Business Board Meeting – August 18, 2013
5:30pm Pacific Time
Call In Information:
Toll-Free Dial-In Number: 1.800.977.8002
Participant Conference Code: 189209#
1. Call to Order
Chair Erin Stephens called the meeting to order at 5:34 PST.
2. Roll
Present: Erin Stephens (chair), Nathan Wakefield, Scott Krause, Kyle Johnson, Jared Davis, Noel Yee, Lloyd Timberlake, Mike Sullivan, Kim Laird (2013 Fest Director)
Absent: Martin Frost, Sandy Brown
3. Approval of Agenda
Scott moved to approve the agenda for August 18, 2013.
Second by: Kyle
Vote: unanimous
Approval of Minutes: approved
July 17th Minutes
Motion: Scott
Second: Lloyd
Vote: approved unanimously
Abstain: Jared
July 19th Minutes
Motion: Lloyd
Second: Scott
Discussion: Jared: does not understand how he can approve minutes as he was not there. Discussion that he has the right to vote as he sees fit or abstain. He abstains. Discussion over Dave Pawson being “Acting Chair.” Need to make names clear.
Vote: Jared abstains. Otherwise all in favor.
4. Reports
2013 Post Festival Report (Kim Laird)
Discussion: Kim offers verbal summary. Financials not finished. 461 jugglers in the gym, 15 vendors, 100 workshops, 3 special workshops. Volunteers mentioned. Still some BGSU bills outstanding. Square Register system used for the first time with positive and negative results. Allos acceptance of more credit cards. Kim suggests we use it again. IJA (Kim) provided a lot of “BGSU services” during the fest, rather than BGSU providing them. May need a co-director. Kim suggests choosing fest director and letting that person lead on choosing site, mainly to prevent duplication. BGSU putting together “IJA teaser” video. Our complete fest video too big for them to handle. Kim would like to see video through. And then there was the fire marshall fiasco. See Kim’s report for details. She is working on a Festival Director’s handbook. She is also looking at a possible different sort of venue for 2016-17.
Fest video: Kim would like to see if local media schools in her area can do video. Kim will investigate possibilities before an official motion is made.
The board thanks Kim for an awesome festival.
2014 Festival Planning (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: Payment to Purdue was late but has gone through.
Future Festival Planning (Mike Sullivan)
Discussion: Quebec moving forward. Birmingham, Ala, being considered for 2016 and beyond. Seeking ways to get more long-term view of festivals. Need to talk about having local talent organize and looking at fairgrounds.
Education (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: How can Ellen implement badge system? This a work in progress. Ellen needs to get in contact with all the YEP reps.
IRC Report (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: Needs more discussion at next planning meeting.
Website (Scott Krause)
Discussion: nothing to report.
Marketing (Thom Wall/Erin Stephens)
Discussion: nothing to report.
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Discussion: Members on the upswing. But need to look at dips in memberships, especially family memberships.
Financial (Scott Krause)
Discussion: nothing to report.
5. Motions for Consideration
A. Motion to approve current IJA Officers on a Pro-Tem basis, until the vote on 2014 IJA Officers is made following the Sept. 15 deadline for Letters of Interest.
Motion: Scott
Second: Kyle
Discussion: This not deadline for board vote, but for getting letters.
Vote: Passed unanimously.
B. Motion to approve Katje Sabin and Bill Gilliland as 2014 IJA Festival Co-Directors, with a $5,000 stipend + 10% of profit after a $5,000 profit has been reached.
Motion: Noel
Second: Lloyd
Discussion: Having percentage of profit to organizer may encourage skimping, and should perhaps be flat rate. Also, difficult to actually figure profits quickly. However, cut of profit incentivises director. We can incentivise through other areas besides profits: number of attendees, day passes, etc. Or we do number of gym passes sold. But it is a big swing from volunteer directors to paid. If we pay we should advertise. It is about the sustainability of the role we are trying to create, so offering pay seems the right way. Concern that we are not ready to approve these specific people. How does board become familiar with couple’s track record? Mike got quarterly stipend and incentive portion whereby IJA got x dollars in profit and after that director shares in profits. No bonus as too few people. Big concern with couple’s previous directorship was lack of communication. No final report given. Took months to get P&L. Need to communicate with couple and also set some ground rules. Whenever we agree stipend we need tough, clear contract stating expectations.
Vote: Lloyd, Kyle, Jared, Nathan opposed. Motion defeated.
C. Motion to approve a $5,000 stipend for the 2014 IJA festival director.
Moved: Kyle
Second: Lloyd
Vote: approved unanimously.
6. Varia
A. iiWii Discussion
Kelly to be in touch with iiWii and express positive view of festival.
B. Plan to proceed with choosing fest director. Lloyd will look at history and come up with questions for interview of couple. Jared will lead in advertising position and stipend. Have them come into meeting by phone after @30 minutes.
7. Next Meeting
Next future planning BoD, 5:30 pm PST Sunday September 8th.
Next regular BoD meeting will be held at 5:30 pm PST on Sunday, September 22.
8. Adjournment
Motion: Kyle
Voting: Motion passes unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 7pm PST.