Agenda 9/8/2013
Planning Board Meeting September 8, 2013
5:30pm Pacific Time
Call In Information:
Toll-Free Dial-In Number: 1.800.977.8002
Participant Conference Code: 189209#
1. Call to Order
Chairwoman, Erin Stephens, called the meeting to order at __5:36_pm PST.
2. Roll
Present: Jared, Scott, Erin, Lloyd, Nathan, Noel, Kyle
3. Discussions
Festival Director Discussion: discussion of Erin’s talk with Katje. Festival lost @ $7,000 but West Ciast fests always lose money. Katje felt she worked closely with the board. She ran Fest according to her regional fest experience. She was asked to run the next year’s Fest. Erin, Kyle, Noel all going to Europe fest. Do we hire Fest director and have the board shadow that person? Suggestion that we advertise to members and have a cut-off date. Could we escalate and say that $5,000 is being offered? But we only have nine months less. Do we take Katje and set up a series of controls? Katje has Fest-running experience and must have learned from it. There should be penalties for lack of communication and $3,000 is held back until final financial reporting. Can we think of training her for future Fests? Erin is interested in directing 2017 fest. Spread word among Purdue students that payment might be available. Noel says fests can be run from a distance, given local backup. Kim did this re Bowling Green. It would be good to have backup for Katje. We still need some sort of board interview process. We do not know why she needed more money. Kim has been asked to create a Fest Director manual.
Jared would like to do a conf. call with Erin and Kim to talk about fest director duties.
Newsletter/Communications Director Discussion: there has been discussion of going to Constant Contact for the newsletter. Need to track stats on our newsletter. Thom created a template and said he would be happy to do comms role and newsletter. He wanted to talk about compensation. Board elders generally felt compensation was out of the question. Let’s see if we can get Thom to suggest a level of compensation. We do need to have one source of information for the members. Several agree. We’ll have website coordinating with eJuggle. Should we not move forward with compensation, we could bring in marketing director to help with the transition. Constant Contact is about $40 a month. Scott would pay this out of his budget.
Website Discussion – Scott: Talked to Scott A’Hearn who is willing to help with website, advise on cheaper options. Some of these are supported by communities and not companies. Looking at three possibilities: Synergy Web Platform, ESX Inc, Wild Apricot (but does not have integrated store options). These match requirements. And there are three others without store modules. Will look at Word Press to see if it can be configured to match requirements. A’Hearn had submitted to be webmaster and Erin thought he would be better on web team. Scott and A’Hearn are moving ahead on this. They are meeting ahead of board meetings with conference call. Goal is to have something up by Dec 1. A’Hearn concerned with migrating data. Could use Word Press as front end with other back end. Noel will show the web site he uses and be on call. Scott will send out invitation to call. Kyle can also be on call.
IJA Programs – Discussion and Planning, moving toward strategic plan
YEP – Youth Education Program: Erin was left to lead it and brought others in. Ellen Winters has taken leadership role. There are 36 trained YEP reps. $5000 a year has been going to it. It is planned to offer future courses at future fests. Goal is to manage what we have. But also want to get certification on line to make it more international. Goals are to certify and support, not to direct. Can we integrate YEP with these non-profit circuses that are beginning to travel more?
IJA Regional Competitions: started three years ago. Done two in Mexico, one in Peru and one in Brazil. Helps us go international without costing much. We have spread word on Latin American juggling scene. Shift prize from trip to IJA, as this too complex. Cash prize, medal, article in eJuggle? Interest is growing. Can we have more in different regions, feeding in to main competition? Would help IJA be more international. Could do small regions of big continents, like Africa. Which are ready now and which are longer term prospects? Could region help name its trophy, perhaps after part of the community?
World Juggling Day: Long history, but biggest int’l participation this year, 47 countries, and Ripley connection. They want to continue. Can we find someone else to run WJD?
Video Tutorial Contest: Thom Wall runs, bigger and better than ever. Prop companies participating more. Thom will continue.
Props 2 U: Erin created when she got on board. Today more than 5,000 props donated to different companies.
Affiliates Program:: Lloyd expressed interest. Noel would be happy to help but is not sure how. What benefits can be offered? Would enhance our overall image. Have tables at regional festivals.
Mentorship Program: Started by Steven Ragatz, who is not too involved with it now. This may be an add-on that we do not have the bandwidth to focus on now. We are spread too thin. Lots of agreement. IJA is turning into more of an international non-profit helping jugglers. What is important: the Fest, doing a lot of things? Let’s take small steps in completing, progressing some of these programs.
Officer Update: Erin will put all letters of interest in Google drive and make list of officers and volunteers. One for each slot except Euro rep.
Membership Cards – Kyle: Have the option to ask for membership card. We need to update cards so they do not look so old. Graphic designer can do this. Each new members gets card automatically. Marilyn prints them out. This is inexpensive treat for members, a good investment. Would cost @ $1,000 a year. Or we could update graphic and still have people print their own. But then we have had a paperless IJA goal.
4. Confirm Sept. 22, 5:30pm PST for next board meeting. Reports need to be five minutes or less.
5. Adjourn
____Kyle____ made the motion to adjourn the meeting at unanimous 7:08 pm PST.
Vote: Unanimous