IJA eNewsletter – October 2020


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   IJA eNewsletter   

October 2020

Editors: Don Lewis & Martin Frost


  • Now is the best time to join a juggling club 
  • What’s happening in your world?
  • U.S. members: Vote!
  • Latest articles in eJuggle (find a few that interest you and check them out!)
  • Upcoming juggling festivals



Now is the best time to join a juggling club   by Mike Moore, IJA Chair Mike Moore

The persistent problem of “not enough jugglers around” becomes moot when meetings are online!  My local club has been meeting online since April.  We’ve maintained a lot of the normal club activities: swapping tricks, being more social than juggly, and even the occasional game of Simon Says [1].  And when you’re online, why not invite some special guests?

Want to visit or join other clubs?  Want to start a club?  Seeking other people to come to your digital meets?  Email moore@juggle.org with your time zone and anything else relevant [2] and I’ll help connect you.  I’d also be happy to visit your club!

Or if you’re hosting an event that you think jugglers would benefit from hearing about, let us help you spread the word!  Tell us the following in email to presberg@juggle.org:

  • Date(s) of event.
  • Where will the event be held / how can people access it?
  • Are there any graphics promoting the event?
  • Any special guests or notable events happening that are selling points for people to show up?
  • Is there any cost associated with it?

Happy juggling!

Mike Moore

IJA Chair

[1] – For added difficulty, have Simon write the commands!

[2] – And/or join the juggling discord: https://discord.gg/p7CRswnPPz to find your fit.  And/or the juggling subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/juggling.



What’s happening in your world?   by Don Lewis

One of the nastier features of a pandemic is the relative ease of losing touch with people whom you only see occasionally, like perhaps at a juggling festival.  It is safest to stay in your ‘bubble’ of contacts and minimize physical contacts with others.  After months of living in a narrow world, it starts to seem normal.  It gets difficult to even think about reaching out beyond your immediate circumstances.  And yet, it is important to make the effort to remind ourselves that the larger world is still out there, and just as constrained as we are ourselves.

It can be therapeutic to challenge ourselves with learning new things, or perfecting old things.  You may go for days without picking up your props and juggling.  Set yourself a modest goal and add a new trick to your repertoire.  Take a few minutes a day to practice instead of watching endless videos.

What is working for you to keep juggling an important part of your routine?  Write it up and share with other IJA members right here in the eNewsletter.  Articles in the newsletter are short so you don’t have to write a huge text.  Help keep everyone’s spirits up as the northern hemisphere heads into winter. You can contact us at: ijanews@juggle.org.



U.S. members: Vote!   by Don Lewis

The entire world is watching the US elections this year.  For our American members, please remember to vote!  You may not think that your vote will make a difference, but if all the people who don’t vote actually did vote, it would be a major force.  Even if you don’t feel strongly one way or another, don’t be a victim by letting others decide your fate.

The IJA does not take a position, politically.  Vote for whomever you feel best represents your aspirations for your country.

And be safe!


Latest articles in eJuggle



Upcoming juggling festivals

Note: Virtually all juggling festivals planned for the coming months have been canceled or rescheduled because of the worldwide pandemic, though some will be held online.

To find a juggling fest near you or online, check the fest list at The Juggling Edge.  Eventually festivals will return.

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