At the Festival
1. Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at: 5:12 CT
2. Roll
Present: Nathan Wakefield, Ian Michael Loughlin, Exuro Piechocki, Scott Cain
3. Approval of Agenda
Motion: Scott
Second by: Ian
Discussion: Nathan: Brief Board Meeting. 1. Vote for Chairperson. 2. Proterm extension on officers.
4. Motions for Consideration
A. Motion to approve a chairperson for the 2017-2018 term.
Motion: Exero
Second: Ian
Discussion: Nathan – per Bylaws Chairperson needs to be voted in. Scott, Ian, Nathan are all eligible. Nathan will/can stay on, also happy if either Scott or Ian would like to. Ian would like to know more.
Vote: Unanimously approved.
B. Motion to nominate Nathan as Chair.
Motion: Scott
Second: Ian
Discussion: Nathan graciously accepts.
Vote: Nathan abstains. Motion passes.
C. Motion for a proterm extension on IJA Officer positions.
Motion: Scott
Second: Ian
Discussion: The purpose the officer’s term is yearly & this gives the board an opportunity to know officers & officers a chance to decided if they want to continue.
Vote: Unanimously passes.
5. Adjournment
Motion: Exero
Discussion: None.
Vote: Unanimously passes.
Meeting is adjourned at: 5:23pm CT