Business Board Meeting December 22, 2013
5:30pm Pacific Time
Call In Information:
Toll-Free Dial-In Number: 1.800.977.8002
Participant Conference Code: 189209#
Start the Recording
1. Call to Order
Chair, Erin Stephens, called the meeting to order at 5:35 PST.
2. Roll
Present: Jared Davis, Scott Krause, Erin Stephens (chair), Nathan Wakefield, Noel Yee, Mike Sullivan, Cody Fiereck, Martin Frost, Kyle Johnson, Lloyd Timberlake
3. Approval of Agenda
Motion: Kyle
Second by: Noel
Discussion: Mike says motion on video badly worded.
Vote: Passes unanimously.
4. Approval of Minutes:
November 10th Minutes
Motion: Lloyd
Second: Scott
Vote: Unanimous.
Motion: Lloyd
Second: Scott
Vote: Unanimous
4. Reports (Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less)
2014 IJA Festival (Cody Fiereck) Things are going well. Two weeks for early bird. March 1- June 30 regular price. Focus on booking performers and marketing. Next month work with community of Lafayette. Registration website should have something up by next board meeting. Will look at social media.
Discussion: Noel would like to see Cody’s site visit list to prepare him for meeting with Vero. Made first Facebook announcement of performer.
Future Festival Planning (Mike Sullivan) Mike refers to his report: University of Nebraska has expressed interest through preliminary bid. Nebraska not open until first week of August. Jek Kelly will take a look.
Discussion: Des Moine seems to be too big for us – at present. Scott: are we thinking about fest director for future fests? Mike does not see it as a practical approach. Hard to match city and director when we might lose director. Yet this was the old way: local person organizing a fairly local festival. Noel: we are going abroad to Quebec, but are we being too Midwest focused and not looking more at the West? El Paso is close to Mexico. Noel is looking for an expanded web of festival sites. Mike has gone to a lot of site visits, but we cannot handle big cities. State capitals tend to be too expensive for us. Mike has asked for suggestions in writing and not getting them. Martin and Mike: West is big and empty and hard to get people to fest there. Erin: but West has successful fests. Northeast has lots of colleges and we should be able to find venue there. We use Unique Venues to find places; they get paid when they find a place.
YEP Report (Ellen Winters)
Discussion: Ellen got advice that she needed bigger network before interesting big funders. New name needs to have “Jugglers” in it. Also needs to be more exciting. “Academy” looks good for grant writing; does not frighten kids away. There is separate YEP website now that needs to be revamped. It’ll probably take more than a month. Exciting new buttons being rolled out. “Fast track certification” brings people already teaching juggling well into YEP certification. Interest has built up over past two months.
Marketing (Kyle Johnson) Kyle: flyer just about done front and back. Need to print and send.
Discussion:Membership drive almost over: 53 members, only two new. Martin update: 67 members during drive, 12 new. Not much recruitment by individuals. Got 25 new members in December 2012. There was the raffle last night. Another raffle on the 28th. Facebook page close to 7,500 Likes. We need to share the video. Can download video with folder. Noel: good job getting the word out; keep it up!
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Discussion: Not seeing many new or renewals in these figures, so do not know how current the figures are.
Financial Report (Scott Krause)
Debit Cards for Erin and Cody – Just got the forms from Bank of America on Friday. Will fill out Monday.
Q3 Financials – Need to be finalized with Kim. Need to get final fest numbers in before Board can vote. Holly will do most of IRS form filling. Still some outstanding checks.
Discussion: What is limit on the debit cards? Whatever is in bank account. Scott will be third card holder. Trying to set Cody’s card to expire in August. Credit cards can benefit non-profits.
5. Motions for Consideration
A. Motion to pay up to $50 for digitization of the historical Club Swinging video, out of the Archive Fund.
Motion: Scott
Second: Noel
Discussion: Not clear what to do with video, maybe post as members only. Not clear if we can tag a private video.
Vote:Passed unanimously
B. Motion to approve change of eJuggle budget from $750/month to $500/month, and set a cap of $1,000 rollover of unused previous funds.
Motion: Kyle moved to amend motion to add rollover.
Second: Lloyd
Discussion: Scott: do we need to add something about backlog of money available to eJuggle?
Vote: passed unanimously
C. Motion to approve payment of $12/month out of the General Fund for a 6-month trial of a Constant Contact eNewsletter.
Motion: Lloyd
Second: Kyle
Discussion: There has been ongoing discussion between Martin, Tom, Don, Erin etc. Ide to move to Constant Contact format. Mail Chimp is suggested as email marketing tool. Noel uses Mail Chimp, but wants what works best for Martin. Martin is not familiar with Constant Contact or Mail Chimp. There seems to be no proposal. We need someone to take a lead on organizing newsletters. We need to benefit from Martin’s work in any transition. Martin is happy to be engaged but not in charge. Thom wanted a proposal from the board as to how he would be involved, not to make a proposal himself. We need a good system allowing people to opt out. Noel has experience with Mail Chimp through Fire Drums. MC provides a lot of data on use of emails, very sophisticated. Need a proposal for who is doing what. We need to revisit question of which service to use.
Vote: Motion failed.
6. Varia: Kyle asks about promoting posts on Facebook. No marketing budget for this now. Erin looking at marketing budget for next year.
7. Set January Meetings
January 5
January 19
8. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: Kyle
Voting:Passed unanimous