Board Meeting – February 15th, 2016

  1. Call to Order

Chair, Nathan Wakefield, called the meeting to order at: 7:34 pm EDT

2. Roll: Nathan Wakefield, Louie Skaradek, Bob Neuman, Noel Yee, Marvin Ong, Shivella Schwab, Mike Sullivan, Afton Benson, Erin Stephens, Martin Frost, Jim Maxwell

Present: Nathan, Louie, Bob, Noel, Shivella, Afton, Erin, Martin, Jim

Absent: Marvin, Mike

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion: Bob

Second by: Noel

Discussion: Nil

Vote: Approved Unanimously

  1.  Approval of Minutes:

January 18th, 2016

Motion: Louie

Second: Bob

Discussion: Nil

Vote:  Approved Unanimously

  1. Reports (Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival and future festival discussion)

Financial Report (Afton Benson)

Discussion: Festival Numbers are Done. Around $11,000 in the hole. Two transactions counted twice. Ended the year in the black by about $77. Yearly sign ups happening. How to communicate earmarked money from donors. Have money for carry-over into next year – make sure left-over money goes into budget for the IRC (the left-over IRC money). When reporting money – be very specific on what it is for – so records are kept well and money gets carried over properly. Cash Flow / Savings / Were the money is put from donors – how do we track and account for that. Some of this money goes into separate places – how do we look at that and account for those incomes / savings / Trust Money, is this counted as income and could throw the books off? 25,000 from last year and 25,000 from this year – going to festival for brunch and prizes. 25,000 goes to the trust. Older budgets were online in the past, could these help with the current year budget and tracking.

2016 IJA Festival Report (Jim Maxwell)

Discussion: Early bird registration should start March 1st. Going to talk to Mike about prices and packages pricing. Contacted a lot of the performers, giving most performers a festival package and a few nights of hotel for compensation. Other volunteers – offer them a discounted rate of $99 for the festival package. 37 full packages to heavily working volunteers. 15 or so other positions to get the $99 rate. Get Mikes’ input too on these packages and sales and giveaways. Don’t water down the volunteer / comp parity, bring it back to the boards control – bring it back to 2014 (40 comps). Early bird is $199 – partial comp is $99 – also the price of youth group. Possibly a higher price of $120 (cost of the shows, make it $119)

Grant? Owsley  – interested, Kansas City.

ENewsletter to get up on the web – get the event packages and info up there. Next deadline – this friday. (19th normally) 23rd to get info – no later than. Only one special workshop confirmed. $80 workshop. Picasso Jr. Cant make it. Possible video acceptance of award – Jr. and Sr.

Marketing (Erin Stephens)

Discussion: Things going well – Instagram really shot up 15,000ish new followers. Facebook is starting and we have a $5000 budget for marketing. 1700 likes on the latest push. Getting IRC advertising going. Getting a marketing budget together – figuring out a budget to get into the black. Follow ups and feedback to follow. Dont use the ‘padding’ – leave it for emergencies. Is there a way if we can track marketing / membership and see where we get new members from? How did you hear about us? How did you join?

Add onto the membership sign up – add – “How did you find out about the IJA” “Why did you become a member”

Start to push and use the Amazon Smile program.

Give to the max day? In Delaware? (check out Minnesota version) Donation Campaign – takes alot of work and time. Facebook may be a good helper in this.

Young people may not realize its a non-profit and a tax write-off.

YJA (Ellen Winters)

Discussion: Good things are happening.

eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)

Discussion: Looks good.


Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)

Discussion: Numbers going down. 🙁

IRC (Erin Stephens)

Discussion: 4 events and a 5th possible in 2017. Budget to be adjusted for 2016.

Future Festival Planning (Mike Sullivan)

Discussion: Nothing new to report. April trade show action.

  1. Motions for Consideration

    A. Motion to accept the Final 2015 Festival P & L.

    2015 Festival P & L

Motion: Bob

Second: Shivella

Discussion:Little / None

Vote:  Approved Unanimously

  1.  B. Motion to accept the P&L for 2015 ending December 31, 2015.

P&L for 2015 ending December 31, 2015

Motion: Noel

Second: Bob

Discussion:No IRC in there, WJD is at $5000 should be about $750 – what is that discrepancy?  Shipping of archives? why? price? aren’t they in Vegas? Ask Dennis – where is the $120 in archives $ from – gotta ask Dennis. Also ask about WJD.

Address a few issues with accountant.

Vote: Oppose: Louie, Bob, Nathan, Shivella, Noel

Motion Fails:  Unanimously Opposed

Motion not created for this: (need to adjust from the above first, before we move on this)

Balance Sheet for December 31, 2015

  1. Varia:
  1. Liability Insurance Outside Marketing Campaign

Dale Widdick? Affiliate policy – club insured.  Explore the affiliate policy – Insurance to use a space – offer a policy to those affiliates – weekly meetings – they can use the IJA insurance to get a place to rent and have a meeting. Rendering assistance to juggling clubs around the country. Put some life back in the affiliates program. Ill defined – but we do have a group of affiliates in a data base – some could use and benefit from the insurance for festivals and meeting spaces.

  1. Set March Meetings

Next Vision Planning Meeting – March 7th 7:30 pm ET.

Next Board Meeting – March 21st 7:30 pm ET

  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn: Shivella

Discuss: Nil

Voting:  Approved Unanimously

Meeting adjourned at 8:54 pm ET.

Juggle, do good things, enjoy stuff.