When: Wednesday, August 1st, 5:30pm pacific time
Dial-In: 1(800)977-8002
International Dial-In/Atlanta area direct dial: 1(404)920-6650
Participant Conference Code: 189209
1. Call to Order: Chair Dave Pawson called the meeting to order at _5:32_ p.m. EST.
2. Roll:
Dave Pawson (chair), Kim Laird, Thom Wall, Erin Stephens, Scott Krause, Nathan Wakefield, Lloyd Timberlake, Martin Frost (communications director) (absent), Sandy Brown (recording secretary) (absent)
3. Approval of Agenda: __Thom Wall___ moved to approve the agenda for August 1st, 2012. Seconded by _Scott Krause___.
Vote: Unanimous approval
4. Planning discussion
Our goal is to keep the meeting as close to an hour in length as possible. Please be familiar with the materials below, and come ready to ask questions and discuss.
A. Review the list of existing roles:
Chair of the Board – Dave, Kim
Member of the Board –
Secretary –
Membership Director – Kim
Treasurer – Scott (Kim to provide Scott with description)
Webmaster – Thom (has description)
Bookkeeper – Scott (Kim to provide Scott with Holly’s contract)
Chief Teller – Kim
Store Manager – Erin
Store Distributor – Thom (has description)
eNewsletter Editor – Lloyd
Affiliates Director – Lloyd
Marketing Director – Thom (with help from Erin)
Communications Director – Erin
DVD/Magazine Distributor – Is actually the Store Distributor
Archives Director – Kim
Assistant Archives Director – Not active for years
European Representative – Erin
eJuggle Editor – Dave
Canadian Representative – Erin
Mentor Program Liaison – Erin
Video Coordinator – Kim
Festival Director – Kim
Future Festival Site Coordinator – Kim
Which of these are no longer necessary? Who can we tag to more specifically define each of them?
B. Defining the role of a board member
Who would like to write this up? Discussion of what it really means. In particular, Erin has asked the following very important questions:
– What time commitment is expected of a board member?
Specifying a time isn’t as useful as noting that it is a working board, and setting expectations that members will be running one or more projects at any given time, which will have differing time commitments, and may lead to seasonal spikes in activity.
– What communications expectations are required of a board member?
Written report per board meeting on all active projects
Participate in message board discussion. Daily if at all possible.
Try to respond to board member calls or e-mails within 48 hours
Notes published – can we get them to the eZine?
– Attendance of board meetings is expected
– With Kim’s help, I’ll help define the chair position on top of the board member definition
C. Discussing new positions which seem useful
This might include such things as:
– Volunteer coordinator – Dave (will talk to Thom)
– International Liaison – Erin
– Website/eJuggle Board Liaison – Dave
– Fundraising Chair – Lloyd
– Education coordinator – Erin
D. Review the current list of known projects
This list can be seen here:
All board members should be at least have passing familiarity with what we’re doing, and anyone tagged as the owner of a project should confirm their ownership.
E. Prioritize projects that currently have no owner
While doing so, figure out if our new board members see projects they’d like to adopt
Dave to talk to Scott about membership drive
Dave to talk to Nathan about eJuggle stuff
F. Define responsibilities of a project owner
In particular, reporting/written/documentation responsibilities to keep the board appraised and help other individuals who might later work on such a project.
Motion: Scott moved, Erin seconded
Voting: Motion is passed unanimously
Nathan will review old motions to see if any should have expired
5. Next Meeting: Our next meeting will be our regularly scheduled monthly board meeting on August 22nd, 2012 at 5:30pm pacific time.
6. Adjournment: _Thom____ moved to adjourn the meeting. Second by _____. Meeting adjourned at _6:34pm_ pacific time unanimously