Agenda 1/5/2013
Planning Board Meeting January 5, 2013
5:30pm Pacific Time
Call In Information:
Toll-Free Dial-In Number: 1.800.977.8002
Participant Conference Code: 189209#
1. Call to Order
Chair, Erin Stephens, called the meeting to order at 8:35 pm PST.
2. Discussions
2013 Festival DVD
Updates from Nathan: Pablo is receptive, but no contract sent out yet. Need to button up music, get info from Kim. All seem to either be royalty-free or have permission to use. Need to get song titles and sources. Did we decide to leave silent if we did not have rights. Talked about dubbing over with royalty free, which has a lot of downsides. Silent may be best option, but will seem strange. 2012 master disks sent to Accutrac. We can then publicize. One mistake in X-juggling on-line. DVD is fine.Do we approach performers and ask what music they want to dub over. Give performers a deadline; if they miss, their bit is music-free. Nathan will move forward with Pablo, draft a contract for next board meeting. We want to keep documenting fests even if we move away from DVDs. We will also get more old video on-line. Need to sort out credit cards, as Kim still has one. Scott will not be treasurer after 2014 fest.
Holly, our bookkeeper, is resigning.
Discussion regarding future plan.
Benefits of having bookkeeper.
Continue paying $10,000?
Recruitment plan.
Who wants to head up the search process?
Erin has written Holly to see if she will write Job Description and be willing to help with the training/transition process.
It has been good having her continuity. This is a role worth paying for. We have asked her to write job description, on-board new person. Can finish taxes this year, and do work until then. Let’s ask her if she can help find a replacement. Bookkeeper is important in backing up Treasurer. Scott has been looking and heard of a person who might be interested. Erin has some possibilities. All agree we need a paid bookkeeper. Scott thinks he might be able lead search but wants back-up on the evaluation. Erin and lloyd can help with vetting candidates. All on board will do an uncoordinated search over the next few weeks. We may want to put vacancy on IJA media. Need replacement by March.
Championships – Rule Changes
Most of us have read the suggested changes but have not compared to previous. Is this the first suggestion of a minimum time: five minutes. Also changes to 0-10 judging range; now 0-5. Also only do whole numbers. Changes categories, but mainly wording changes. A 10-point scale tends to lead to biases toward 8-9, due to school grades. A 0-5 actually might give more spread. Ought to choose categories and stick with them for a long time. Viveca’s suggestions were meant to give more clarity. Her suggestions also change multiplication levels. Need more clarity on things like “stage presence” and “entertainment value.” Are seven categories too many? Is entertainment value more important than technical juggling? It’s subjective! Should we get rid of the zero as there will be no zeros. At IRCs they were having trouble understanding our descriptions. Do we add “risk” to “difficulty”? We will get suggestions into Erin to organize suggestions and get them to Viveca. Need to list the various competitions in one place, with lengths to more descriptions.
Forums are still not very active. Would a Board Facebook page be better?
Look at Erin’s new material on BoardPlus and respond. E-mails seem to be better way of getting response. But Forums give us a public record, which emails do not.
3. Confirm Jan 19, 5:30pm PST for next board meeting.
4. Adjourn
Scott made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:31 pm PST.
Vote: Passes