- Call to Order
Chair, Nathan Wakefield, called the meeting to order at: 7:36 pm EDT
2. Roll: Nathan Wakefield, Louie Skaradek, Warren Hammond, Bob Neuman, Noel Yee, Marvin Ong, Shivella Schwab, Mike Sullivan, Afton Benson, Erin Stephens, Martin Frost, Jim Maxwell
Present: Nathan, Louie, Bob, Marvin, Shivella, Mike, Afton, Erin, Jim
Absent: Warren, Noel, Martin
- Approval of Agenda
Motion: Bob
Second by: Shivella
Discussion: None
Vote: All Approved
Approval of Minutes:
Motion: Louie
Second: Bob
Discussion: None
Vote: All Approved
- Reports (Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival and future festival discussion)
Financial Report (Afton Benson)
Discussion: Membership up a little. Festival Financials getting close to wrapping up. Little communication issue with Turbo (Veronique is no longer with Turbo). Up a little for this year, even though the festival was a loss. Loss of $7-8K possible more 8-10K because of adjustments to donation money. Include Donation of prize money on P and L statement. Fine tuning of P and L and how donation money comes in and out needs to be done. Go as Income, per Afton.
2016 IJA Festival Report (Jim Maxwell)
Discussion: 2016 Festival Budget laid out and projected income from packages. Set for a loss of 7,612 dollars. Going back to drawing board a little to tighten things up. Hopefully have a more full and accurate report from 2016, because 2015 was not that well tracked. Figuring out a brunch – ?? – truck vendors, etc? Can we come in under $25000 for brunch? Possible have left over brunch cover other budget expenses to more even up the total festival profit/loss. Check into entertainment and getting quality shows at a good price. Work out some conditions on the brunches, who, where what to do with it. Feed the festival attendees one good meal a day for five days. Site visit in a couple weeks. Going to get more concrete info about food ideas after the visit. Kinda all lean a little more towards not raising the price of the festival package. Early bird package April 1st -18th two week-ish period. Start to announce hotels in the November newsletter. Camino Re-All? Double check with them and when the bookings can start. People are starting to want to book the hotels.
YJA Report (Ellen Winters)
Discussion: New Website up and Running. …
eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)
Discussion: None, except budget dot dot dot and IRC videos
IRC (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: Internationally growing.
Marketing (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: South America, digging the IJA. Gearing up festival designs and marketing. Looking at monthly budgets and focusing in on membership.
AMS (Mike Sullivan)
Discussion: Nothing new except project proposal.
- Motions for Consideration
- Motion to accept the 2015 3rd Quarter Balance Sheet.
Motion: Bob
Second: Louie
Discussion: None
Vote: All Approved
- Motion to accept the 2015 3rd Quarter Profit and Loss Statement.
Motion: Bob
Second: Shivella
Discussion: None
Vote: All Approved
- Motion to add proposed payout information to IJA Festival competition pages where applicable:
Motion: Louie
Second: Bob
Discussion: Reviewed
Vote: All Approved
- Motion to approve the following people for the 2016 Festival’s Honorary Awards Committee: Alan Howard (Chair), Bob Neuman, Jay Gilligan.
Motion: Louie
Second: Shivella
Discussion: Probably establish a hard deadline for this. Trying finish the nominations before the Dec holidays. Then approve and ready by January to Notify the people.
Vote: Motion Passes. Bob Abstains.
- Motion to increase the eJuggle Budget to $800/month beginning January of 2016.
Motion: Bob
Second: Shivella
Discussion: Breaking out some of the budget items. What do we do to balance the content providers with proper compensation. Possible per video voting for the videos and larger money item content. $650 is current monthly payment. Is there any kind of audit trail for this money? Scott has a spread sheet and people are paid by checks. Dennis or Scott could answer the questions of where this money goes. Can we get a spread sheet of the in / out of the eJuggle? Bob and Shivella – it might be a good idea to get a spreadsheet of the monthly expenditures.
Vote: Opposed: Bob, Louie, Nathan, Shivella For: Marvin – MOTION FAILS
- Motion to take from the table the motion to approve and proceed with the Get Smart Group’s IJA Website proposal. (voting on the tabled motion from last month, not the new contract details)
Motion: Bob
Second: Shivella
Discussion: Back on the agenda for discussion and vote. This is mainly discussion phase and then any changes can be made to the motion and then we can figure out how to go forward. Review of the proposal and the call. Site map – decide what is worth going over (80% into archives). Migrate pieces over. Then do the website redesign and logo and refresh and colors etc for last. Lots of talk of how to break this down into digestible pieces and not having an open ended budget. Seeing if there is an option for a flat rate. Discuss the content of the contract and all go over the details. So hopefully by next meeting we can have the actual vote for a realized project contract.
Vote: Opposed: Louie Abstain: Bob, Nathan For: Marvin, Shivella
- Motion to approve the 2016 IJA Regional Competition Proposal – Middle East from the Israeli Juggling Convention, including the approval of a $500 budget from the IJA for prizes and publicity.
Motion: Shivella
Second: Louie
Discussion: Moving along and looking good! Mid East Festival Board is excited and going ahead.
Vote: Opposed: Bob Abstain: For: Marvin, Nathan, Shivella, Louie
- Varia:
- 2017 Festival Director – possible director found – Cheryl Sayers – Cedar Rapids.
- Liability insurance promotion – promotion – get it going, approach people outside our current group. Dale Widdeck – client advocate. Insure a club possibly, find a deal to insure our affiliates – some sort of policy for them to get a meeting space – sometimes they need insurance to get a meeting space.
- Set December Meetings
Next Vision Planning Meeting – Dec 7th 7:30 pm ET.
Next Board Meeting – Dec 21st 7:30 pm ET.
- Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: Shivella
Discuss: NIL
Voting: None Oppose
Meeting adjourned at 9:27 pm ET.