Agenda 8/4/2013
Planning Board Meeting August 4, 2013
5:30pm Pacific Time
Call In Information:
Toll-Free Dial-In Number: 1.800.977.8002
Participant Conference Code: 189209#
Start the Recording
1. Call to Order
Chair Erin Stephens called the meeting to order at 5:34pm PST.
2. Roll
Jared Davis, Kyle Johnson, Scott Krause, Erin Stephens, Lloyd Timberlake, Nathan Wakefield, Noel Yee (all present)
3. Approval of Agenda
Scott moved to approve the agenda for August 04, 2013.
Second by: Lloyd
Discussion: Scott not ready for full budget discussion.
Vote: Approved unanimously.
Discussion Topics
New board training – led by Erin
What does it mean to be an IJA board member? We are a working board (the staff) rather than an advisory board.
Board member expectations. Being a “working board member” means higher time commitments. Scott taking on many more hours due to being treasurer. Otherwise 6-9 hours per month, says Scott. Board has to be ready to jump into projects as they arise, creating a roller-coaster effect.
Board member legalities. Many boards have Codes of Ethics. Erin to e-mail the one she read from. Look at by-laws, which will be e-mailed. Discussed process of business meetings. We approve and vote on minutes each month. These go on the website. To make a motion, e-mail it to Erin to get on agenda. Then motion is made, seconded and discussed during meeting. Motions may be amended. Then they are voted on.
Each new board member – how do you see yourself working on the board? What strengths do you think you bring to the board? Kyle wants to work on website, wants to get different jugglers and props to festival and make performances more diverse. Noel is good at connecting people to get different tasks done. Wants to work with EJA to improve aspects of IJA. Also wants to bring in new props, as has experience running other festivals. Jared has thought of being festival director for about 10 years. Teaches phys-ed to kids and wants to do more of that through IJA. IJA spread too thin to achieve excellence, especially the festival.
Assign a returning board member as a “mentor” to each new board member – led by Erin
Scott with Jared. Lloyd with Noel. Nathan with Kyle.
For the next 6 months, this person will help with the transition for new board members to become comfortable with their new role. If you have any questions or concerns, or desire to know how to go about specific tasks (such as submitting a “Motion”) – ask your board mentor.
2014 IJA Festival Director – led by Erin
Brainstorm ideas and plans of action. Jared: reach out to Purdue juggling club, see if anyone is interested. Jared: we need to plan festivals and directors much more in advance. Erin: BOD wants to get two years ahead in planning festivals. We would like to avoid having a board member direct the festival. Noel: reach out to local juggling clubs in the Purdue region. Noel can do this after the next meeting when he is back in the US. Erin: notice of search for director going out to Facebook and eJuggle. Let’s all look at networks and see if we can find possibles.
Warren Hammond has expressed interest and has been asked to submit a letter of interest, preferably by mid-August. He has asked to be paid.
Budget Discussion – led by Scott
Review skeleton budget prepared by Dave, which is on the Google drive. Discussion on how to log in or get access to Google docs. Erin will “share” will all, so all can get directly to the docs.
Discuss 2013 budget details: hard to tell what some of the categories refer to. Scott will clear up.
IJA Officer Positions – led by Erin
List of current Officer Positions. Erin has put out a call for expressions of interest. Added video coordinator. Also added graphics coordinator. Will talk to Martin about letter to past officers to see if they are willing to continue. Others may also express interest. This will be discussed at next meeting. Discussion on how to fill unfilled positions.
Discussion about potential new officer positions.
Promotion plan through the next 2 weeks.
Plan for having Martin reach out to current officers.
Invite specific individuals you think would be good for the job.
Website Discussion – led by Scott
What has been done so far? Scott has listed requirements that IJA needs for a website. Got a little feedback, needs more from BOD. This did not get done by festival. Kyle asked to help narrow down possibilities. Need a better interface for everyone. We can customize templates to our liking. Yet templates are limited. We do not have a budget. Scott hopes to find option under $3,000. But compare to costs of magazine. Also, sleek, professional and money costs money. Need to balance sleekness with functionality.
Timeline – Hopes to have options by September BOD meeting. Noel did websites with the functionality we are talking about (
What needs to happen next, and how can other board members help with the process?
Leads for Web-designers
(Erin has 3 leads – 1 from US, 1 from Mexico, and 1 from Canada) These people say they can manage back-end issues.
Discuss the goal of these planning meetings, lay out a timeline – led by Erin
Strategic Plan
Vision Statement
Goals and Objectives
Who and When
Program planning
What programs are meeting the IJA’s mission, what programs are not?
Where should we be putting our energy
Confirm August 18th, 8:30pm EST for next board meeting.
Scott made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:38pm PST.
Discussion: none
Vote: unanimous