Board Meeting – June 23rd, 2015

Start the Recording

  1. Call to Order

Chair, Nathan Wakefield, called the meeting to order at: ___6:34_____ pm EDT

2. Roll

Present: Nathan Wakefield, Jared Davis, Louie Skaradek,Veronique Provencher, Afton Benson, Martin Frost, Kyle Johnson, Warren Hammond, Mike Sullivan, Bob Neuman
Absent: Afton, Noel, Warren


  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion: Kyle

Second by: Jared

Discussion: None

Vote:  Unanimously approved

4. Approval of Minutes:

May 26th, 2015

Motion: Louie



Vote:Bob Abstains, Minutes approved

  1. Reports (Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival and future festival discussion)


Financial Report (Afton Benson)
Discussion: Nathan has been made a signatory on the account


2015 IJA Festival Report (Veronique Provencer)

Discussion:  update:

-received 24,000 from the city for outdoor shows!, show line up is finished, need someone to manage the bar,  mobile app for the festival is ready,  need to promote more to the north east juggling clubs of the USA

For this Festival we should make an acception for the rule of having a parliamentarian at this years festival?

We need to get presenter(s) for the special awards!


YJA Report (Ellen Winters)

Discussion:  None


Marketing (Kyle Johnson)

Discussion: Last minute Festival promoting going on

eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)

Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)



IRC (Erin Stephens)



World Juggling Day (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: Will hear about t-shirt sales soon.

  1. Motions for Consideration


  1. Motion to approve Duncan Pace as the 2014 Festival Video Editor with the terms outlined in the following agreement.
    2014 Video Editor Agreement


Motion: Louie

Second: Bob


Vote: Unanimously passed


  1. Motion to approve Jim Maxwell as the 2016 IJA El Paso Festival Director with the terms outlined in the following agreement.

2016 IJA Festival Director Agreement


Motion: Jared

Second: Kyle

Discussion: Jim is great!

Vote: Unanimously passed


  1. Motion to approve the 2015 Awesomeness Fund’s selections.
    Second: Bob
    Vote: Unanimously passed


  1. Motion to amend the Bylaws as follows:

(A) In the Bylaws, change Article II, Section 10(b)(ii) by adding,
at the beginning of (ii):

“using a secure online voting mechanism made available by the

Corporation, or, if such mechanism is not made available,”

(B) Change the IJA Pre-Election and Election Regulations by adding

the following new paragraph at the end of Part I:

The IJA Board can choose to entirely replace the use of

mail-in ballots with the use of a secure, reliable online

voting mechanism.  In such case, the Chief Teller or

Communications Director shall cause information about use of

said online voting mechanism to be emailed to all IJA members

who are eligible to vote and who have registered a valid email

address with the IJA.

(C) Use the YourMembership secure survey mechanism instead of

mail-in ballots to allow IJA members to vote before the

festival.  No mail-in ballots will be accepted.  Members may

vote by using the secure survey mechanism or by filling out a

ballot during the voting period at the IJA festival, but not


Second: Louie
Discussion:  worried about people voting only once, and keeping votes anonymous. The IJA website’s survey system comes with a slightly non-anonymous system…

Should we make a public note when promoting the new voting system that the future voting system is not completely anonymous?
Vote: Nathan abstains/ Motion passed


  1. Motion to extend the deadline for board candidacy statements for this year to June 27th.

Vote: Unanimously passed

  1. Motion to approve up to $300 in funding for 2016 promotional materials to be created and distributed at this year’s festival.

Motion: Jared
Second: Louie
Discussion: get a headstart on next year
Vote:Unanimously passed


  1. Varia:

Nathan makes motion to not require a parliamentarian to be present at this years annual meeting

Seconded: Bob

Discussion: If passed and we find a parliamentarian would we still want them present?

Vote: Unanimously passed


  1. Festival prep
    Discussion: Special award presentation needs a little extra planning. When? Where?


  1. Set July Meeting

Next Vision Planning Meeting – July 14 at _6:30__ ET.

Next Board Meeting –

  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn: Kyle


Voting: Unanimously passed

Meeting adjourned at _8:24_____ pm ET.