Fake Sports FULL VIDEO by Tony Pezzo plus Bonus!

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Fake Sports is a juggling video by Tony Pezzo, that was filmed in Stockholm in the beginning of 2016. It features material Tony has been developing over the past 2 years. It includes some of his best new rings patterns, a new prop: nets and balls, and over 50 new color changing ring tricks.

Bonus Video: In October of 2015 Tony was invited as a special guest to the Japanese Juggling Festival in Koriyama. He presented a 40 minute performance with balls, clubs, rings, devil sticks, and nets. This video highlights Tony’s favorite moments from that performance.

Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX_S6qo8rDs to see the trailer.

Or read a review: https://ezine.juggle.org/2016/04/07/fake-sports-by-tony-pezzo-review-interview/


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Tony is 20 years old, and has been juggling and performing for over 12 years. He currently studies in the University of Dance and Circus in Stockholm, with Emil Dahl, and performs with Wes Peden and Patrik Elmnert.