Board Meeting – April 27, 2014

Business Board Meeting April 27, 2014
5:30pm Pacific Time
Call In Information:
Toll-Free Dial-In Number: 1.800.977.8002
Participant Conference Code: 189209#

Start the Recording

1. Call to Order

Chair, Erin Stephens, called the meeting to order at   5:37   PM  PST.

2. Roll

Present: Erin Stephens (chair), Lloyd Timberlake, Nathan Wakefield, Scott Krause, Jared Davis, Noel Yee, Mike Sullivan (future fest coordinator), Cody Fiereck (2014 festival director), Jim Maxwell.  Martin Frost joined at 5:39pm PT.

Absent: Kyle Johnson

3. Approval of Agenda
Motion:   Scott
Second by: Lloyd
Vote:  Passes Unanimously

4. Approval of Minutes:
March 23
Motion: Lloyd
Second: Scott
Vote: Passes Unanimously

4. Reports (Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for future festival discussion)

2014 IJA Festival (Cody Fiereck)
Discussion:  Try to include updated information in upcoming newsletter.

2015 Festival Report (Veronique Provencer)
Discussion:  Going well.

Future Festival Planning (Mike Sullivan)

Discussion on El Paso for 2016. Motion to vote below.
Discussion: There is some concern about the heat during that time of year, but may not be too bad. Jim feels that it might be difficult initially to get people excited about El Paso, but with proper promotion, could be effective in gaining interest. Mike says that it is fairly easy to cross the border from Mexico if you are a tourist, only needing a passport and not a visa, making it easier for people to attend. Scott asks to verify that room rebates are sound, Mike booked under the assumption of 500 nights at the hotel with rebates paid. Nathan mentioned concerns about having a concern about the Plaza reserved, Mike mentions prevision contract, or pursuing a different theater option. Noel is feeling better about this venue than he was previously. El Paso is one of the safest cities in America, so that would be a good selling point.

YJA Report (Ellen Winters)
Discussion: Scott asked about the marketing of the buttons, it has been mentioned on eJuggle, but are not trying to over promote at this point due to not having a lot of material to make them at the moment. Noel suggests Lapel Pin Super Store as a good resource of large quantities of future botton needs.

Marketing (Kyle Johnson)

IRC (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: Scott brings up the idea of having computers at festivals to make registration easy for those without home computers, but it is likely not feasible at this point.

WJD (Erin Stephens)

Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Membership Brainstorm
Discussion: Jim is working on an Affiliates report and provides his thoughts on the steps towards an effective Affiliates Program. Noel, Lloyd, and Jim want to set up a time for discussion. Scott talks about how he said up an Amazon Smile program for the IJA.

Financial Report (Scott Krause):

Website Report (Mike Sullivan)
Discussion: We are waiting to hear back from a donor.

5. Motions for Consideration

A.  Motion to approve contract with Turbo 418 for the 2015 IJA Festival.

Motion: Noel
Second: Lloyd
Vote: Motion passes unanimously.

B. Motion to approve the contract with Cégep Limoilou as the gym and camping space for the 2015 IJA festival.

Motion: Scott
Second:  Noel
Discussion: Scott would like clarification on payment terms. Some of the contract wording is unusual due, likely due to translation.
Vote: Motion passes unanimously.

C. Motion to approve the El Paso, Texas festival proposal for the 2016 IJA Festival.

Motion: Scott.
Second: Lloyd.
Discussion: Noel feels that whomever is makes the contract, should immediately begin working with marketing.
Vote: Motion passes unanimously.

D. Motion to approve offering a special IJA membership rate of 249 Mexican pesos/ adults and 179 Mexican pesos/youth at the Periplo International Circus Festival in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Motion: Lloyd
Second: Jared
Discussion: Scott inquires about how the currency translation comes out, and suggests hitting price points to make them more appealing in Mexican currency. Motion was amended to be in pesos.
Vote: Motion passes unanimously.

6. Varia:

A. Bookkeeper position discussion.  (Lloyd Timberlake) We are waiting on setting up an appointment to move forward.

B. Festival Promo. Get the word out! Promote the festival on social media, etc.

C. International IJA Board Members. We had someone from Hungary call about wanting to potentially be a board member. Only real concern would be able to make it to board meetings with the time difference.

7. Set May Meetings

Planning meeting: May 4th
Board meeting: May 18th

8. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: Noel
Voting: Motion passes unanimously.