IJA eNewsletter – December & November 2022

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   IJA eNewsletter
 December & November 2022

Editors: Don Lewis & Martin Frost

Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year!


  • 2023 IJA Festival, July 17-23, South Bend, Indiana
  • Help us continue our worldwide juggling programs
  • IJA Board meetings
  • Latest articles in eJuggle



IJA 2023 Festival South Bend

2023 IJA Festival, July 17-23 — South Bend, Indiana
Save the dates!



Help us continue our worldwide juggling programs  by Afton Benson, IJA TreasurerIJA logoDonate online

As we say goodbye to 2022, we reflect on a year filled with returns, connections, and community for the IJA!

We hosted the 75th Annual International Jugglers’ Association (IJA) Festival in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  There, through the generosity of Unna Med, Professor Arthur Lewbel, Mike and Marilyn Sullivan and other jugglers, we offered scholarships to jugglers from around the world who would otherwise have been unable to attend!

The IJA Regional Competitions (IRC) got rolling again, at circus festivals in Mexico and South America.

Throughout the year IJA members like YOU are the reason the IJA can deliver its mission.

In 2022, our community:

  • taught 150+ people in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to juggle, providing each with a juggling kit to continue on their juggling journey
  • collaborated with over 30 jugglers for IJA Tricks of the Month videos
  • offered 24 scholarships to attend the IJA annual festival
  • collected and shipped dozens of props to jugglers in Burkina Faso

When YOU support the IJA, YOU help build and grow the juggling community.  YOU provide new opportunities.  YOU share tricks.  YOU build lifelong friendships with jugglers around the world!

YOU can help the IJA continue to grow the juggling community by making a year-end donation or by becoming an IJA Life Member.

Donations support key operations of the IJA, including the website, membership platforms, insurance, and eJuggle, as well as IJA programs: IRCs, IJA Juggling Competitions, Youth Juggling Academy (YJA), World Juggling Day, and more.

A $20 donation enables the IJA to provide 10 YJA buttons, at no cost, to help elementary and middle school youth track their juggling progress.  A $100 donation ensures the IJA has eJuggle articles in Spanish, which ensures accessible content for more jugglers, for free, around the world.

No matter the amount, your donation helps grow the juggling community.  Want to donate directly to an IJA program?  You can earmark a donation for any amount on our donation page.

We’re looking forward to 2023!  More IRCs, the 76th Annual IJA Festival in South Bend, Indiana, and more!  Thank YOU for being an IJA member and for supporting the growth of the juggling community through your generous giving of time, treasure, and talents.

All the best,
Afton Benson
Treasurer, International Jugglers’ Association

The IJA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  All donations are tax deductible in the United States on federal income tax returns to the extent allowed by law.



IJA Board meetings  by Aslynne Howes, IJA Board ChairIJA Board meetings

IJA Board meetings are open to all IJA members and are hosted on Zoom.  To attend a Board meeting, please email ija.chair@juggle.org and state which meeting you’re interested in.

Vision meeting (future ideas and plans): Sunday, January 8, 2023, at 6:30pm ET.
Business meeting (for official business): Sunday, January 15, 2023, at 6:30pm ET.



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