1. Call to Order
Chair, Nathan Wakefield, called the meeting to order at: 7:36 pm EDT
2. Roll: Nathan Wakefield, Louie Skaradek, Bob Neuman, Noel Yee, Marvin Ong, Shivella Schwab, Jared Davis, Mike Sullivan, Afton Benson, Erin Stephens, Martin Frost, Jim Maxwell
Present: Nathan Wakefield, Louie Skaradek, Bob Neuman ,Afton Benson, Erin Stephens, Martin Frost, Shivella Schwab, Jim Maxwell, Mike Sullivan
3. Approval of Agenda
Motion: Bob
Second by: Louie
Vote: Approved
4. Approval of Minutes:
May 23rd, 2016
Motion: Bob
Second: Louie
Vote: Approved
5. Reports (Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival and future festival discussion)
WJD Report (Erin Stephens): Shopify other groups with API would be great for future years. Lots of Corporations and others used the #WJD2016. One issue- adding another website, Ideally we would like to have this on one website. We have past designs and having them available for immediate print. In the future the process needs to be automated, because it ends up costing more than $7.75 in manpower. As far as social media. WJD seems to be the peak of the year. It was combined with 2 IRC 2224 new likes on Facebook. Instagram 1.2k followers.
WJD Financial Report .
Marketing (Erin Stephens)
IRC (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: Live streaming on facebook for the competition, and did a commercial and the livestream reached 80k audience and was a huge success. 5 people competed in IRC Central America. Skill level was increased, potentially inspired by the IJA. Next year: Guatemala in March . IRC Mexico- change next year to the south. Bob: great job to Erin for the success of IRC. The future success will be determined by finding more representatives. Louie: The turning point will be who we will find for affiliations for the growth. Erin- Russia, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Europe, have all shown some interest in hosting. Being able to go and represent IJA is great for networking. Bob- Would like to see growth in central, South America, and Mexico, as they appear to be the most underserved. Erin: Possible video to get donor support in December.
Financial Report (Afton Benson)
Discussion: Afton: Additional information- cannot attend this year. Trying to work out how to make it go as soon as possible without check writing. Bank of America across the street of the festival (Jessica). We are not set up for night deposit, and it can take up to 45 days. We can, on Saturday, have Nathan deposit to the ATM with the debit card. We can also have folks cash the check with waiving the $6. Best practice would be paypal/wire transfer. Deposit card was not an option.Least desirable will be actual cash exchanging hands. Jim- used to have a deposit card. Have deposit slips ready. Afton plans on having the checks for those requested prior for performances. Checks will be sent to Nathan. Afton; It isn’t written anywhere that we will pay at the festival. Recommendation would be 10 day window. Mike- who would absorb the fees? And are we able to send such large amounts of money. Bob- over a certain amount brings more scrutiny. Afton- $30 fee for wire transfers. Transferwise seems to be the best solution (over Western Union). Suggestion: have a sort of “registration” form for winners to verify info, (name/where to send) and payment type. Louie: sending out the form early would be best so they can fill it out now, and we can have the form of payment lined up. Jim- thanks to Afton for setting this up. There needs to be a surrogate treasurer for all festivals to answer questions and write checks. That person this year will have to be Nathan. Bob – Do we have IRS reporting after giving out this amount of money. 1099 form. Afton; will check with Dennis about the IRS.
2016 IJA Festival Report (Jim Maxwell)
Discussion: Camino Royale is the only ones refusing our tax exemption. Our direct bill being denied. If we cannot get a direct bill we will go to the convention center with our business.$15-$18 for brunch. Bob- if we moved hours would the convention center allow? 10-1 each day. Awesomness fund – the boxes, massage therapist, and giant pinata. Martin: not having a carpet to juggle on is not optimal. Cost for carpet rental Half of hall would cost us $3120 – delivery and installation charge as well. Possibility of Canceling joggling UTexas/ Joggling would be 1k plus rental of port o potty. Bob- Whether we spend money on carpet or not. If Joggling is not popular is worth paying for it if the interest is not there? We will revisit joggling on July 1st. Jim will work towards getting carpet What is the the cancellation for the track? UT El Paso track has no contract, just an agreement letter. $950 + drinks and snacks + portolet. Louie- contact Emily before and put it in for a vote on the 30th or a straw poll. Nathan: Emily has put in a lot of work and effort for the joggling. Jim; Sched.org- it is not an actual app, but is accessible by browser. They phave a non profit rate $60 An account will still need to be set up per user. Jim- Military discount (perhaps 50%) to FT Bliss, for the shows. would need an active military ID. Martin- Military discount should be the Child price? Or % or flat off. Nathan: Is a parliamentarian picked out. Budget $200
YJA (Ellen Winters)
Discussion: None.
eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)
Discussion: None.
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Discussion: None.
Future Festival Planning (Mike Sullivan)
Discussion: Good lead on Quad Cities. Going to trade show in August. 2019…
6. Motions for Consideration
A. Motion to appoint Cody Fiereck as the 2017 IJA Festival Director with the terms outlined in the contract below.
2017 Festival Director Contract
Motion: Bob
Second: Louie
Discussion: Good man for the job. Not a featured member of IJA, so maybe seen as not majorly involved or accessible, but he was. But he did handle all aspects of the event there in Purdue. Cedar Rapids should be easier than Purdue.
Vote: Unanimously Approved
B. Motion to approve the 2016 operating budget.
2016 Operating Budget
Motion: Shivella
Second: Louie
Discussion: Took a little while to find the numbers. Its coming in a little late, but the items look good and are in order.
Vote: Unanimously Approved
C. Motion to accept the Q1 2016 Balance Sheet.
Q1 Balance Sheet
Motion: Louie
Second: Shivella
Discussion: Nil
Vote: Unanimously Approved
D. Motion to accept the Q1 2016 Profit & Loss.
2016 Profit & Loss
Motion: Louie
Second: Shivella
Discussion: Nil
Vote: Unanimously Approved
7. Varia:
a. 2016 and Onward People’s Choice Award, Teams Trophies →
Some of the suppliers and origin are no longer feasible. Russ Obrien – stepping away. Need to find a new source or vendor, this year and going forward. Trophy, Plaque, ??
→ Teams trophy – Passing Zone – not sure about for a single or a team. Leapfrog trophy. Last years teams did not receive the trophy – last years will be made, sometime Marin the future.. Also need to find a new trophy maker here? Plaques? Most likely for this year…? Awarded at Cascade Show saturday night.
Need someone to step in for teams trophy possibly. Going to plaques and medals and prize money for the most part, unless a third party steps in. Individual gets the Lucas Cup. And for Juniors. Main Lucas cup still needs some magic fixing. Albert is excited about the Lucas Cup and wants to display it – concern. Sending a proposal. Can do this with the winners trophies not the larger. Possible 3D printing? Metal? Plastic? Future of trophies? Nathan: We can see if the passing zone will step up, or has a solution for trophies.. In the meantime, generic trophies may be the way to go.
FINAL: Plaque for people’s choice award. Medals only for Teams, and Individuals and Juniors. Medals and Prize money – trophies if they are donated.
b. Festival Roll Call!
Attending: Bob, Jim, Nathan, Martin, Mike, Marvin
Nominated: Ian and Scott
Pending/Not: Shivella, Afton, Louie
8. Set July Meetings
Next Board Meeting – At the Festival, Wednesday the 27th 11am El Paso Time
First of new Board Meeting – Shoot for afternoon of Election (Wednesday).
Conference Call
Upstairs conference table storage room for meetings? – confirm with center/contract
Mt.Franklin room – yes reserved.
New board member follow up meeting too, when/where? (Mt. Franklin room)
9. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: Shivella
Discussion: Nil
Voting: Unanimously Approved
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm ET.