Business Board Meeting June 18th, 2018

1. Call to Order
Chair, Nathan Wakefield, called the meeting to order at: 7:04 pm EDT

2. Roll: Nathan Wakefield, Louie Skaradek, Ian Michael Loughlin, Eric Shibuya, Exuro Piechocki, Scott Cain, Mike Sullivan, Afton Benson, Erin Stephens, Martin Frost, Noel Yee, Matan Presberg
Present: Nathan, Louie, Ian, Eric, Exuro, Scott, Mike, Afton, Noel,
Absent: Erin, Martin, Matan

3. Approval of Agenda
Motion: Eric
Second by: Ian
Discussion: Nil
Vote: Approved Unanimously

4. Approval of Minutes:
Business Board Meeting May 21st, 2018
Motion: Louie
Second: Scott
Discussion: Nil
Vote: Approved Unanimously

5. Reports (Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival and future festival discussion)
Financial Report (Afton Benson)
Discussion: Afton: Not much to say. 990’s submitted. Wants to see the quote for brunch. Otherwise – at the festival – Zero payouts done with cash! Find Afton for reimbursements. Will probably have alot of last minute checks written at the festival. System in place for cash drops? – is being worked on. There are BofA in downtown, deposit on Wednesday and Friday and some taken for a later deposit.

2018 Festival Report (Noel Yee)
Discussion: Brunch: Chosen the Sheraton. If we get more people than we want the quality may degrade. Continental compared to hot food. Sheraton not ideal – because not in the venue, but the communication has been great. Breakfast at the Sheraton is a go. Wednesday through Saturday. Times TBA. Also verify if a deposit is needed. Check and keep track of the meals to ensure staying in the budget. Menu TBA. Within the week most of the details should be figured out.
Recommended brunch time? 10 to Noon? 1 ½ block time.
Not far from venue – few to four blocks away. Free food – people will find it.

Medals – Noel has them. (got them today)
Plaques to be shipped soon.

Where are the two big black trunks? They are at David Lammers House. FEDEX GROUND.
Ship for about $50 each, takes about 5 days – needs to call for a pickup. May be attending.

Venue – does not like to hold packages more than 48 hrs prior to event. Exuro will reach out.

Parliamentarian – $800 is what they want! Cheapest. Trying to pay $200 (what is in the budget) We can give them show tickets.
Send some phone numbers over. Possible tax exempt action from Aftons angle.

Shirts? Everything good with John – getting them in tomorrow. Design and everything is settled. YM is down. Tshirt ordering worksheet will be worked up.
Just about 400 in pre-reg. About 360 are paid registrations 40 are comps.
Last year – 379 paid and 42 comps.

Workshop schedule looks good. Maybe a couple small changes, but mostly set. Solidified about July 1st ish.

Website Tangent: Have competitors been posted – updated but not live yet. A public file shows up on a search. … Working out to have it live now? Or later? Ian going to check in with Martin.

Posters are made for shows – printing next…
Local Publications for promotions.

Mike got on the programs with Ross – they are being generated. Some last minute special guests to be announced.
Michele Herbgerger (sp) – part of commerce board / committee for advertising / greater springfield – board member and will have some volunteer ambassadors in the gym.

Helping Exuro get to the IJA… People who serve a full term get a comp. Comps or store credit given.

Exuro talk to Shivella about using Louie’s comp or Scotts Store Credit.

Volunteers – Check
Prop Competition – Check – still working on getting some $ for this… Joggling Tshirts… ? A FUNKY FRESH Joggling T shirt please. It would be nice to have some support for the event because it is far from the main site. We do have water bottles for this event.

Still some details need to be gotten about numbers of people and catering … Afton has been keeping track of some of this money and donor money.
Competitors show passes? UnaMed – Cover some of the expenses of competitors.

Is MM … … … ?

Thanks Noel!

Future Festival Planning Report (Mike Sullivan)
Final contracts ready for IJA approval and signature for the Century II convention center and the Orpheum Theatre for Wichita 2021 are posted in the Wichita Google Drive folder.
Upon approval and countersignature by IJA of these two documents, we will have everything wrapped up for all of our festivals through Cedar Rapids 2022. I am going to take a year off of prospecting for future sites until next fall, when I’ll begin the process for a destination for our 76th Annual festival in 2023.
Discussion: All contracts for Wichita 2021 have received. All going according to plan.
Suggesting a go on Wichita.

eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)
Discussion: Nil

Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Discussion: Nil

Marketing Report (Erin Stephens/Matan Presberg)
Discussion: Metric breakdown on social media.

IRC Report (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: Nil

YJA Report (Galen Harp)
A YJA meeting for all IJA members who would like to attend has been scheduled for Thursday at 3:00 pm. The main topic of the meeting will be the chocolate bar fundraiser and the logistics involved. If possible, it would be helpful to have the web store coordinator, website designer, and Exuro there to help discuss the program. I will contact them directly about this meeting.

Ellen is currently recruiting volunteers to staff the YJA table at this year’s festival.
Discussion: Nil

WJD Report (Josie)
Discussion:Good number of t-shirts sold. Saw a lot of facebook posts. Recap Video – mention it in the newsletter.

Scott: Marketing – 10 best things about the IJA fest was really nice.

6. Motions for Consideration

A. Motion to approve the 2018 Awesomeness Fund Committee selections.
Awesomeness Fund Committee
Motion: Eric
Second: Louie
Discussion: Masseuses and Ping Pong Ball table – like. 3 hours – Possible 2 Masseuses. Has a little bit of play left in the budget, but mostly covered.
Vote: Approved Unanimously

B. Motion to approve and sign the contracts for Wichita, KS as the 2021 festival site.
Wichita Contracts
Motion: Exuro
Second: Scott
Discussion: For Century 2 convention center and the orpheum theater. Previously signed the hotels by straw poll. 4 contracts at stake here.
Vote: Approved Unanimously

C. Motion to appoint Alan Plotkin as the 2018 Festival Video Editor with the terms outlined in the following contract.
Motion: Ian
Second: Louie
Discussion: Nathan advises to pursue this. The editor is appointed before the festival so that when the festival is done, then it goes straight to the editor. Alan has been editing for the past few years and has been very timely in getting them done.
Vote: Approved Unanimously

D. Motion: Motion to allow IJA Archives Director David Cain to remove photos, clippings, etc. (all items) from the approximately 40 cardboard TriFold displays which were donated by Mary Wilkins.
The contents will be evaluated for historical value, and items deemed worthy of keeping will be organized and stored properly. Items of no significance will be disposed of. The tri-folds themselves will be donated to a local school or recycled.

Background: Box 82 of the IJA Archives, which is the size of 6 to 8 normal boxes) contains tri-fold displays that Mary Wilkins made back in the 1980s and 1990s for display at IJA Fests. This was the best way to display topical items in person prior to the internet and laptops. They are falling apart and take up so much space.

Motion: Exuro
Second: Ian
Discussion: Going through the archives and cleaning things up. Scott: they take up alot of space, taking it apart – we can use the contents and save space. Recycling Resources.
Vote: Approved Unanimously

E. Motion to reimburse Mike Sullivan up to $500.00 for airfare to Ft. Wayne, Indiana for site visit in August.
Motion: Scott
Second: Ian
Discussion: Helps the next festival director get up to speed. Hundreds of things – spending a couple days together as we walk the venues and meet people of the city is a good way to communicate this information. From VIP Green rooms to renegade venues. Banners, a thousand details, and Mike has a relationship with the people in the destination city. Continuity.
Vote: Approved Unanimously

7. Varia:
IJA on Reddit
Very interesting… We have a reddit account that has not been used much. Can we start to use it for us. One of the 10 most used websites in the world. Up votes and Down votes determine what is seen more. There is a specific forum for juggling, we can tap into that. Also many members content gets reshared by other reddit users and these posts can make the front page of the website. Taylor Glen? Video on the front page in the last couple months. Work with Erin and Matan for integration. AMA feature… maybe a little sticky so needs to be run by Martin (communications director).
Idea – post content we are already posting on social media also on to reddit.
Have a small group answer the AMA not just one person. Maybe launch Patreon and have the AMA at the same time to raise awareness.
Overall: Yeah, awesome.

Festival Roll Call!
Nathan, Ian, Eric, Exuro, Scott, Mike, Afton, (Dennis too), Noel

8. Confirm Annual Meeting
Wednesday July 18, 2018 at 1pm ET.

9. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: Exuro
Discussion: Thank you all for a great term!
Voting: Approved Unanimously

Meeting adjourned at 8:09 pm ET.

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