weight.  Even tennis balls work well with a bit of sand or water in them to keep them from bouncing madly.  The Green Club Project plans are available on the IJA website so that anyone can make inexpensive, properly balanced clubs, with flexible grips.  Props are not an excuse!

There are lots of how-to videos on the IJA website.

Have fun.  You do the tricks and they get the treats.  The following links print a page of business cards that promote the IJA and the Green Club Project.  You can buy standard business card paper at an office supplies store and print some out.  Or just print them on regular paper, cut, and hand them out with the treats.

IJA Card

Green Club Project Card


From time to time, people contact us about juggling-related items they no longer need, to see if any IJA members are interested in the items.  It could be a sale, a swap, or just a come-and-get-it giveaway.  The IJA has no opinion on the potential value or quality of these items or services. Items are listed here as a service to members.  Caveat emptor.

Free: Laugh Maker magazines and balloon books available

Paul Boccia is interested in giving away many back issues of Laugh Maker (children’s entertainment magazine), plus several balloon books. He doesn’t want to ship them and lives near New York City.  So if you’re in that area and are interested in the magazines and/or books, contact Paul at 914-261-5227 or pauly730@aol.com.

For sale: two-volume set of 4,000 Years of Juggling

Kurt Kalas says he is the original owner of the two-volume book 4,000 Years of Juggling and is ready to sell it.  He’s asking $1000 for the set but will consider other serious offers.  If you want to see it before deciding whether to buy it, you can arrange to look at the set in south Chicago by contacting Kurt at 708-535-6266 or kgkalas@gmail.com.


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Latest articles in eJuggle

Upcoming juggling festivals

Below is a list of some upcoming juggling festivals.  For a list of even more fests, check our worldwide juggling event listings.

To get a festival listed here for free, just drop a note to us at ijanews@juggle.org.  Hey, jugglers want to know about juggling fests.  Help them out and get more jugglers to your fest at the same time.

La 1er Rencontre des Jongleurs d’Afrique
    19 Sep – 29 Sep 2017
    Cotonou, Benin Benin (Bénin)

12. J-Fest Türkiye Jonglörlük Festivali (Turkish Juggling Fest)
    25 Sep – 1 Oct 2017
    Sundance Nature Village Phaselis Caddesi, Tekirova, Kemer, 07980 Antalya Turkey (Türkiye)

Portland Juggling Festival
    29 Sep – 1 Oct 2017
    Reed College Sports Center, Portland, OR USA

6th Annual Cleveland Circus Juggling Festival
    29 Sep – 1 Oct 2017
    11892 Carlton Rd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44106 USA

Freshers’ Juggling Convention 2017
    6 Oct – 8 Oct 2017
    Ucd Student Centre, Belfield, Dublin, Ireland

Philly Fest 2017 Juggling Festival
    6 Oct – 8 Oct 2017
    Collingdale Borough Hall, 800 MacDade Blvd, Collingdale, PA 19023-3826 USA

Juggling Convention in SPB (Russia)
    19 Oct – 23 Oct 2017
    Russia, Saint Petersburg, “Red Triangle” Russia (Россия)

St Louis Jugglefest 2017
    20 Oct – 22 Oct 2017
    Washington University in St. Louis, 1 Brookings Dr, St. Louis 63130 USA

Show: Limestone City Juggling Festival 2017
    4 Nov – 4 Nov 2017
    Queen’s Theological Hall, 85 Stuart Street, Kingston, ON, K7L 2V6, Canada

Richmond Juggling Convention 2017
    16 Dec – 17 Dec 2017
    Richmond Waldorf School, 1301 Robin Hood Road, Richmond, Virginia 23227 USA

40th Annual Groundhog Day Jugglers Festival
    2 Feb – 4 Feb 2018
    Yaarab Shrine Center Recreation Building, 400 Ponce de Leon Ave., Atlanta, GA 30308 USA

The 25th Israel Juggling Convention (IJC)
    1 Apr – 5 Apr 2018
    Gan HaShlosha National Park (Sahne), Israel Israel (ישראל)

71st Annual IJA Juggling Festival
    16 Jul – 22 Jul 2018
    Springfield, MA USA

41st European Juggling Convention 2018, Azores
    28 Jul – 5 Aug 2018
    Sao Miguel, Azores Portugal