Business Board Meeting November 18th, 2014
Start the Recording
- Call to Order
Chair, Nathan Wakefield, called the meeting to order at: 6:35pm EDT
- Roll
Present: Nathan Wakefield, Mike Sullivan, Noel Yee, Louie Skaradek, Jared Davis, Warren Hammond, Kyle Johnson, Lucho Fernandez
Absent: Erin, Martin, Veronique
- Approval of Agenda
Motion: Louie
Second by: Jared
Vote: motion passes unanimously
- Approval of Minutes:
Motion: Lucho
Second: Louie
Vote: Motion Passes Unanimously
- Reports (Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival and future festival discussion)
2015 IJA Festival Report and Position Report (Veronique Provencer)
Discussion: Figuring out registration needs some attention – Louie, we have a new system coming in and we can share the workload amongst many people. Mike willing to get set up and launch for this event, but cannot run the registrar- Mike. The registrar will need internet access and a computer, will need to have some level of experience with the festival. Noel volunteers to help open the registration system but needs help and experience with how to run it. Can we run mock registration- sometime in feb, ran 30-40 tests for perdue. – mike. Would it be prudent to have a back up system in place. Vero does not have a preference for when the system can be put into place, preferably after Turbo in Jan- Mike.
What tiered system do we want to have? – Nathan. We give away too much money on registration, two week early registration, then normal and then onsite registration- Mike
Why do we need to make a profit on the IJA festival? – Warren. Suggestion: is to find out how money is allocated.
NEXT STEPS for Registration Process- Mike gets a test site up. Noel Vero and gets exact planning and details for registration in her mind. Mike and Noel meet for an hour prior to christmas.
Future Festival Planning (Mike Sullivan)
Discussion: Mike is pursuing options for 2017. Good leads from springfield, MA. Vancouver, BC. Noel will put Mike in touch with Circus west and Ally Oop.
YJA Report (Ellen Winters)
Marketing (Kyle Johnson)
Discussion: Kyle is posting daily on facebook.
eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)
Discussion: Recently obtained videos by nathan biggs penton, wes peden and others. Nathan is still working on the bonus parts of the video.
Different amounts of views have changed on the facebook page. Frequent video content seems to bring positive viewership to the site. Future of ejuggle, will it be rolled into a new site or separate? – Louie. Been discussed and alot of people believe that there should be more connection between both sites.
IRC (Erin Stephens)
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
AMS Report (Mike Sullivan)
- Motions for Consideration
- Motion to approve Afton Benson as IJA Treasurer for the remainder of the 2014-2015 term.
Letter of Interest
Motion: Louie
Second: Warren
Discussion: Nathan will inform denis and afton to coordinate and delegate duties.
Vote: motion passes unanimously
- Motion to approve Louie Skaradek as IJA Graphic Designer for the remainder of the 2014-2015 term.
Letter of Interest
Motion: Warren
Second: Noel
Discussion: thinks he does a great job- Nathan. For mainly programs and brochures.
Vote: motion passes unanimously
- Motion to approve and enact the revised IJA Music Policy, effective upon approval starting with the 2015 festival stage competitions.
Motion: Kyle
Second: Louie
Discussion: Acts for Cascade, Welcome and other shows do not have to have licensed music.
Vote: motion passes unanimously
- Motion to approve and enact the revised IJA Scoring System, effective upon approval starting with the 2015 festival stage competitions.
Motion: Kyle
Second: Lucho
Warren confused with rephrased wording. “best be described….” Are we talking about these other things or is the latter the case. “The What is juggling” Category. Will they also be disqualified for different reason. Warren likes the revamped scoring. It will better reflect the audience. Warren is sad to see stage presence go.
What is juggling is the biggest question? The stage competition also defines what juggling is.
Vote: opposed: Kyle, Warren, Louie, Noel, Jared, Lucho, Nathan
Motion not passed
Next Step: Warren will speak to Vivica about issues with the motion.
- Motion to designate Jek Kelly, Alan Howard, Steve Rahn, and Bob Neuman as the 2015 Awards Committee with Jek Kelly serving as the Chair.
Motion: Warren
Second: Kyle
Discussion: Yah! Great people. Vero reached out to them already and they are on board for 2015.
Vote: motion passed unanimously
- Motion to approve the following annual financial statements: Balance Sheet as of 6/30/14 (2nd Qtr.), YTD Profit & Loss as of 6/30/14, 2nd Qtr. Profit & Loss (4/14-6/14), Balance Sheet as of 3/31/14 (1st Qtr.), 1st Qtr. Profit & loss (1/14-3/14).
Motion: Kyle
Second: Louie
Discussion: How do we get an idea to see what we are working with from year to year where do i look? – Warren.
Vote: motion passes unanimously
- Varia:
- Logo Update
Discussion: Louie will update some new colors and things for the new logo. Nathan will check with American Youth Circus about design options.
- Executive Director
Discussion: Made a rough outline interms of finding an executive directior. Needs to create a search committee. This is composed of board members, members and officers from within the organization. Officers are the most important… they are the ones that are working most closely with the new ED. Other option is to hire a search firm to find the ED. Make contact with Lloyd, Thom and others to find this person.
Warren is forming a committee to help obtain the ED.
- Board Communication/Attendance
New Facebook group created for the group to exist.
- Set December Meeting
Next Vision Planning Meeting- December 9th 6:30 ET
Next Board meeting December 23rd at 6:30pm ET.
- Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: Warren
Voting: Motion passes
Meeting adjourned at 8:42 pm ET.