- Call to Order
Chair, Nathan Wakefield, called the meeting to order at: 658 pm EDT
- Roll
Present: Nathan Wakefield, Noel Yee, Jared Davis, Martin Frost, Marilyn Sullivan
Absent: Louie Skaradek, Veronique Provencher, Afton Benson, Lucho Fernandez, Warren Hammond, Kyle Johnson
- Approval of Agenda
Motion: Noel
Second by: Jared
Discussion: Moving to bottom of the agenda so that Martin can be in on the conversation before he has to leave.
Vote: Approved
- Approval of Minutes:
Motion: Jared
Second: Noel
Discussion: None
Vote: passes
- Reports (Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival and future festival discussion)
Future Festival Planning (Mike Sullivan)
All contracts for Cedar Rapids 2017 are reviewed and ready to sign.
All contracts for Springfield 2018 are ready to sign except Mass Mutual Center, which we are hoping to have back before the end of the month.
Once Cedar Rapids and Springfield contracts are signed, Mike is going to take the rest of this year off of FFS work since we don’t need to start prospecting for 2019 until later this year.
2015 IJA Festival Report (Veroniqu e Provencer)
Discussion: Room concerns, performers look awesome
AMS Report (Mike Sullivan)
See written report filed on Tuesday.
Discussion: Marilyn gave lots of great updates on the hard work that she and Mike have done on the website.
YJA Report (Ellen Winters)
Discussion: It looks like all is going well with YJA
Marketing (Kyle Johnson)
Financial Report (Afton Benson)
Discussion: Afton was unable to attend today.
eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)
Discussion: Membership numbers and logins will change with the new family membership changes that were approved during the meeting today. We had a spike of 22 new members within one week of the devil stick IJA exclusive video.
IRC (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: None
- Motions for Consideration
A. Motion to approve IJA Family Membership Proposal.
Motion: Jared
Second: Noel
Discussion: Martin clarified that this is in regards to family memberships.
Vote: motion passes unanimously
B. Motion to approve the IJA Festival Pre-Registration Proposal.
Motion: Jared
Second: Noel
Vote: motion passes unanimously
C. Motion to approve Veronique Provencher (Chair), Nathan Wakefield, Matthew Wise, Kyle Johnson, and Jean-Félix Bélanger as the 2015 Festival Awesomeness Fund Committee.
Motion: Jared
Second: Noel
Vote: motion passes unanimously
D. Motion to approve the Award Committee’s selections for the 2015 IJA Honorary Awards.
2015 Selections from the Awards Committee
Motion: Jared
Second: Noel
Discussion: Nathan will find out any existing protocol and contact the festival director and make sure this is done properly.
Vote: Motion passes unanimously
E. Motion to approve Cedar Rapids, IA as the 2017 IJA Festival Site with the terms outlined in the following contracts.
(All contracts except for the joggling track rental at Coe College are in now in hand and ready to sign.)
Coe College Track Rental Agreement
Motion: Noel
Second: Jared
Vote: Motion passes unanimously
F. Motion to approve Springfield, MA as the 2018 IJA Festival Site with the terms outlined in the following contracts.
(Mike expects to have favorable contracts from Mass Mutual Center and Sheraton Hotel in hand by the end of March, and so feels comfortable that IJA can sign these contracts before having final contracts for the gym space and theater.)
Marriott Hotel
Motion: Jared
Second: Noel
Discussion: Noel is in support of postponing a vote on this. Noel mentioned the possibility of having the IJA in Vancouver in 2018.
Vote: opposes Jared Davis and Noel Yee motion defeated
G: Motion to approve up to $80 to have master disks of the 2013 DVD corrected and re-shipped.
Motion: Jared
Second: Noel
Discussion: Master disk needs misspelling and scenes corrected.
Vote: Motion passes unanimously
H: Motion to approve the 2015 IRC Mexico proposal from the Periplo International Circus Movement.
Motion: Jared
Second: Noel
Discussion: Looks great!
Vote: Motion passes unanimously
I: Motion to approve a $500 budget for the 2015 IRC Mexico. $300 will go towards prize money. The remaining $200 will be used for medals, prizes, promotion, etc.
Motion: Jared
Second: Noel
Discussion: none
Vote: Motion passes unanimously
- Varia:
A. Registration dates input
Discussion: Nathan will send out an email about the registration ASAP.
- Set April Meeting
Next Vision Planning Meeting – April 7th at 6:30 ET.
Next Board Meeting – April 21st at 6:30pm ET.
- Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: Jared
Discuss: none
Voting: Motion passes unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 8:09 pm ET.