Board Meeting – August 1st, 2014

Business Board Meeting August 1st, 2014
5:30pm Eastern Time
At the Festival


  1. Call to Order

Meeting is called to order at: 5:52 EST.

  1. Roll

Present: Nathan Wakefield, Martin Frost, Noel Yee, Louie Skaradek, Lucho Fernandez, Warren Hammond

Absent: Kyle Johnson, Jared Davis

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion: Noel

Second by: Warren

Discussion: Nathan, Noel, Warren, and Martin are meeting live at the IJA festival. Louie and Lucho are joining the meeting virtually.

Vote: Passes unanimously

  1. Motions for Consideration
  2. Motion to approve Nathan Wakefield as new IJA Chairman
    Motion: Noel
    Second: Louie
    Vote: Motion passes unanimously.B. Motion for a proterm extension on IJA Officer positions.
    Motion: Louie
    Second: Lucho
    Discussion: Treasurer does not have to be a current board member, but it is good if they are.
    Vote: Motion passes unanimously.
  3. Adjournment

Motion: Noel
Second: Louie