- Call to Order
Chair, Nathan Wakefield, called the meeting to order at: 6:35 pm EDT
- Roll
Nathan Wakefield, Noel Yee, Jared Davis, Louie Skaradek, Afton Benson, Martin Frost
Absent: Kyle Johnson, Lucho Fernandez, Warren Hammond, Veronique Provencher, Mike and Marilyn Sullivan
- Approval of Agenda
Motion: Noel
Second by: Jared
Discussion: None
Vote: Approved Unanimously
- Approval of Minutes:
Motion: Louie
Second: Jared
Discussion: None
Vote: Approved Unanimously
- Reports (Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival and future festival discussion)
Financial Report (Afton Benson)
Discussion: Looks on board and awesome. Brought to attention – $1900 charge on card for hotel we are blocked in – no idea who has the credit card right now. Who charged this? Maybe Mike Sullivan? Doubtful. For a Hotel in Canada. Double check with Vero on this. Who has cards?
Contracts for Quebec? all but one venue is locked in. Firming it up soon.
2015 IJA Festival Report (Veronique Provencer)
Discussion: The Ecole de Cirque Quebec (The Circus School) contract has not been signed – waiting on a security matter to get that signed. Noel, Mike, Nathan and Veronique are working on getting that done. Minutes were taken for some offline meetings.
Officers are needed for the festival – Planting the Seed. – may not present this year because of finding a coordinator and venue issues. There is a possible workshop coordinator – Alex and ? – that is being worked on per email on the 20th.
Still need the Vendor Coordinator – highest priority at this point.
YJA Report (Ellen Winters)
Discussion: No report. Need to get a domain name and some possible donor functions.
Marketing (Kyle Johnson)
Discussion: No report. Where is the facebook push? We are mostly on target with our numbers of sign ups for the festival.
eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)
Discussion: Scott is headed to EJC and using a stipend to get more articles and info going.
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Discussion: Get to link from the drive page.
IRC (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: Erin and Thom Wahl are headed to IRCs
- Motions for Consideration
- Change the signatories on the IJA accounts held by the Bank of America from the signatories as of 4/1 to the following people: Nathan Wakefield, Board Chair; Afton Benson, Treasurer; Dennis Morrison, Bookkeeper. Any other existing signatories on the specified accounts will be removed at the time the signature cards are returned to the Bank of America.
Motion: Jared
Second: Louie
Discussion: None
Vote: Approved Unanimously
- Motion to confirm approval of Springfield, MA as the 2018 IJA Festival Site.
Motion: Jared
Second: Louie
Discussion: Vancouver for the future? Keep in contact with them.
Other – Possible future festivals proposed at the festival – so there can be feedback on them from members at the festival – have an open proposal period. Accept formal proposals at the festival. Have the director of the coming year be a “hype-man” for their coming festival at the current festival. Outreach for the coming years festival directors. Put out a call for proposals/directors at the same time. Juggling communities may want to bring the IJA to their town. The EJC does that now – IJA has done that in the past – but people are not volunteering to be the director. Reach out to Jim Maxwell for directing future festivals (2018?)
Vote: Approved Unanimously
- Motion to approve the First Quarter 2015 P&L and Balance Sheet.
P & L
Balance Sheet Motion: JaredSecond: Louie
Discussion: iiWii fund – 20 years after the donation it is available, 2010 was first year. Talk of possible investment of funds to use the earnings to fund future projects.
Vote: Approved Unanimously
- Varia:
- 2014 Festival DVD -current editor $2700, 2012 was $1000, $4K in the past, a little pricey. It is a substantial workload. Zan possible editor, Duncan too. Nathan to get ahold of Pablo – brief summary of time and footage. Start a dialog with editors. Establish a long term video editor relationship. Couple Month Time Frame for editing would be great.
- Set May Meeting
Next Vision Planning Meeting – May 5th at 6:30 ET.
Next Board Meeting – May 26th at 6:30pm ET.
- Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: Louie
Discuss: None
Voting: Approved Unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm ET.