IJA eNewsletter April 2022

IJA Home Pagewww.juggle.org    IJA eNewsletter      April 2022

Editors: Don Lewis & Martin Frost(ijanews@juggle.org)



  • 2022 IJA Festival, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, July 11-17
  • 2023 IJA Festival Director – Call for letters of interest for the 76th annual fest
  • IJA Board nominations open until May 15
  • Change of Personnel, Youth Juggling Academy
  • 2022 IJA World Joggling Championships (virtual)
  • A note to readers
  • Change to IJA website login
  • Latest articles in eJuggle (find a few that interest you and check them out)


2022 IJA Festival, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, July 11-17  by Festival Director Afton Benson

Hello everyone!75th IJA Annual Juggling Festival

The festival team has been working hard to make this one of the best festivals in the IJA’s history — the one thing that is needed to make it the greatest is you!  One month left until the end of pre-registration for the 75th Annual IJA Festival!  If you’ve been waiting to decide on attending, now is the best opportunity and price for the festival.

We’ve been announcing performers on Facebook and Instagram, and they will be providing workshops as well.  Do you have a workshop you’ve been waiting to share with everyone?  Fantastic!  Contact Workshop Coordinator Emily at workshops2022@juggle.org.

Don’t forget to register to compete in the IJA Juggling Championships by May 15 and for Joggling (submission deadline of May 15 or July 15, depending on the event).

Newly confirmed events!

  • Fight Night
  • Battle Night
  • XJuggling

You’ll be able to sign up to participate in these events at the festival. Come show off your best skills at all of these amazing events!

More to come, check out festival.juggle.org for schedules and registration!

See you in Cedar Rapids!Afton

South Bend skyline2023 IJA Festival Director – Call for letters of interest for the 76th annual fest

The 2023 IJA festival will be held July 17-23, in South Bend, Indiana (USA).  The IJA would like to hear from individuals who are interested in taking on the role of Festival Director for the South Bend fest.

The Festival Director works with the venue and the IJA staff and volunteers to create a fabulous week of juggling.  Volunteers help with most aspects of running the festival.  Previous festival directors are available to mentor you through the process.  Some aspects of the festival repeat consistently from year to year, such as the competitions and shows.  There is always room to try new things and put your personal stamp on the experience.

If you are interested in the position or just want to learn more about the job, please contact IJA Operations Officer Scott Steiskal by May 15th.

IJA Board nominations open till May 15  by Martin Frost

Want to help make the IJA better?  Consider running for the Board.  The IJA needs interested members to help lead it into the future.  Nominate someone you think would be a good director … maybe yourself.

Information about the nomination process is available at www.juggle.org/business/nominations.

The nomination deadline is 11:59pm PDT on May 15, 2022.

Change of Personnel, Youth Juggling Academy  by Aslynne Howes

As of a few months ago, Galen Harp chose to step down as YJA Director.  He has been instrumental in the initial planning of several major projects and has been amazing in leading the YJA program.  We thank him for his service and wish him all the best in his future endeavors.

On that note, we are thrilled to announce that our newest IJA board member, Benjamin Domask-Ruh was appointed to the role of Youth Juggling Academy Director.  Benjamin has a contagious enthusiasm, which we are sure he will bring to the position, much as he has brought to his work on the Festival team and to his work with the IJA Board of Directors.

We thank all those who applied to the position.

2022 IJA World Joggling Championships (virtual)  by Sterling Franklin

joggling trackFor all jugglers taking their talents to the Track (or even a measured stretch of flat road), the 2022 World Joggling Championships has a deadline coming up on May 15 for the events listed below (other events have a July 15 deadline).

IJA World Joggling Championships, Block A (submission deadline: 11:59pm GMT, May 15)

  • 3-ball 100m
  • 3-ball 400m
  • 3-ball 1600m
  • 4-ball 400m
  • 5-ball 100m

You may run any of the above official events, and please refer to the March 2022 IJA eNewsletter for a detailed explanation of Extra Events, video submission rules, and more.

Registration, Participation Waiver, and Block A Event Submission Form links are all on the following IJA Festival page: festival.juggle.org/competitions/ija-world-joggling-championships/.

We hope to see some amazing submissions again from you all this year, and thanks to all who have already entered and submitted videos/times!  Results for Block A will be reviewed and finalized after the May 15 submission deadline.  For any specific questions, feel free to email Sterling at joggling2022@juggle.org.

A note to readers  by Aslynne Howes, IJA Chair, and Don Lewis, eNewsletter editor

Last month, we released an article that was intended to discuss the art of teaching juggling to people who are intrigued by watching a juggler, but who don’t believe they are capable of juggling for themselves.  The author was intrigued by a researcher who encountered the same phenomenon while studying homeopathy.  It was not our intention to promote anything other than open-mindedness and a willingness to learn new skills.

We apologize for the unintended promotion of medical practices that are not grounded firmly in a scientific basis.  The IJA is a volunteer-run organization that supports the arts and strives to base all its decisions and policies in science and facts.  The IJA does not endorse the use of medical practices that are not based in science.

We will continue striving to produce quality content to enrich the lives of our members and to ensure appropriate oversight in all areas of our organization.

If you are interested in helping us meet our goals or if you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact howes@juggle.org.

login windowChange to IJA website login  by Martin Frost

In case you missed it, last month we announced a new improved and secure login process for the IJA website.

To login from any www.juggle.org page, click “SIGN IN” at the very top to get to the new login page (see at left).  Enter your username and password and click “Sign In”.

basic_profile consent windowYou’ll next see a Welcome screen that asks you to allow www.juggle.org to access your “basic_profile” in order to finish logging you in (see at right).  Click “Submit” to gain member access (including to eJuggle videos, the Vendor Discount Program, and festival registration).  That will leave you logged in on the IJA home page.  (That “Submit” lets www.juggle.org access your account that’s on our membership site ym.juggle.org.)

(Don’t know your password?  After clicking “SIGN IN”, click “Forgot your password?” and follow the instructions on the resulting Reset Your Password page.)

If you happen to be on ym.juggle.org when you click “SIGN IN”, you’ll see the unchanged YM Member Login page.  Logging in there will leave you on your Manage Profile page as before.  You can get from there to www.juggle.org by clicking on the IJA logo.

The above login process logs you in to both www.juggle.org and ym.juggle.org.  If you want to log out (e.g., to let another IJA member log in), you’ll need to log out of both sites separately.  You can do that by clicking “SIGN OUT” from www.juggle.org as well as from ym.juggle.org.


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