IJA eNewsletter – June 2021


IJA Home Pagewww.juggle.org

   IJA eNewsletter   

  June 2021

Editors: Don Lewis & Martin Frost


  • Message from the Chair
  • Vote now in the online Board of Directors election
  • 2021 Virtual IJA Festival, July 12-18
  • Call for workshop moderators
  • 2021 IJA Annual General Meeting
  • IJA Collaboration Video (June Pride 2021)
  • T-Shirts for IJA Festival and for World Juggling Day
  • 2021 IJA World Joggling Championships: Block B open
  • New books from Reg Bacon
  • IJA Virtual Hangout Jam, July 3rd, 10am PDT
  • Latest articles in eJuggle (find a few that interest you and check them out!)
  • Upcoming juggling festivals


Message from the Chair  by Aslynne Howes

In Canada and the United States, June is Pride month.  It is a time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community.  In honor and celebration of this month, the IJA has created a video collaboration highlighting members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies.  We are planning to release more video collaborations in the future so stay tuned for your chance to get involved!

With the IJA Festival coming up in a few short weeks, we’d like to remind everyone that the IJA supports the Pride community and we strive to make our festival a safe space for all.  Please be respectful at all times so everyone can enjoy the events.  For more information about the festival check out our website!

If you have any ideas for projects you’d like to see the IJA involved in or feedback on our current projects and programs, I’d love to discuss them.  Shoot me an email at howes@juggle.org.

Aslynne Howes

IJA Chair



Vote now in the online Board of Directors election  by Don Lewis

The IJA election for members of the Board of Directors is taking place entirely online this year, and you can vote now.

The IJA Board of Directors is comprised of seven people who make policy and collectively decide on the direction of the IJA.  Each director is elected for a two-year term.  There are three director positions up for election this year, so IJA members can vote for up to three people in this election.

The nominees are listed below in the order nominated.  Please review their candidacy statements online at: www.juggle.org/business/candidates.

  • Niels Duinker
  • Benjamin Domask-Ruh
  • Kevin Mercer
  • Kent Mercer
  • Amy Wieliczka
  • Aslynne Howes

Who can vote?  All regular, life, youth, and family IJA members who will be at least 13 years of age as of July 18, 2021, can vote.

When can I vote?  You can vote online anytime between now and 30 minutes after the end of the online IJA annual meeting, which starts at 5pm EDT on Sunday, July 18, 2021.

How do I vote?  Use this link to sign in and vote.  It will ask you to enter your IJA password, and then it should take you to the voting page.  (If it doesn’t, after signing in, go to IJA 2021 election and cast your ballot there.)

Thanks for helping decide who will lead the IJA.  Online voting is easy and only takes a minute or two.


2021 Virtual IJA Festival, July 12-18  by Ross Berenson

The 2021 Virtual IJA Festival is right around the corner.  Get the edge of your seat ready for shows, panels, workshops and master classes!  We’re excited to announce master classes soon that will be taught by leading professionals in the industry.  Workshops will be listed soon as well.  Make sure you make time for all the exciting events happening between July 12–18.  Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for the latest news; and for the most up-to-date information, check out the festival site.

This year, we’re pushing the international front by organizing workshops from all corners of the world.  Let’s connect in a way we never have before.  We’ll also be offering master classes which will focus on various parts of being a performer.  They will be outstanding for performers of any discipline.  Classes will be taught by a variety of industry professionals.

With the festival being virtual, we have an increased opportunity to pack the shows with talent that we might not normally be able to see live and in-person.  Keep an eye on the website as there will be some exciting talent gracing our virtual stage.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in the comments, juggle jam, and viewing parties.  Till then, you can learn more by visiting the festival website.



Call for workshop moderators

As with most things related to the IJA, the Festival is run primarily by volunteers and we are looking for some assistance!  In order to ensure the best experience for everyone, we are looking for workshop moderators.  Based on the platform the workshop leader uses, tasks may include things such as:

  • letting people into the online “room”
  • muting people with disruptive background noise
  • ensuring a safe space for all participants

If you are interested in helping as a workshop moderator, click here to volunteer.



2021 IJA Annual General Meeting  by Afton Benson, IJA Treasurer

Each year the IJA has our Annual General Meeting at our Festival.  This year once again, we’re taking the meeting online.  As a member, you are invited to attend the IJA Annual General Meeting at 5pm EDT on Sunday, July 18th, 2021.  We’re hosting the meeting through GoToWebinar.  To attend, you must register in advance by following the steps below:

  1. Click here to Register
  2. Enter the First and Last Name that your membership is registered under
  3. Enter the Email Address associated with your membership
  4. Check the box to confirm your membership
  5. Click Register

You’re all set!  Within a day or so or registering, you’ll get an email with the link to the webinar along with access information.  We will be checking to ensure attendees have valid IJA memberships, so make sure to provide your above IJA information on the registration page.  To ensure you are able to attend, please register by 8pm EDT on July 17th, 2021.

If you have any questions regarding your IJA membership, please email ijamemberships@juggle.org.

If you have trouble accessing GoToWebinar, please contact them.

We look forward to seeing you all at the Online Festival and at the Annual General Meeting.


IJA Collaboration Video (June Pride 2021)  by Chris Garcia

This is the first in a series of IJA Collaboration Videos, this time in celebration of June Pride Month.  Jugglers from around the world sent in clips in support and celebration of Pride.

Here’s the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVyu5qzTJrA

Thanks to all who submitted.  Want to be part of the next collab video?  Follow us on our social media accounts and stay tuned for when we do a next call for requests!


T-shirts for IJA Festival and for World Juggling Day

There are three different 2021 IJA Festival T-shirt designs, and all three should be available to order online by Saturday, July 3, in a number of different styles from our Teespring store.

If you don’t find the fest shirts there, look again in a day or two. While you’re there, you’ll also find our latest World Juggling Day shirts and an IJA logo T-shirt and hoodie.



2021 IJA World Joggling Championships:  Block B open  by Sterling Franklin

This year’s IJA World Joggling Championships has been split into two different blocks.  Block A is now complete, and Block B is open until 11:59pm GMT on July 15th.  Whether or not you entered Block A, we’d love to see you joggling with us in Block B.  Jogglers who aren’t IJA members are welcome to participate, though IJA membership is definitely encouraged for all!  Spread the word, and we hope to see you joggling with us!

IJA World Joggling Championships, Block B (June 1 – July 15 @ 11:59pm GMT)

Official Events: 3-ball 200m, 3-ball 800m, 3-ball 3200m, 5-ball 100m, and 7-ball 100m (Note: Any prop with the correct quantity for the event can be used — clubs, rings, footballs, etc.)

Extra Events: Events not on the official event list can be submitted for time/distance verification.  One Extra Event comes free with a Competitive Category registration, and any Extra Events beyond that can be purchased from the IJA store for $3 each.  Any Extra Event with three competitors in the same division and a distance that is regularly run in Indoor/Outdoor/XC (preferably 10K or shorter) will also be eligible for medals.

Two Categories: Fun Run (free) and Competitive (small fee)

  • Fun Run: Free (optional donation to IJA).  This is for informal joggling runs.  Any distance can be run, and Certificates of Completion will be sent via email for those who confirm legitimate completion of the distance.  Video submission is optional in this category but is suggested if you want to be part of a montage of the jogglers this year.  No time validation or record consideration will be done in the Fun Run category.  If you have a really innovative pattern to try out or just want to run for fun and try something new without any pressure, this is a great category!  Please register for the free Fun Run, especially if you think you’ll submit a Fun Run video.
  • Competitive: BLOCK B: $15.  Jogglers in this category are eligible for medals in the official events and official IJA recognition in cases of World/IJA Records or Top 10 All-Time performances.  Registration and full video submission are REQUIRED in the Competitive category.  The video must show the clear continuation of a juggling pattern while running (whether with a wearable camera and mount or with another person filming the run clearly and reliably — please keep responsible with COVID restrictions where applicable).  The video needs to show both the run and the final time at the end, and preferably should identify the joggler and the date of the attempt as well.  If done on road, measurement verification must be done (by Measuring Wheel on video or by confirmation by USATF/WMA official), and road runs must not be done on a net-negative vertical gain (i.e., road runs need to be done on a flat [net-zero] or uphill [net-positive] route).  Tracks of 400m are usually best and simplest for these competitive runs.  In the case of drops, the joggler must be shown on video retreating to the point of drop before continuing the juggling pattern from that spot — no forward progress should be made in the case of the joggler losing control of the pattern or dropping, and props can’t be launched meters away in order to gain distance.  Patterns should aim to be one throw per step or as close as possible.  For recording questions and rules in specific circumstances, feel free to contact Sterling Franklin or Emily Moore at joggling2021@juggle.org.

Divisions (same as prior years)

  • Boys 12-and-Under
  • Girls 12-and-Under
  • Boys 13-17
  • Girls 13-17
  • Men’s Open (18-39)
  • Women’s Open (18-39)
  • Men’s Masters (40+)
  • Women’s Masters (40+)

Note: Age determination for divisions will be as of the block deadline (July 15 for Block B and Extra Events).

Entering the joggling competition

Register on the IJA website by purchasing the appropriate joggling entry fee (free for Fun Run).  Then fill out the participant waiver below.  After completing your joggling, fill out the submission form below if you’re in the Competitive category or to submit a video in the Fun Run.

Participant waiver (Fill out once this year — not necessary if you’ve already filled one out and competed in Block A.)

Block B Submission Form (Includes detailed rules and a field for you to paste a link to your joggling video on YouTube/Dropbox/Google Drive/etc.)

Videos can also be sent to joggling2021@juggle.org for official events (or optional extra events) in their respective blocks and date ranges, but preferably, use our Submission Form so we can process entries more efficiently at the end of Block B.  Rules for video submissions are mentioned above in the description of the Competitive category.


Medals (3D printed!): Competitive category only.  Top 3 verified finishers in each division will be awarded medals per official event (made on a resin 3D printer this year — we’re hoping these will be really neat and unique!).

Certificates of Completion: Fun Run category competitors who have sent in completions (stated/preferably documented or filmed) but don’t want time validation.


New books from Reg Bacon  by Don Lewis

Reg Bacon has clearly been busy.  He has published two new books that will be of interest to jugglers.

The Juggler’s Trilogy of Timeless Techniques is a compilation of three vintage books which were originally published in the early 20th century.  The text has been cleaned up and the illustrations enhanced which produce very readable versions of books which have long been out of print.  Reg provides a comprehensive introduction to each book, and has added notes within the text to add to the context.  This book contains:

The Art of Modern Juggling by Anglo
Juggling Secrets by Will Goldston et al.
Juggling by Rupert Ingalese

The Juggler’s Anthology of Venerable Veracities is a compendium of twenty four articles and books on juggling from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  The commentaries that accompany the articles provide context and interesting sidelights.

It is fascinating to read these old texts, and Reg helps us understand how these jugglers  fit into the world of juggling as it existed then.  The commentaries are extensive, and backed up by comprehensive references for those who might want to delve deeper.

The books are available at Variety Arts Press (with a discount if you order both), and at Amazon.

















IJA Virtual Hangout Jam, July 3rd, 10am PDT  by Chris Garcia

The IJA is hosting another Virtual Hangout Jam, and you’re invited, whether you’re an IJA member or not!  So grab your props, clear out some space in your living room, and hang out with your fellow jugglers virtually!  Meetings are via Zoom and are accessible via mobile or computer.

This month we are hosting the meeting on the First Saturday, July 3rd at 10am PDT.  We will also be holding Hangouts throughout the week of the IJA Virtual Festival.

We’d love feedback from the community on the best time for you for future events.  Let us know by filling out this survey form.

Find latest Hangout info

You can find the latest up-to-date info for the Virtual Hangout Jam on the Facebook Event Page.

Hangout rules

As this meeting is accessible to both youth and adults, please use appropriate language, clothing, behavior, etc.  This is a safe space.  Anyone espousing hate or bigotry will be removed.  Please turn off your microphone when not speaking, to avoid excess ambient noise.

How to join

Download and install Zoom on your phone or computer.  Use the Zoom link below to register.  This can be done at any time before you join.  After you’ve registered, you’ll be given a link to join the meeting.  Click it and an admin should admit you into the hangout from the waiting room.

Next Hangout

Saturday, July 3rd, 2021, at 10am PDT / 6pm UK Time

Register for Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYuf-ugqDkpG9eyhS1vAgFH0OHhQEOhy96w


Latest articles in eJuggle



Upcoming juggling festivals

Note: Virtually all juggling festivals planned for the coming months have been canceled or rescheduled because of the worldwide pandemic, though some will be held online.

To find a juggling fest near you or online, check the fest list at The Juggling Edge.  Eventually festivals will return.


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