1. Call to Order
Chair, Exuro Piechocki, called the meeting to order at: 5:05 pm PST
2. Roll:
Present: Afton Benson, Matan Presberg, Mike Moore, David Cain, Galen Harp, Krystin Railing, Erin Stephens, Eric Shibuya, Exuro Piechocki, Sofia Noethe, Yuki Ueda
Absent: Ian Loughlin, Mike Sullivan, Marilyn Sullivan, Scott Seltzer
Recorder: Eric
3. Approval of Agenda
Motion: Sofia
Second by: Mike
Vote: Passes unanimously
4. Approval of Minutes:
Business Board Meeting (11/27/2018)
Motion: Matan
Second: Yuki
Vote: Passes unanimously
5. Reports
Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival discussion.
Financial Report (Afton Benson)
Discussion: I’ll talk about the festival budget
Afton notes that on site fest packages from 2018 were sold at a unique rate that was not noted in the budget sheets available to her. “Adult onsite fest package” is for multiple days and a t-shirt, “Gym Pass – Adult” is for single day passes.
Exuro – Follow up with donors about recommitting on past donations for upcoming fest
P&L responses from November meeting.
- Notes IRC line reflects awards and travel – Erin indicates her numbers are different from reported line here (Afton: best practices, donations are noted in the year they are donated, whether or not they are spent later)
- Web hosting was $7k for annual
- Communications – other – reflects eJuggle
Still piecing together the festival report due to poor interface between how expense/incomes are tracked and how they are reported, and single purchases being for multiple line items.
2019 Festival Report (David Cain)
Discussion: Finalized budget and worked out tech situation for the gym, stage, etc,. Decided not to use festival funds to buy tech system, will go with in-house system.
Feels good about the competitors that have indicated interest as being their own draw for potential ticket purchasers. – Erin notes that a timeline for end of applications and who will review them should be in place soon.
How does David make purchases that are part of the approved budget? – Afton : David can make purchases and be refunded by notifying Afton. Alternatively an Amazon list can be made and then Afton can make the purchase.
Monday night juggling challenge event (chaos clubs, largest juggling balls/clubs, etc).
Mike – Where are performers on the budget? – David : no performers are asking for pay at the moment, so we are not planning to pay any of them beyond travel and housing.
Sofia – Has the joggling facility been found since the last contract was cancelled? – David : New location has been found. Fort Wayne Visitors Bureau has indicated they may reimburse costs for above the $750 mark we planned for with the last place.
Exuro – What is the situation with marketing for the festival? eNews and others are asking for articles and info. David : Getting some help from Matan, searching for a graphic designer(Jason Vorst(sp?)?, Cassuandra Smyth?). Ready to kick it into high gear now that time is more readily available.
Matan – Asks that David find someone specific other than just Matan to work as a Marketing Director for the festival.
Erin – Requests event page be created soon via the IJA Facebook page. Use a toss-up graphic or something else as interim until something nice is made by a graphic designer
David – Bringing back the IJA Auction. In the past, anyone could bring in gear to be auctioned off with all proceeds from the auction going to the IJA. Indiana law states it needs to be a silent auction. Scott Cain will manage it.
eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)
Discussion: Excited about upcoming content from IRC and festival
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Membership Data
Erin – notes we have 8 Unna Med scholarships to give away and some can be used towards membership drive or Patreon Patron drive campaigns.
Marketing Report (Erin Stephens/Matan Presberg)
Mike – Most impressed by the youtube subscriber increase this month.
Erin – Super pleased with the outcome on the 2 tutorials we have made
IRC Report (Erin Stephens)
Mike – what is the protocol on discussing the donation noted herein? Erin : it’s fine!
YJA Report (Galen Harp)
Discussion: Galen – Contacted Louie, will have new color scheme for the badges. Has yet to see the details that Matt Hall provided to Eric Shibuya for diabolo and cigar box badges. (Eric: I put them into the IJA folder on google drive, but did not attach them to the email. I’ve just sent Galen the qualifications via email)
6. Motions for Consideration
A. To approve the IRC Central America to be held at the Encuentro Guatecirko in Guatemala on April 12 of 2019.
Motion: Mike
Second: Yuki
Erin – We held IRC here two years ago and it was very well done. Original plan was to go to Nicaragua but there is political unrest there so we looked to other options.
Mike – What all does this approve? We don’t have a budget approved yet.
Afton – The budget is still pending approval but this and motion B will be easily covered by pledged funds.
Erin – plans not to use IJA general funds for IRCs moving forward due to influx of donations.
Exro – Asks for more information with a write-up for each future proposal to help provide clarity.
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : Passes unanimously
B. To approve the IRC East Asia to be held at the Asia International Diabolo Cup in Taipei, Taiwan on July 3-5 of 2019.
Motion: Mike
Second: Yuki
Erin – Same team we worked with in 2018. Likes to use the same location two years in a row when working in a new region (East Asia in this case) and then we will be more prepared to move to a new location for year 3(2020 in this case). This was the most organized team ever for an IRC
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : Passes unanimously
C. To approve the proposal for the IJA to partner with “Juggling Master – The Course”, by Lauri Koskinen, throughout the month of January.
Motion: Eric
Second: Matan
Exuro – very generous offer
Afton – Does anyone know Lauri? The write up is vague. Hard to hold accountability based on how it is worded and seems to-good-to-be-true. There’s no losing in this situation but the proposal makes Afton’s business side wary.
Erin – Lauri comes recommended by Jay Gilligan and is reputable in the community. He has given Erin admin access to the juggling mastery site so she can monitor purchases. This and the Flowtoys Vision Club donation campaigns could serve as a template for how to do this with others in the future.
Matan – This has the opportunity for us to show others that when they collaborate with the IJA that they grow in their success. Ideally we would get a specific link from Lauri that gives us info on how many clicks we get to his site and then potentially track conversions of clicks to sales using some sort of “how did you find out about juggling mastery? IJA?” to give us a metric.
Result:Passes unanimously
7. Varia:
- Deleting old email addresses for housekeeping. List of emails currently suggested for deletion.
- Partial switch from Workplace to Freedcamp (testing)
- Volunteers: Matan, Sofia, Afton, Ian, Erin, Mike
8. Confirm Next Meetings
Vision Meeting Tuesday January 8th, 2019 at 5pm PST.
Board Meeting Tuesday January 15th, 2019 at 5pm PST.
9. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: Matan
Voting: Passes Unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 6:35 pm PST.