Business Board Meeting April 23rd, 2018

1. Call to Order
Chair, Nathan Wakefield, called the meeting to order at: _7:04_ pm EDT

2. Roll: Nathan Wakefield, Louie Skaradek, Ian Michael Loughlin, Eric Shibuya, Exuro Piechocki, Josie Marks-McQuade, Scott Cain, Mike Sullivan, Afton Benson, Erin Stephens, Martin Frost, Noel Yee, Matan Presberg
Present: Nathan Wakefield, Louie Skaradek, Ian Michael Loughlin, Exuro Piechocki, Scott Cain, Mike Sullivan, Afton Benson, Noel Yee, Matan Presberg, Erin Stephens, Martin Frost
Absent: Eric Shibuya, Josie Marks-McQuade

3. Approval of Agenda
Motion: Louie
Second by: Scott
Discussion: re-ordered for Mike
Vote: Unanimously Approved

4. Approval of Minutes:
Business Board Meeting March 19th, 2018
Motion: Louie
Second: Ian
Discussion: none
Vote: Unanimously Approved

5. Reports (Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival and future festival discussion)
Future Festival Planning Report (Mike Sullivan) Report Link
Site visit report and recommendation was submitted for Wichita, Kansas to be our host city for the 74th Annual IJA Festival in July, 2021. Requesting the Board’s approval to move ahead to final contracts.
Late word from Provo (Monday, April 24, Noon ET): Knowing that we have a very strong offer from Wichita, Provo has thrown two sweeteners into their proposals in hopes of swaying us there for 2021. Quoting from an email today from their CVB rep, Lee Adamson:
“I received a message from Chad Thomas at Provo City this morning that they would like to offer IJA a $5,000 incentive/sponsorship in addition to the $2,500 from the CVB. At this point the total community sponsorship would be $7,500 cash plus downtown street banners near the hotels and convention center.”
They have also communicated that the other hotel in downton, a new Hyatt Place coming online later this year, will drop their rates to $119/night single/double, from $149.
My recommendation is still for Wichita for 2021.
Discussion: Mike provided proposal to board by email. Wichita is excited. No obstacles perceived by Mike.
Scott: Can Provo’s rebuttal be pitched to Wichita to offer a better grant opportunity?
Mike: Wichita is also already offering a grant.
Scott: Concerned that many IJA festivals are being placed in the midwest, Northwest and Southeast are under-represented in future planned festival locations.
Mike: West coast is cost prohibitive. No appealing offers in the SE. Wichita is accessible by air with relative ease.
Afton: Is it a genuine Grant? Money might come in after the event, not before.
Mike: Not concerned with this issue at this time, venues are reputable.

2018 Festival Report (Noel Yee)
Discussion: Noel has ordered medals, Dave Pawson and Sofia are working on workshop schedule. Second specialty show lined up. Festival grid is prepared and submitted. Ross is fronting some funds to get the best deals on performers/special guests airfare. Noel recommends Ross for 2019 Festival Director.
Nathan: are rooms set for board meeting, special shows, etc.
Noel: That is upcoming on agenda, somewhat complete. Board is set for 1pm Weds. Both special shows scheduled friday night. Not fully set, but is underway.
Martin: Board meeting normally starts at 11am or at noon. Should be OK though, provided no workshop or events conflicts.
Nathan: How many auxiliary rooms do we have for workshops, etc.?
Scott: Special shows incl. In registration? Noel: No. Price will be $10-$15 suggested donation, “no one turned away”. Juggleology show is at a cost of $1k. Flow Show consists mainly of people already involved, should only cost a couple fest passes.
Afton: Offers to work to coordinate brunch logistics with the venue, thought it was already in place but learned today it was not. Requests where contracts are
Noel: states they are in IJA folder > 2018 fest folder > 2018 shows folder > contracts folder.
Nathan: Can Noel, Afton, Shivella, finalize brunch logistics before May board meeting?
Noel: Yes. Elaborates on multiple uses of each room.
Louie: Overall sounds good, what other concerns does Noel have?
Noel: Only primary concerns at this time are slow ticket sales, Load in and tech times distribution so as not to give Ross a 12 hr day on monday. Some small concerns are small tasks regarding registration etc can be plentiful but are able to be handled in coming months.
Louie: Glad to hear that remaining concerns are all small, no major issues looming.

Financial Report (Afton Benson)
Written Report: Not much to really report on! Please see the attached 990
Nathan and I have reviewed the 990 and had corrections made, but this seems good to go!
Afton and Martin discuss whether membership dues are accurately reflected in the 990.
Nathan will send concerns via group email thread to Dennis. Martin will share list of membership purchase records from YM.
Exuro: Notes that there is in Section X line 16 reduction in assets by $60k, asks if this is normal.
Group speculates about why this could be. Notes exact $50k increase in line 15.
Nathan requests Afton articulate the issue to Nathan, Nathan will consult with Dennis regarding this and CC all parties on an email.
Martin notes Liabilities have been reduced by a nearly equivalent amount.

eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)
Discussion: none

Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Discussion: none

Marketing Report (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: Today is 423 day! Campaign happening today. It has been a successful month.

IRC Report (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: Hoping for more applicants for Asia, overall things are doing well. Jorge may not be able to go to Australia

YJA Report (Galen Harp)
Discussion: none

WJD Report (Josie Marks-McQuade)
Discussion: Shopify ought to be ended following end of May/June month conclusion.
Erin: invite people to WJD event page on social media

Awesomeness Fund Report (Ian Michael Loughlin) Link to rough draft
Discussion: Going well. Working to contact local businesses for cooperation(open bar). Nathan requests final rendition of plan prepared within two weeks, including line items, etc. Planning to bring in some new things, bring back the good stuff from the past.

6. Motions for Consideration

A. Motion to authorize Mike Sullivan to seek final contracts with venues to bring the 74th Annual IJA Festival to Wichita, Kansas July 12-18, 2021.
Motion: Ian
Second: Louie
Discussion: Well discussed at beginning of meeting. Board in general agreement that this is a good deal. Want to be open minded about looking at venues in the NW or the SE, or other underrepresented areas for future years.
Outcome: Obstain: Scott Cain. Motion Approved

7. Varia:
2019 Festival Director
Two strong candidates, historically we have had to seek applicants. Nathan would like to formally vote at next meeting. How to proceed? Martin recommends no formal discussion until after deadline. Afton recommends interviews with each candidate, separately from each other.
Nathan will invite candidates to the next Vision Planning meeting in slots, not for at the same time as each other. Next Business Meeting will be an appropriate time to make a motion to appoint a festival director for 2019.

Communication/Project Management Tools
Workplace by Facebook – like facebook, but specifically for a business team. It has been implemented by Erin Stephens and is being used by about 8 IJA officers and Board members. It has been useful for communication amongst teams and for receiving input on their work from other officers/board members than who might otherwise be directly told about a project or included in a direct conversation. It allows for direct notifications on phone via the workplace app, or on desktop. Signup is limited to email holders.
Asana has not been useful in this way for communication and open discussion but is still valuable for projects. Asana will still be used by marketing team.
Nathan isn’t crazy about the idea, does not foresee heavy long term use, sees it as “another platform”
Exuro finds it easier to be involved on the workplace platform than the boardplus forum and board forum of YM or by mass email threads.
Why use two apps instead of just Facebook? Workplace app is not muddied with mindless drivel like the regular Facebook app.
Sounds like it could be good for future, board is encouraged to join and give it a try.

Lots of progress this month. IJA membership has been struck from the rewards offers. Erin met with the marketing director of Patreon, Patreon is enthusiastic about the IJA being on board. PAtreon is developing better tools and platform for nonprofits. Afton gave approval for using Patreon after previously having concerns about a nonprofit participating in the program. Patrons donations are NOT tax deductible. Report will be sent to Dennis monthly.
Martin inquires as to why people shouldn’t just donate directly and receive a tax deduction
Tax deductible donation link should be included on Patreon, along with clear wording that Patreon is not tax deductible.
Rewards are incentive. Most individual patrons contributions are not a high enough value to put on tax forms. ($12-$24/yr)
Exuro is willing to manage the Patreon account upon request by Erin.
Louie has prepared/is preparing some wallpapers to have ready for launch.
Nathan inquires about Patreon’s improvements for nonprofits. No solid details available other than that “it’s coming”. Erin will be kept up to date on this by Patreon.

8. Set May Meetings
Next Vision Planning Meeting – May _7th_, 2018 at 7:00 ET
Next Business Board Meeting – May _21st_, 2018 at 7:00 ET.

9. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: Exuro
Discussion: none
Voting: Unanimously Approved

Meeting adjourned at __8:40__ pm ET.

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