IJA Tricks of The Month May 2016 México by: Fernanda Sumano

Nací en la Ciudad de México, en 2008 inicie como autodidacta jugando Hula Hula
En el 2011 gane el Primer Lugar de la Competencia Regional de Malabarismo de la IJA en México.
Actualmente actuo y doy clases en disversos festivales y lugares de circo en México.
En 2016 Hooping.org me otorga el Premio “Hoopie Award” como “Mejor Hula Hooper del Año – Mexico Central America”

Este video lo grabamos en la ciudad de Guadalajara, lugar donde actualmente vivo.
Agradecimientos especiales:
Foro Periplo
La bodega Fuoco Di Strada
La MArche Producciones

I was born in Mexico City. In 2008 I started as a self-taught hula hooper and in 2011 I won First Prize in the IJA Regional Competition in Mexico. Currently I perform and give classes at various festivals and circus venues in Mexico. In 2016, Hooping.org gave me the “Hoopie Award” Prize as “Best Hula Hooper of the Year – Mexico Central America.” This video was recorded in the city of Guadalajara, where I currently live.
Special thanks:
Forum Periplo
Strada Di Fuoco winery
The Marché Productions

The IJA actively searches out the best juggling talent around the world to make awesome videos for your viewing pleasure. Get ready to be inspired. IJA Tricks of the Month are organized by Jorge Vilchis, Erin Stephens and Lucas Adverse.

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