1. Call to Order
Chair, Mike Moore, called the meeting to order at: 8:34 pm Eastern
2. Roll:
Present: Chris Garcia, Afton Benson, Matan Presberg, Scott Steiskal, Martin Frost, Galen Harp, Amy Wieliczka, Mike Moore, Eric Shibuya
Absent: Aslynne Howes
Recorder: Eric
3. Approval of Agenda
Motion: Scott
Second by: Eric
Vote: Passes unanimously
4. Approval of Minutes:
Vision/Business Board Meeting (LINK) (20-05-05)
Vision/Business Board Meeting (LINK) (20-06-02)
Business Board Meeting (LINK) (20-06-30)
Annual General Meeting (LINK) (20-07-16)
Post AGM Business Board Meeting (LINK) (20-07-20)
Motion: Scott
Second: Eric
We had some motions in vision meetings, meaning that we should approve and post those meeting minutes.
Vote: Passes unanimously
5. Reports
Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival discussion.
2021 Festival Report (Ross Berenson)
Discussion: Ross could not make the meeting. Sent message to Eric: Ross wants to know if we are going to have to cancel Wichita and go fully online. (He is not interested in directing an online festival.) If we make that call to go online, he would like a deadline date finalized as soon as possible. Ross would like to have a decision by November, as he does not want to put together a team and then have to cancel.
Afton: if we cancel right now , we are likely to lose $20K for the facilities (we’ve currently paid about $15K) and $3K per hotel. Would potentially like to reconnect with the venue and see if they could hold the location for the next year. Also need to consider that the theatre in Wichita may be closed (as in, completely closed/out of business).
Afton is willing to contact Wichita theatre/convention center and inquire as to their COVID protocols.
Financial Report (Afton Benson)
Discussion: Fundraising for IJA Online: $6897.38. $5513.17 (taking out joggling, championships, IRC). Still totaling up expenses.
Still working on balancing with Bindlestiff (we owe them $68). Keith is willing to take IJA advertising the September Bindlestiff show in trade. (Will be handled by the Social Media Team).
Afton may be revamping our P&L sheets for greater clarity. Currently we have far too many line items.
IRC budget is currently way off from what Erin has. Year-to-year carryover was being done by Erin by hand, so the numbers do not sync up.
Unna Med has not made annual contribution to IRC ($25K). IRC currently set to lose $3K this year. Erin and Afton have reached out, but Unna has not responded since February.
eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)
[9:03 Aslynne joins the call]
Criteria for getting paid for writing an article?
We should get something formally written for submissions and payments (need to rewrite the current webpage linked below).
(Discussion on ejuggle tabled for vision meeting)
Afton will spearhead talking points and communication.
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Membership Data
Discussion: Membership took expected post-convention drop.
GSuite Update (Mike Sullivan)
Discussion: Martin was contacted by Mike asking for who would get user accounts/emails (likely Board Members and year-round officers)
Marketing Report (Erin Stephens/Matan Presberg)
IRC Report (Erin Stephens)
YJA Report (Galen Harp)
The book and associated pamphlet are in the final stages. Thom will be coming to the next vision meeting to talk about the project. He will put the finishing touches on the material then the next step would be to talk about how many to order how the publishing contract will work. Thom is willing to brand the entire book to the IJA but will retain the copyright allowing us to purchase copies for us to sell. On the associated pamphlet he is willing to give us the original and allow us to print it and give it away free of charge with no restrictions. I feel this arrangement benefits everyone involved.
I contacted Brack, the teacher we discussed last month, and he will be using the YJA program school wide to around 300 students. I am in contact with him to help develop his program. I have sent him an initial button shipment and I expect to send more in the next few weeks.
My conversations with him convinced me even more that getting materials in the hands of physical education professionals would have a huge impact on the IJA.
The first YJA open discussion will be on August 25th 1pm CDT on Zoom. I will have the full details in the next few days. If you have the time please come throw your ideas up in the air!
6. Motions for Consideration
A: Motion to…approve a request for proposal which will be sent to solicit a financial organization to invest $250,000 in donor funds. Document link
Author : Scott
Motion : Amy
Second : Matan
Discussion : Scott: any Board member can bring this RFP to any financial investment institution. Please be mindful of any conflicts of interest (working for or having a client that is a financial investment organization).
Amend: Motion to approve the attached request for proposal for investing IJA funds
Mover: Scott
Seconder: Chris
Amendment passes unanimously
Should change email addresses to the juggle.org addresses
Scott clarifies: this motion is only to approve the request, not approving anyone who responds to the request
Vote :
In favour:
Oppose :
Abstain : Aslynne
Result : Motion passes
B: Motion to offer Pass Out use of an IJA DNS MX record to use a juggle.org email address.
Author : Mike
Motion : Aslynne
Second : Eric
Discussion : This would allow them to use something like passout@passout.juggle.org for their mailing list.
(Sent in an email to the board on August 15th)
Vote :
In favour:
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : Motion passes unanimously
7. Varia:
Chris: Did we ever get the brainstorming document?
Scott: Oops, nope, will share soon. Also want to encourage teespring, maybe solicit artists for graphics we can offer. Initial thought: percentage of proceeds go to artists.
Martin: Car rental agency contacted us to offer a 10 % discount to members
Scott: Not particularly interested
Afton: They seem mostly based in the UK
8. Confirm Next Meeting
Next meetings will take place on…
Tues, Sept 1st at 8:30 pm EDT for the next vision meeting
Tues Sept 15th at 8:30 pm EDT for the next business meeting
Meeting adjourned at 9:56 pm Eastern.