Innovative Mouth Stick Tricks – Part 3


Juggling tricks with mouth sticks are certainly having a Renaissance. Mouth stick work by jugglers has its origins with Japanese Daikagura and European pipe balancing tricks. You can click here to learn more about Daikagura and here to learn more about pipe balancing.

Jacques Sandre balancing one pipe on another (1760)

Below is video of Houraiya Koiki’s amazing work with a tea pot and mouth stick.

Let’s take a look at a third collection of innovative mouth stick videos.

We start with four more videos from Australian juggler Luke Forester, showing his very innovative tricks with a mouth stick.

British juggler Steve Rawlings does a wide variety of mouth stick tricks, as you can see in the following videos.

Thom Wall has made a mouth stick using a Pindaloo for a unique creation. You can see it at the 36 second mark of the following video.

Chris Jost shows off some very creative tricks with his hand-shaped mouth sticks in his video More Hands Than Objects.

Bruce Manners performs some entertaining mouth stick work with a ball, volunteer, and some red solo cups in the next video.

Michael Chirrick can be seen doing a number of great mouth sticks tricks in the following videos.

Carey Pickford bounces bubbles on a bubble mouth stick in the following video. This is truly innovative.

As you have hopefully seen, there are endless possibilities for being creative with mouth stick work. I look forward to seeing what future jugglers create using mouth sticks.


Juggling tricks with mouth sticks are certainly having a Renaissance. Mouth stick work by jugglers has its origins with Japanese Daikagura and European pipe balancing tricks. You can click here to learn more about Daikagura and here to learn more about pipe balancing.





ニュージーランドのジャグラー、パトリック・アダリー(Patrick Adderly)による、マウススティックを使った革新的なトリックの動画を 4 つ。

イギリスのジャグラー、スティーブ・ローリングス(Steve Rawlings)は、以下の動画のように、多種多様なマウススティックのトリックを披露している。

トム・ウォール(Thom Wall)は、ピンダルーという道具(U字のパイプ状のもの)を用い、ユニークな創作をしている。下記ビデオの 36 秒あたりから見られる。

クリス・ジョスト(Chris Jost)は、ビデオ「More Hands Than Objects」において、手の形をしたマウススティックで非常にクリエイティブなトリックを披露している。

ブルース・マナーズ(Bruce Manners)は、ボール、マウススティック、観客、カップを使って、面白い演技を披露している。


次に、マイケル・チルリック(Michael Chirrick)によるマウススティックのトリック。

キャリー・ピックフォード(Carey Pickford)は、以下の動画で、広いシャボン面のついたマウススティックでシャボン玉を弾いている。とても革新的。



和訳: 青木 直哉(AOKI Naoya)

David Cain is a professional juggler, juggling historian, and the owner of the world's only juggling museum, the Museum of Juggling History. He is a Guinness world record holder and 16 time IJA gold medalist. In addition to his juggling pursuits, David is a successful composer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and singer as well as the author of twenty-six books. He and his children live in Middletown, OH (USA).

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