Mark Williams Profile

Shawn From Everyday Juggler takes a little bit of time to help us get to know Mark Williams, one half of the Blingling Bros. From Aukland New Zealand, Mark has been juggling for 20+ years. He started off in a hobby shop, moved onto fire spinning in the dance scene and finally landed with Paul in the Blingling Bros. Learn about his collaboration with Josh Horton, how he set his 9 ball basketball record and what it might mean that “juggling is the language of circus.”

Watch Blingling Bro’s IJA Tricks of the Month video (April, 2016).

In addition to TotM Profile videos, be sure to check out my Weekly Juggling Highlight Reels and Juggler Interviews at my Youtube channel Now a little about me...My mother wanted to make sure I was “cultured.” I grew up going to music and drama performances, playing instruments, singing in choirs and playing sports. I have been juggling since 1999. I received my B.A. in Intercultural Studies in 2009 and obtained my Masters of Theological Studies in 2013. I like to pass the time by juggling, spending time with people and partnering to make the world a better place. You can find me here and on Twitter, Instagram, Reddit and Periscope @shawnlives

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