- Call to Order
Chair, Nathan Wakefield, called the meeting to order at: 7:36 pm EDT
2. Roll: Nathan Wakefield, Louie Skaradek, Warren Hammond, Bob Neuman, Noel Yee, Marvin Ong, Shivella Schwab, Mike Sullivan, Afton Benson, Erin Stephens, Martin Frost, Jim Maxwell
Present:Nathan, Louie, Bob, Noel, Shivella, Mike S, Jim M
Absent: Warren, Marvin, Afton, Erin S, Martin F,
- Approval of Agenda
Motion: Louie
Second by: Shivella
Vote: Unanimously Approved
Approval of Minutes:
Motion: Shivella
Second: Louie
Vote: Unanimously Approved
- Reports (Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival and future festival discussion)
Financial Report (Afton Benson)
- Nathan- a few things still being worked out and there are many last minute expenses still waiting to be completed. Appears to be a substantial loss. It is one of the most substantial losses we ever have had at a festival. Troubled with this even after several grants have been coming in all along. Some of the grants were receiving the grants but were not a part of the festival.
- Bob- he would like to see a breakdown of this event and wants to see how this can help us understand.
- Mike- wonders how much money we lost on the exchange rate to canadian dollars.
- Jim- questions about performer overpayment. Wants to make sure he understands this to make sure that they don’t repeat in El Paso.
- Noel- A meeting with the board and vero. In addition, notifying the turbo board about our loss.
- We will get Vero’s 2015 report and call a meeting and have a review of what happened and the amount of loss or success at the event. Many agree that separate meeting would be suggested.
- Plan Nathan will lean on who is getting the final expense items done. A Separate meeting with vero will be planned and she will come to the next board meeting to discuss the options. Nathan will ensure that the event budget and report is finalized for the IJA board.
2016 IJA Festival Report (Jim Maxwell)
- Things are moving along.
- Unamed was in touch with jim to fund a gauntlet at IJA 2016. Wants to match the donations to completing this gauntlet. Team has been formed and they are gathering resources to build it. Estimate for the gauntlet is more expensive than the previous two. This is mainly because it is being built in austin and transported to el paso.
- Jim is still working on the overall festival budget. Has a pretty good idea about how this went in 2009 in winston salem when mike managed and again when matt managed winston salem in 2012. Is waiting on Quebec numbers.
- Ewii has allotted 5,000 for marketing and planning for IJA 2016. Is working with Erin Stephens. 400 to branding for the fest. 3,000 for social media. 900 for print marketing. 700 for other. Would like to get this moving.
- Nathan feels like Jim can already begin to use the donation money without voting.
- Contacted a number of artists and getting them booked for the show. We are just waiting on me.
- Much of the staff has been approved and are excited for the upcoming year.
- Jim wants to be in touch with the awards committee along with their process
YJA Report (Ellen Winters)
eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)
- Louie likes that he has a lot of writers coming in. He even has one person that are drawing juggling comic strips.
- Noel wonders what the new videos.
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
- Nathan hopes we are poised to get a bunch new members. We just finalized our members insurance policy. And also this can bring about some returning members.
IRC (Erin Stephens)
Marketing (Erin Stephens)
AMS (Mike Sullivan)
- IJA has added all the info for the liability insurance.
- Discussions with Erin about bringing in an outside marketing and branding company.
- Quickbook codes added to every item to help reconcile sold items easier.
- Motions for Consideration
- Motion to accept the revised 2015 2nd Quarter Profit and Loss Statement.
2nd Quarter Profit and Loss Statement
Motion: Bob
Second: Louie
- Looks more organized and together than previously but still awaiting our festival report- Louie.
Vote: Unanimously Approved
- Motion to pay Mike Sullivan’s airfare to El Paso to assist with a festival site visit for up to $360, as to be included as part of the 2016 Festival Budget.
Motion: Noel
Second: Bob
- Pre conference visit that is commonly made pre an IJA festival. Meet with suppliers and solidify all of the details. Need to get all ready to be set for registration. El Paso is compensating the airfare for Jim and Steve.
Vote: Unanimously Approved
- Motion to renew Dennis Morrison’s Bookkeeper Contract for another calendar year.
Moton: Louie
Second: Shivella
- Martin thinks that the contract should be set from oct 1st and then prorate the amount of money the IJA has not paid him. Needs to cover 4 months of missing payment.
Second of amendment: Shivella
Amendment of motion
- the contract will state a prorate of payment from 6/1/15- 9/30/16 for a total of 792 per month. This would total 12,672 for all services rendered as IJA bookeeper
Motion and Ammendment- Unanimously Approved
- Varia:
- IJA Officer Positions
Louie is working hard figuring out the job descriptions and is moving closer.
- Honorary Award Committee Chair
Discussion:Bob shared that Alan Howard has volunteered to fill the position, and will select a committee to assist. Committee will consist of 3-4 members. Request for Alan to submit a list of possible committee members in time for Oct. board meeting.
- Set October Meetings
Next Vision Planning Meeting – ____October 12________7:30_pm ET.
Next Board Meeting – ____October 19th 7:30____________ pm ET.
- Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: Shivella
Meeting adjourned at __8:52____ pm ET.