Board Meeting – March 23, 2014

Business Board Meeting March 23, 2014
5:30pm Pacific Time
Call In Information:
Toll-Free Dial-In Number: 1.800.977.8002
Participant Conference Code: 189209#

Start the Recording

1. Call to Order
Chair, Erin Stephens, called the meeting to order at 5:38  PM  PST.

2. Roll
Present: Erin Stephens (chair), Lloyd Timberlake, Nathan Wakefield, Kyle Johnson
Cody Fiereck (2014 festival director), Martin Frost (communications director)

Absent: Scott, Noel, Jared, Mike

3. Approval of Agenda
Motion:   Lloyd
Second by: Kyle
Vote: Approved

4. Approval of Minutes:
February 2, 2014
Motion: Lloyd
Second: Nathan
Vote: Approved

February 16, 2014
Motion: Lloyd
Second: Kyle
Vote: Approved

4. Reports (Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less)

2014 IJA Festival (Cody Fiereck) Good progress. Looking for new events and new people. Have a kendama open and footbag competition. Progress on busking competition, partnering with Farmers Market to have a parade to market. Putting rules on juggle-org site. Will also have material on busking. Medals are ordered. Award plaques are ordered. All trophies but busking set. Youth dorms organized. Working on ballroom issue to see where we do Renegade. Getting close to 200 registrations.

Discussion: Registrations tend to stop when Early Bird stops. Got 164 in Early Bird. Doing more promo and more flyer distribution. Need info on kendama contest to put on blogs. Have got info to footbag people.

2015 Festival Report (Lloyd Timberlake) Turbo got grant to do videos of festival. Turbo will check contract with IJA at end of March. Waiting on contract with Circus School. Got contract with theater. Need to promote at Purdue, elsewhere. Have a Quebec performer in Welcom Show.


Future Festival Planning (Mike Sullivan)

Discussion: Mike is pushing El Paso; others are pushing against. We need to chime in on forums. It is a long way from Texas juggling scenes. Facilities are good but it is a long drive from almost everywhere. People tend to go to festivals within a day’s drive. Attendance will be low. Other remote places like Sparks and Portland have strong scenes. Encourage him to continue to pursue Iowa? But it is tough to get to. We should ask clubs or organizations to host festivals.

YJA Report (Ellen Winters)
Botton Designs

Discussion:  First round of buttons are being made and leaders are excited about them Buttons look good. Costs about $3 a button, but swag excites. YJA got some donations for the button program. And kids can get prizes. Any kid who is IJA member can participate.

Marketing (Kyle Johnson) Sent out six different packages to different areas and organizations. Sending out flyers to Belgium.

Discussion: Send to juggling club in Chicago. Send to Bruce Bailey or Brian Bailey. Graphics also being done for next newsletter, hyping performers who are coming. Need to get people to register for championship.

IRC (Erin Stephens)


WJD (Erin Stephens)

Discussion: We should all get involved. Look on website. Got the video out.

Membership (Marilyn Sullivan) Down slightly. Been some member content on Facebook. But things being posted and not showing up. Kyle will get back to posting.


Financial Report (Scott Krause)

Discussion:  No report from Treasurer. Need to think about how to get new treasurer.

5. Motions for Consideration

A.  Motion to approve contract with Véronique Provencher as the 2015 IJA Festival Director.
Motion: Lloyd
Second: Kyle
Discussion: Standard, similar to Cody, but changed for Canada and has possibility of bonus.
Vote: Approved unanimously.

B. Motion to approve the contract with the Imperial Theater in Quebec, Canada for two shows during the 2015 IJA Festival.
Motion: Lloyd
Second: Kyle
Discussion: Original idea was four shows in this venue, but we are switching some to Circus School. So only two nights in this theater. Welcome show will be outside downtown.
Vote: Passed unanimously.

6. Varia:

A. Website discussion – Mike – were you able to respond to the questions from the donor about the website? Lloyd will follow up with Mike.

B. Bookkeeper position discussion.  (Lloyd Timberlake) Need to get conversation with candidate and Holly. Have two other good candidates.

C. Festival Promo. Get the word out!

Nathan: Pablo the video editor should start editing 2013 as soon as possible. We thought most performers used royalty free music but this was not the case. Need to approach performers and tell them we will send them out silent if they do not offer royalty free music. Can they offer commentary? That would be odd. Performers should provide their own royalty free music. Otherwise who does it?

Check the Forums! Subscribe to the Forums!! This gives us emails when new postings appear.

May 15 is deadline for new board members to come forward. We need to promote some more. Nathan re-running.

7. Set April Meetings
Discussion meeting: 6 April
Board meeting: 27 April

8. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: Kyle
Voting: Approved