Business Board Meeting November 24, 2013
5:30pm Pacific Time
Call In Information:
Toll-Free Dial-In Number: 1.800.977.8002
Participant Conference Code: 189209#
Start the Recording
1. Call to Order
Chair, Erin Stephens, called the meeting to order at 5:35 PST.
2. Roll
Present: Jared Davis, Scott Krause, Erin Stephens (chair), Nathan Wakefield, Noel Yee, Mike Sullivan, Cody Fiereck, Martin Frost
Absent: Kyle Johnson, Lloyd Timberlake, Kim Laird
3. Approval of Agenda
Scott Krause moved to approve the agenda for Nov. 24, 2013.
Second by: Noel
Discussion: None
Vote: Passed
4. Approval of Minutes:
October 6th Minutes
Motion: Nathan
Second: Noel
Abstensions: Scott Krause
Vote: Motion passes unanimously
Motion: Scott
Second: Noel
Discussion: Jared says that there are complications with large calls and providing time for individuals to respond to the process. Erin says she can go slower to allow people ample time to respond to important motions.
Vote: Motion Passes
4. Reports (Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less)
2014 Festival Update (Cody Fiereck)
Festival Poster
Scott ask are the rewards included in for the competitions on the budget. Pyrus says that only competition money in the budget is for busking. Martin says in the past it has totaled 3,950 in previous years. This means that we need to account for a budget difference of 4,000 – 7,000. Need to establish a list of competitions (championships, xjuggling, etc) and comprise an adjusted budget with the competitions included. Did some of the money for previous years games came from fun fund.
Medals & Prize Money
Gold Silver Bronze Award amounts
Individuals 1,000 — 500, — 250
Teams 1,000 — 500, — 250
Juniors 500–250- 125
Total 4375
Martin says we can look at the budget 2 years ago to figure out the amount for pay out. Pyrus needs to talk to personnel about Xjuggling, Games, joggling and Numbers Competition
Income from the special workshops has not been added in current budget and how can we add this in? There is no line in the budget yet for this. We often split the special workshop amount with instructor 50/50.
Pyrus says that the items are budgets, it is there but it is in the shows budget. It is there for there.
Erin says that this budget for today is a rough and working budget and will change but can be repaired and amended in the future
Curious Misc for 2,500- expenses that may pop up or in an emergency situation.
Martin wrote something on the Board forums and we need to figure out how the registration system and how the will work. Martin says if its on our website it may be easier to
Purdue will handle meal and menu situations for people. We will handle our own festival registration. We will use a commercial online package for people who want to come to our festival. could prevent cross communication or other issues. We will not use the IJA store for registration, we need to let the IJA store manager know about adjusting webpages.
Mike is willing to work on web material this through the holidays to prepare for Jan 1st deadline. Our members need to know all the details of the rooms to compare them to hotels. Cody has the pricing and it can be added to the website.
Many registrations at an early bird price of members that would have come to IJA anyways. Suggestion is that the window is very small and it is cheaper.
Jared feels like the festival cost too much. So removing lower costs could make it to costly for some.
There are many other concerns about lowering the price of the festival.
Pyrus says that we should lower the quantity of tickets. Tricky to enforce.
erin suggests moving forward on the voting and readdress these this weds at the festival organizational meeting.
2013 Post Festival Report (Kim Laird)
Festival P&L Statement
Fun Fund Expenses
Kim Laird is not present. IJA did make a 10,000 profit. Erin asked Holly if all funds were in the General Fund, and Holly responded saying some funds are still in a different account at this time.
Future Festival Planning (Mike Sullivan)
Mike says creating a written agreement with Turbo is going slower than he had hoped. Combing over details and hoping to finish by the end of the month. Mike is working on many spots for 2016. INebraska and Ohio are interested. Kalamazoo, MI is looking to submit a bid. Glad to have a one year breather to find a suitable festival for 2016.
Mike contacted Noel and Kyle about options for California and did not receive a return email from either. Not sure if working on a contract for quebec is possible. Mike is working on a letter outlining the two organizations will work together, and specific responsibilities of each.
Making sure that the expectations of fest director are clearly described met and worked though. Mike is working to be able to have final Proposals for our 2016 fest site ready to consider by 2014 festival.
YEP Report (Ellen Winters)
Ellen is looking to get a online certification for organizations that are already established, in order to integrate more youth into the program. Buttons are being designed and created for the awards system.
Marketing (Kyle Johnson)
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
IJA should see these numbers go up with the membership drive and IJA fest ticket sales.
Financial Report (Scott Krause)
5. Motions for Consideration
A. Motion to approve the working budget for the 2014 Festival.
Motion: Noel
Second: Scott
Noel says the budget is a work in progress and says it will change. Suggest call it working budget. Noel amends to call the budget now “working budget”. Amendment passes. Working to get it approved to begin booking the cascade and other performers.
Mike suggests to Cody that people can only register online.
Vote: Motion Passes
B. Motion to temporarily change the price of a 1 Year Adult IJA Membership to $24.00 and a 1 Year Youth Membership to $19.00, from December 13th – 26th.
Motion: Jared
Second: Scott
Discussion: Martin asks if membership can be obtained online only. Sales are online only.
Vote: Motion Passes
C. Motion to approve up to $1,000 for a board member to attend the Turbo Fest, and attend a City Council meeting with Veronique to announce the IJA Festival happening in Quebec. This expense has been budgeted into the 2015 Festival Budget.
Motion: Nathan
Second: Jared
Discussion:Veronique requested that someone see the site and we get a feel for how the IJA fest will work at the venue. Erin mentioned to her that the board usually approves a director site visit, and since she is the onsite director, perhaps the board would approve a board member visit in order to collaborate. Mike Moore was asked if he could do it and he said no. Martin suggested Greg Phillips or Don Lewis as other options. Noel says he will be at Turbo Fest. He doesn’t want to pay to go to the festival, and would like to take some time to figure out how much he would need to be compensated to offset expenses of staying two extra days. Kyle is probably going as well. It would be nice if they took pictures.
Opposed: Jared, Erin, Noel, Nathan, Scott
Motion fails
6. Varia
A. Communication – Please remember to check forums regularly.
7. Set December Meetings
December 8th, 2013 5:30 PST
December 22nd, 2013 5:30 PST
8. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: Kyle
Voting: Motion passes