1. Call to Order
Chair, Nathan Wakefield, called the meeting to order at: 7:05 pm EDT
2. Roll: Nathan Wakefield, Louie Skaradek, Ian Michael Loughlin, Eric Shibuya, Exuro Piechocki, Josie Marks-McQuade, Scott Cain, Mike Sullivan, Afton Benson, Erin Stephens, Martin Frost, Noel Yee
Present: Nathan, Louie, Ian, Eric, Exuro, Scott, Erin, Martin, Matan, Noel
Absent: Josie, Mike, Afton, Noel (joining shortly)
3. Approval of Agenda
Motion: Scott
Second by: Ian
Discussion: Nil
Vote: Approved (unanimously)
4. Approval of Minutes:
Business Board Meeting January 22nd, 2018.
Motion: Exuro
Second: Eric
Discussion: Nil
Vote: Approved (unanimously)
5. Reports (Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival and future festival discussion)
Financial Report (Afton Benson)
Discussion: Nil
2018 Festival Report (Noel Yee)
Discussion: Discussion on brunch and times and what hotels have breakfast and what that does to the brunch time. Figuring out optimal time, Noel and Nathan will discuss tomorrow more about it. Negotiations on some of the special guests is ongoing. Main headliner still in the works.
[Enter Josie]
Reaching out to Michael Moschen.
Future Festival Planning Report (Mike Sullivan)
Discussion: Nil
eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)
Discussion: Nil
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Discussion: Only until the 1st of Feb – so possibly the numbers are not up to date as far as these numbers go. About 160 adults and 20 youth registered for the festival.
Marketing Report (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: Monthly spread sheet of statistics for the board reports. First version this month.
Each account listed with different analytics.
Overall userbase – then a breakdown of posts.
Numbers since January 15th.
Numbers are from facebook pixels and facebook analytics. CSV files.
Great featured image posts get the most clicks and links. Possible training in the works for future users of this and how to make great posts with good images.
Festival marketing has been going real well. Postcard ready to send out in the next week.
Start a stronger YJA marketing focus. Promoting more to youth and making it look cooler and more engaging. Alot of young people writing to the instagram account and wanting buttons and other engagement.
Monthly festival instagram story. Somebody takes over the story feed at different festivals for the day. Amazing content – fun to see festivals on the other side of the world. Goal to do one a month.
Youtube strategies being upped and worked on.
Patreon – Fundraising platform – encourages a monthly patron subscription. Creative platform. What sort of perks? Still Brainstorming… Logo on videos, list of patrons on end screen of youTube video… Possible B roll footage – maybe the patreons get the secret link.
Juggling Journeys – Vlog series. Possible link with Patreon.
Matan! Added to the email list for these meetings. Working solid on IJA marketing.
IRC Report (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: Websites made for IRC’s, many language translations – going to get them up on the website.
YJA Report (Galen Harp)
Discussion: Custom labels – increases expense – possibly cheaper to get stickers. Local friend will be able to produce stickers at cost. Candy bars come in boxes of about 240 bars per box. $144 in cost equals $96 in profit – about 3 boxes get a kid a festival ticket. Maybe have a ‘pick a prize’ catalog too. Finalizing promo material and stickers.
Can the ticket price be lowered some for the kids that get a festival ticket through this selling candy bar program? Yes – people think that would be fine.
Can we get a break down and layman version of how this all breaks down and works. Yup.
6. Motions for Consideration
A. Motion to approve the 2018 Honorary Award Committee Selections
2018 Honorary Award Committee Selections
Motion: Scott
Second: Josie
Discussion: Looking good, if X gets the award, maybe that is a great pull to get him to perform at the festival. Scott has some insight on most people here and thinks this list is looking good, nay, great.
Outcome: Approved (unanimously)
(Announce before the festival, but after they are informed – being a little more public with the awards and people, so maybe we make it a little less secret than in the past. Pre promotion can work.)
B. Motion to approve the proposed championships rule changes.
Championship Rule Changes
Motion: Exuro
Second: Ian
Discussion: Nil
Outcome: Approved (unanimously)
C. Motion to approve a reimbursement of $450.58 to Don Lewis for shipping of the IJA’s inventory items.
Expense Breakdown
Motion: Eric
Second: Ian
Discussion: Our inventory took a long time to track down, Don Lewis tracked it all down and shipped to various people. (DVD’s, TShirts, Etc)
Outcome: Approved (unanimously)
D. Motion to appoint the following people to the 2018 IJA Festival Awesomeness Committee: Ian Michael Loughlin (Chair), Chris Jost, and Bill Olbrisch.
Motion: Scott
Second: Exuro
Discussion: What it is, what it does. -> Brings awesomeness to the festival!
(Masseuse in the Gym – not a bad idea…)
Outcome: Approved (unanimously)
7. Varia:
Guinness World Records
Response from GWR
Great they are interested. Possible announcement in the newsletter saying we may have Guiness involvement “What record would you want to break?”
Examples: Most people in a passing pattern, most people with diabolo, most people with a club balanced on head. ETC, ask our people.
Creative brainstorm – possible invite on the next vision planning call… sounds good.
In 1989 – set a record for most people juggling at the same time in Baltimore. In 1998 the record was broken at EJC. (We have people who were at both.)
B. 2019 IJA Festival Director
Start looking for the 2019 (Fort Wayne) Festival director. Newsletter, David Cain – thrown out there.
8. Set March Meetings
Next Vision Planning Meeting – March 5th, 2018 at 7:00 ET
Next Business Board Meeting – March 19th, 2018 at 7:00 ET.
9. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: Ian
Discussion: Nil
Voting: Unanimously Approved
Meeting adjourned at 8:11 pm ET.