Juggler’s Scoop is a bi-weekly collection of the latest juggling videos and news bits from around the web. Here’s the latest scoop!
– The Shoebox Tour has announced that they will doing a 2012 American Tour. Here is an excerpt of what audiences can expect to see.
– Ameron Rosvall goes out and juggles in the snow in Lapptussar 2.
– David Ferman combines juggling with shuffling in his party rockin’ new video.
– Reuben Harry unloads some innovative three ball patterns in Juggling Blue Train.
– Kevin Axtell does some three ball moves outside in Autumn 3 Ball Muse, manipulates some flow clubs, and creates the FanTechStick.
– The results of the Top 40 Jugglers of 2011 are in. Just don’t blink!
– The Japanese Jugglers Top 11 results are also in.
– Mura continues his exploration of mind-bending three ball moves in Patterns 5 and Patterns 6.
– In the fifth video of the series, Juggledave does some Bedroom Juggling.
– In preparation for their upcoming site redesign, Jugglingstore.com has posted some footage from a recent outdoor photo shoot.
– Casey Rentmeester has posted a series of vlogs featuring coverage of the Seattle/WJF 7.5 Juggling Festival to his YouTube channel.
– A new juggling community featuring forums and event/club listings has found its way online. Check out The Juggling Edge.
– You may not be able to read Kotaro’s Poker Face, but you can at least marvel at his speedy three ball juggling in this beautifully edited video.
– Tom Derrick demonstrates some box and shuffle variations that he has been working on.