Planning Board Meeting April 7, 2013
6:00pm Pacific Time
Call In Information:
Toll-Free Dial-In Number: 1.800.977.8002
Participant Conference Code: 189209#
1. Call to Order
Chair, Erin Stephens, called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm PST.
2. Discussions
- New Bookkeeper Update (Lloyd)
- Will talk to others to gauge continuing interest.
- Lloyd will find times to set up talks between candidates, Scott, and Erin.
- Three good candidates, in addition to another who wanted to determine interest.
- Can use Doodle Poll
- Really important to get this off Holly’s plate, based on her original wishes.
- Phone conversation with Holly.
- Payment situation.
- Transition availability.
- Questions to include:
- International experience.
- Target: Interviews complete by next meeting.
- Membership Brainstorm
- Discussion on membership, situation, and plans to address.
- Affiliates
- No time to dedicate this year. Our designated people have been unable to dedicate their time.
- Jim Maxwell – affiliates officer.
- To do – check back in with him. (Lloyd)
- Brochure promoting IJA membership.
- Plan @ upcoming festival.
- Straw man requests from affiliates .
- Give and take information between IJA and affiliates.
- Regional festival representation.
- Latin-American Jugglers
- IJA has lots of prestige there.
- Certification from the IJA for teaching, funding, etc.
- Association with IJA (Affiliates program)
- Effort through Noel to get members through Flow community.
- Flow tricks of the month.
- Poi, Staff
- Flow members coming to the IJA festival this year.
- Flow show in Chicago.
- Increasing cool factor
- Flow tricks of the month.
- Fire community
- 2 fire nights this year.
- FIRE is a fire performance troupe.
- Lots of overlap between Flow and
- Cyrille Humen (fire “god”) is a special guest at the festival.
- Hoopers, too .
- YJA program
- Button program about to be launched. Achievement awards.
- Fund raiser at the festival.
- IJA membership encouragement.
- Huge online community we’ve built.
- Facebook, Youtube.
- How to turn into membership?
- Change in model?
- Memberships are on the way out. Its going on the way out in general.
- Continuing the membership model or looking at other models.
- Advertising on eJuggle
- Cross-sell things on the store?
- Mike sullivan & Jared – we should get rid of the store completely, because we don’t have the people to do so.
- Monthly FB post. If you like this, help support the IJA and become a member.
- Exclusive stuff, as well as supporting the community.
- In spanish.
- Paypal is only way for people to join membership.
- Some countries do not allow paypal for membership .
- Schools & children’s outreach.
- Want to talk to Jim about plans for affiliates.
- YJA plans.
- IJA awareness – merchandise donation to festivals.
- Included fliers sent to each festival.
- Can check into current distributor to see if that’s a possibility.
- Members’ only content needs hype.
- Sometimes things aren’t advertised enough.
- Wes Peden’s hype was great. Every members-only content should be hyped similarly.
- Direct-mail campaign?
- To juggling clubs, universities with juggling clubs, offering discounts on memberships if people join.
- Join today and get a free gift.
- Buttons, stickers, Iron-ons?
- Festival Presence
- Online registration only can be problematic.
- Latin-american festivals can have issues.
- Amazon Smile Program
- Scott will look into setting up.
- Membership drive last year on World Juggling Day.
- 34 new members in one day.
- One membership drive/year and one donation drive/year.
- Donations could be in Nov/Dec.
- Need to have people to do these.
- Probably at next planning meeting for delegation.
- Realistic/do-able/timely.
- Send out list earlier so people can
- Update people on this.
- 2014 Festival Update
- Renegade, site, school didn’t know they needed to set up registration for housing & food, as stated in the contract.
- Plan to have an all-department meeting.
- They’ll give us an answer in 6 more days.
- Have performers approaching organizers to offer acts for show.
- Championship entries are may 15th.
- Promotional video is going to be released very soon.
- Suggestions to add some poi stuff, to help with Flow community.
- Cyrille promo tape.
- 2015 Festival Update
- Contracts to be approved at upcoming meeting.
- Promotional plan created, to begin at this year’s festival.
- Online landing page.
- Stickers to hand out.
- Grant of $10,000 to make 6 videos, one of them an IJA 2015 promo video.
- Grant providers from CA will attend this year’s festival to see what it is like.
- Banking situations between US and CA banking.
- Taxes between the two countries. (Will hopefully be informed by new book keeper).
3. Confirm April 27, 5:30pm PST for next board meeting.
4. Adjourn
Lloyd made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 pm PST.