Regular Board Meeting January 18, 2012
Tentative minutes – Not Approved
1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kim Laird called the meeting to order at 8:36 p.m. EST.
2. ROLL:
Present: Kim Laird (Chair), Kevin Axtell, Matt Hall, Richard Kennison, Dave Pawson, Thom Wall, Erin Stephens, John Nikkel, Mike Sullivan (Future fest director, 2011 fest director), Martin Frost (communications director), Sandy Brown, Marilyn Sullivan.
3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Kevin A. moved to approve the agenda for January 18, 2012. Second by Dave Pawson. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Kevin A. moved to table the minutes from December 14, 2011. Second by Thom Wall. Motion passed by unanimous consent.
2012 Fest (Matt Hall)
Matt has been focusing on the 2012 festival schedule:
Mon: Benefit Show
Tues: Joggling
Wed: AGM, Juniors Championships Youth Showcase, Numbers
Thur: X juggling, Individuals and Team Championships
Fri. Cascade Stars, Games Part 1
Sat: Games Part II
Cost: Price structure: costs would remain the same as last year. Discussion followed regarding performers and the COS fees, filling hotel rooms, and breaking even. With 350-375 attendees, the festival will break even.
February 15 is the target date for going live with registration. Flight ticket for Pavel will be purchased in a few weeks.
Discussion centered around the proposed 2012 Proposed Festival Budget which will have a loss of close to $30,000, and how to recover the $10,000 food cost.
Matt will be out of the country starting next week and will be back Feb 7th.
Future Festivals (Mike Sullivan)
July 23-31 2013 Bowling Green State University
2014: west coast has few possibilities; too pricey.
Mike going to Knoxville next week.
2015: offer from Rochester to return: may have a Mayo Civic Center expansion by then.
Financial (John Nikkel & Holly Greeley)
There is an error in the e-Zine; Operating budget tabled until next meeting.
Website Team (David Landowne, Martin Frost, Mike Sullivan, Erin Stevens)
There is concern expressed that more communication is needed amongst Board Members. Joyce Howard’s input needed. Team needs assessment for website construction. IJA wants member feedback.
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)…
# members 1234
# total members 1465
# families 172
# youths 63
# lifetime 280
1231 magazine labels made for the final issue of Juggle.
Education (Kevin Axtell/Erin Stephens)
Nothing new.
Marketing/Promotions (Thom Wall)
Met with Reg Bacon. Video tutorial contest coming. Rules changed; panel complete: Team Rootberry, Robin Chestnut, Steve Hogan, Santiago, Steve Ragatz, Juggling TV, Little Paul.
Thom arranging prizes for tutorial, start date: March 1 run the month of March. Judging in April. Sending prizes is expensive: Wants to have a fundraiser to pay for costs by selling IJA stickers.
A. Motion to approve Sandy Brown as the board recording secretary.
Passed by unanimous consent.
B. Motion to approve shifting the forum activity from the Phorum forum to a WordPress forum run in conjunction with the eZine. Specifically all the wide open forums and the Open Discussion members only forum would no longer accept new posts and two new eZine forums would be started, one wide open and the other for members only. The Boardplus forum and the News forum would remain as they are.
Motion: Thom
Second: Dave
Discussion: Those involved will give it a try.
Passed by unanimous consent
C. Motion to approve 2012 operating budget (first draft). (attached in boardplus email)
Motion: Table the approval of 2012 Operating Budget until next month
Second: Richard K.
Passed by unanimous consent.
D. Motion to approve proposed 2012 Festival Budget. (attached in boardplus email)
Motion revised: to table approval of 2012 Festival Budget:
Motion: Thom Wall
Second: Richard K.
Discussion: that the festival budget should as least reflect a break-even festival.
Motion passed by unanimous consent.
Motion to approve fundraiser to offset shipping costs for video tutorial contest. Done by selling premium. Board funding not to exceed $125.00.
Motion: Richard K.
Second: Keven
Motion passed by unanimous consent
7. NEXT MEETING: Next regular BOD meeting will be held February 15, 2012 at 8:30 pm eastern time.
8. ADJOURNMENT: Dave moved to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 10:42 pm eastern time.
Previous minutes: December 14, 2011 |List of available minutes |Next minutes: