Business Board Meeting February 16th, 2021

1. Call to Order

Chair, Mike Moore, called the meeting to order at: 9:03 pm EST

2. Roll

Present: Amy Wieliczka, Bill Barr, Matan Presberg, Eric Shibuya, Aslynne Howes, Chris Garcia, Scott Steiskal, Martin Frost, Mike Moore, Ross Berenson


Recorder: Eric


3. Approval of Agenda

Motion: Scott

Second by: Aslynne


Vote: Motion passes unanimously 

4. Approval of Minutes: 

Business Board Meeting (LINK)

Motion: Chris

Second: Scott


Vote: Motion passes unanimously 


5. Reports 

Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival discussion.


2021 e-Festival Report (Ross Berenson)


Logo underway, end of month predicted completion date
Mostly finished scheduling the main events
Made list of potential performers, panel topics and panelists
Website underway

Eric: meeting with Thom Wall (previous Vendors liaison) on Feb 27  to discuss raffle, extend contacts to Europe, maybe Asia. 

Matan: putting together marketing team, looking for greater international reach. Taking recommendations for anyone who might be good fit for marketing team. 


Financial Report (Afton Benson)



Future Festival Site Report (Mike Sullivan)

Nothing to report other than we have cancelled the joggling track rental with Wichita State University and received a written cancellation confirmation.




eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)



Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Membership Data



Marketing Report (Erin Stephens/Matan Presberg)


TotM almost full for the whole year!!

Highlight black jugglers this week has gone well

Instagram posts have been nearly daily


IRC Report (Erin Stephens)



YJA Report (Galen Harp)



OpsO Report (Scott Steiskal)

Discussion:  link

These are the types of reports I have been looking at when looking to invest funds. Hopes to have three choices for discussion at next Board Meeting. Re: Rate of return, higher rates also mean higher risk. How does the rest of Board feel on where we should go?

Matan: looking for consistency over risk. (Eric agrees)

Scott: Looking at (in general) 12-14% growth

Martin: Those rates are very high historically. 

Mike: The linked mutual fund (above) has generated approximately a 7% return for the past decade. 

Reviewed Mondo sales, mondo did outsell the IJA, leggings and joggers were popular add on items. Lower prices so sold more items as well.

For awards committee everyone willing to serve again have not heard from Sky King, will send one more email.

Scott: we’re registered with Amazon Smile, so I’m planning on writing a blurb to remind people that it exists


6. Motions for Consideration

A: Motion to…

Author :  Bill Barr
That the IJA Sammie Vance Youth Civic Achievement Award 2021 recipient be David Pavlove Cunsolo
Motion: Aslynne

Second : Amy

Discussion : Will formalize and list official committee members for 2022 Award and ongoing. 


Vote :
In favour: Amy Wieliczka, Matan Presberg, Eric, Aslynne, Chris, Scott
Oppose :
Abstain : Mike
Result :  Motion passes


7. Varia:


Virtual Hangouts Report (Chris Garcia) [added 2/15]


Playing a game: JUGGLE (

Aslynne: 30 people came (about the same as last month), went for 3 hours

Recommend a breakout room for the games


Collaboration Video Report (Chris Garcia) [added 2/15]


Video Editor: Paid?, call for volunteer editors?, Chris as a backup but may have slow turn-around time


Google Drive Migration Quick Question (Amy Wieliczka) [added 2/16]

Able to get into Google Suites (Wooooo!)

Q1: What are the Google products associated with the IJA Entity? Drive, Youtube and Google Analytics, 

Q2: Aim: documents live in a persistent space owned by the organization (not by the authors). Planning on migrating folders by program, starting with ones that aren’t likely to be edited soon: YJA and WJD

Chris: How do the existing email addresses work with this, and will we have unlimited Google Meet time?

Amy: Not sure, will look into this


DEI (Aslynne) [added 2/16]

Reminder: respond to Afton

Chris: State of the Flow Community Forum Youtube Video Recap


Author names in eNewsletter (Aslynne) [added 2/16]


Aslynne will write to Martin/Don asking if they can change “Guest Writer” to the author’s name

Mike will write to Scott asking him to try to further encourage authors to make accounts so their work can be followed


8. Confirm Next Meeting

Next meetings will take place on…

March 9th 9:00 pm EST for the next vision meeting

March 23rd 9:00 pm EST for the next business meeting


9. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 10:33 pm EST. 

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