Business Board Meeting June 26th, 2020 Corrected to 2019
At the Festival
1. Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 1:37 pm Eastern Time
2. Roll:
Present: Matan Presberg, Eric Shibuya, Sofia Noethe, Afton Benson, Mike Moore, Exuro Piechocki
Absent: Amy Wieliczka
Recorder: Exuro
3. Approval of Agenda
Motion: Mike
Second by: Sofia
Vote: Unanimous Approval
4. Motions for Consideration
A. Motion to approve a chairperson for the 2019-2020 term.
Motion: Matan
Second: Eric
Discussion: Exuro is not able to be chair again for this year. Eric thanks Exuro for his service.
Vote: Unanimous Approval
B. Motion to nominate Michael Moore as Chair.
Motion: Eric
Second: Exuro
Discussion: Mike will do it! Feeling familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order
Everyone is excited for Mike to take the reigns and encourages Mike to delegate tasks as necessary. Many thanks to Mike for stepping up.
Vote: Mike abstains from the vote. The motion passes.
C. Motion for a proterm extension on the IJA Officer positions excluding that of the Communications Director.
Note: The purpose the officer’s term is yearly & this gives the board an opportunity to know officers & give the officers a chance to decide if they want to continue.
Motion: Matan
Second: Sofia
Discussion: Eric expresses concern about the effectiveness of communications director.
C.1 – Motion to amend the current motion from “Motion for a proterm extension on the IJA Officer positions” to read “Motion for a proterm extension on the IJA Officer positions excluding that of the Communications Director.”
Motion : Exuro
Second : Eric
Discussion : concerned about the ethics of carrying out the fiduciary responsibilities of being an officer of the IJA. Exuro is interested in taking on the role. Eric is also interested in taking on an officer position but not necessarily Communications Director.
Vote : Unanimous approval
Does Krystin know of this? No.
Vote: Unanimous approval
D. Motion to fill the vacated spot on the Board
Motion: Sofia
Second: Matan
Discussion: Scott Steiskal and Ely Doan are interested in taking on the role. Scott spoke at the AGM and was campaigning on site. Ely has provided a statement which Mike Moore read aloud during this discussion.
Several people present know Scott quite well, Mike knows Ely quite well. Both are very well qualified candidates. Scott has expressed interest in taking on the Future Festival Site Coordinator role. General discussion is that Ely might be a good candidate for Comm Director or another position that needs filling.
Vote: Unanimous Approval
E. Motion to nominate Scott Steiskal to fill the vacated seat on the Board.
Motion: Eric
Second: Sofia
Discussion: Everyone want Ely to be involved. Would like to see Ely on the board when the iiWii account matures.
Vote: Unanimous approval
F. Motion to donate the proceeds from the items donated to the 2019 Festival Silent Auction by IJA members Waldo and Todd Smith to Waldo to cover medical expenses from his recent accident.
Note from the Author: Board approval has already been given to split the proceeds of the IJA Silent Auction to the bottom line of the fest(50%) and the rest going to the IJA Archives for conversion of old films to digital(50%). Long time IJA Member Waldo was recently in a bad accident and is here this week, but still recovering.
Author: Scott Cain
Motion: Eric
Second: Matan
Discussion: – Does David Cain know? Yes. – Do we have a feel for the value of the items? Probably less than $50, it’s more of a symbolic gesture. – Does this affect the funds raised from the other items? No.
Vote: Unanimous Approval
5. Adjournment
Motion: Sofia
Discussion: Exuro thanks everyone for being such an awesome team over the past year and is happy to pass the torch.
Vote: Unanimous Approval
Meeting is adjourned at: 2:18 pm ET