My name is Simón Huenuñir Parada, from Valparaiso, Chile. The first time I played devilstick was about 8 years ago. In this video I tried to summarize what I have been working on in recent years and at the same time closing a process with my juggling. In the first and second part, tricks come from the mixture between the influence of some exponents added to my personal work. Finally, in the third and last part, I wanted to advance in very general terms the concepts that are pending for an upcoming video.
I want to especially thank the technical part that made this clip possible, Jennifer Pezoa for recording, giving her support and patience, and Ignacio Valdambrini who voluntarily worked on the editing, achieving a product that leaves me very satisfied. Many people have been part of my journey as a juggler and here I will mention those who have most influenced, contributed and been part of it.
To my family, especially my mother, who I hope will always see me grow – Carlos Cobos, Jorge Rojas and Joaquín Yáñez for so many years of juggling – To Daniel Erazo and Matías Alarcón, great jugglers and friends who attracted the port of Valparaiso – To Pachanoi Pacha for being a contribution in the construction of a new approach to my juggling – And to all the jugglers who don’t stop to death.