Board Meeting – August 22nd, 2016

1. Call to Order
Chair, Nathan Wakefield, called the meeting to order at:7:34 pm EDT

2. Roll: Nathan Wakefield, Louie Skaradek, Ian Michael Loughlin, Noel Yee, Marvin Ong, Shivella Schwab, Scott Cain, Mike Sullivan, Afton Benson, Erin Stephens, Martin Frost, Dan Holzman
Present: Nathan, Louie, Shivella, Scott, Mike, Afton, Erin, Martin, Dan, Ian
Absent: (Ian), Noel, Marvin

3. Approval of Agenda
Motion: Shivella
Second by: Scott
Discussion: Nil
Vote: Approved

4. Approval of Minutes:

Business Board Meeting June 27th, 2016
Moton: Louie
Second: Shivella
Discussion: Nil
Vote: Approved

Motion: Louie
Second: Scott
Discussion: Nil
Vote: Approved

Business Board Meeting July 28, 2016
Motion: Scott
Second: Louie
Discussion: Nil
Vote: Approved

Business Board Meeting August 4th, 2016
Motion: Shivella
Second: Louie
Discussion: Nil
Vote: Approved

5. Reports (Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival and future festival discussion)

Financial Report (Afton Benson)
Discussion: Attached are the balance sheets, no festival expenses in quarter two. Quarter three will level out. Overall – festival is better than last year. $45,000 grant in meeting minutes? Where is that from and where is it going (info to Afton, talk to Jim) All payments have been processed except the Japanese competitors. But it is all working and in the works. Move money into paypal sooner – almost 10 days. Get the money in PayPal sooner on our end. Canada took a bit – 10 days, right on time. Gauntlet crowd funding money? Does that just go to gauntlet?? UnaMed matches funds. Email to Dennis. Need to figure out how it was all allocated, but looking good. Look into the EXPENSE of the webhosting $12,314 on the Profit and Loss sheet – where was it all to? All GSG or other web costs.
In the black on the festival? Too early to see, right on the line, but looking good for a profit. (especially with the grant of $45,000) Gonna take a while for the grant to be reconciled.

2017 Festival Report (Dan Holzman)
Discussion: Festival Director Dan Holzman. Site inspection sep 6-9th. Meet all local contacts. Cheryll Sayers (sp) local contact. Checking into sponsorship and finalizing the theater contract. Dan and Mike. Good team action. History room, David Cain.
Motto: Celebrate the past and look to the future. Viveca and Nielfred, Cain and Spar. Jugglers lounge. Kevin and Marvin – Flow outreach. Kevin and Erin Marketing. Promotions at other festivals over the next year. TShirts and Banners. Jay. Peter. Matt Hall. Jack – X. Alan for Awards. Joggling and Vendor and Volunteers Coordinators being reached out to. Festival Budget – gonna call in to Jim Maxwell. How is donor money being allocated. Next year: Brunch from iiWii. Unamed: Awesomeness fund probably. Prize money is probably not gonna be as much. Did the increased prize money bring in more attendees? Not really. Bring in some local talent and new good names to bring in more members and attendees. Brunch was a big hit. Doug Sayers. Flow community performers. Flow workshops will bring in people. Good connections right now with Noel. Stickers, Banners. Make the convention site more appealing.

Marketing (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: Including website report. Website is coming along. Looking to a vote in a couple weeks. Pieces are being tweaked on. Landing pages for promotions are happening now as the site is finalized. So we can promote those regional competitions. Possible straw poll vote in a week for the website. Get logos to board for a look at. YM and WP are looking smoother together. Nhu the designer has joined as a member of the IJA, going to the festival, very proud of website and volunteers her time and energy to help make it stay nice. Are there going to be members only sections? Yes, some areas will be members only on the site and on ejuggle.

IRC (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: two South American IRC’s coming along. And people are showing interest in IRC’s for 2017. Guatemala, Mexico, South America. Fund raising campaign in Dec/Jan.

YJA (Ellen Winters)
Discussion: Great things happening. Scott brought home buttons for his daughter, she liked them and wants to earn more. Having a tangible thing is a great incentive.

eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)
Discussion: nil

Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Discussion: nil

Future Festival Planning (Mike Sullivan)
Report posted here.
Discussion: Returning to El Paso in the next month or two (thinking) they want us back. Maybe in 2020. Everybody really liked the place, and El Paso loved the IJA. Board take up that question. Huntsville AL – grant – very interesting.
Concerns for El Paso: Airfare expensive, if Jugheads don’t come – disadvantage, the member’s response may not be there. But it was a really good place to the IJA. Going back to the same place is much easier as far as logistics and known quantities. Alot of people drive to the festival – very few from east coast. Maybe getting a few good places we keep going back to the same places over and over. Shorter to drive to Canada from Florida than to El Paso.

6. Motions for Consideration

A. Motion to appoint Alan Plotkin as the 2016 Festival Video Editor.
2016 Festival Video Editor Contract
Motion: Louie
Second: Shivella
Discussion: Alan’s return to the position. Jay and Henry only shoot, not edit.
Vote: Approved (Passes)

B. Motion to accept the Q2 2016 Profit and Loss Statement.
2016 Q2 P & L Statement
Motion: Shivella
Second: Louie
Discussion: Nil
Vote: Approved (Passes) Abstain: Scott

C. Motion to accept the Q2 2016 Balance Sheet.
2016 Q2 Balance Sheet
Motion: Louie
Second: Scott
Discussion: Nil
Vote: Approved (Passes) Abstain: Scott

7. Varia:
Officer nominations. Things being worked on. Find a european representative. Find an IJA volunteer coordinator (hasn’t been used much). (Erik Averg? Sweden, possible european representative.) Historian? Is there a possibility to add back an official historian? Newsletters and Jugglers world and juggle magazine PDF’s – would like to have them on the website and archived. Officers Call in next newsletter.

Video Tutorial Contest – Tom Wall – contact – program VTC – interested in bringing it back. Need a blessing from the board – a lot some resources (11 memberships and one festival package and some DVDs and shirts) On a straw poll action to approve this? Strong impact, yes, helpful. Put out more content like this. Love the idea – festival package should not put us back too far. Get a feel for packages.

8. Set September Meetings
Next Vision Planning Meeting – September 12th, 2016 at 7:30 ET
Next Business Board Meeting – September 26th, 2016 at 7:30 ET.

9. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: Shivella
Discussion: Nil
Voting: Approved (Passes, Adjourned)
Meeting adjourned at 9:08 pm ET.