1. Call to Order
Chair, Ross Berenson, called the meeting to order at: 6:05 pm Eastern
2. Roll:
Present: Ross Berenson, Sofia Noethe, Afton Benson, Martin Frost, Kaylin Meyers, Benjamin Domask-Ruh, Jake Darrow
Absent: Luther Bangert, Niels Duinker, Aslynne Howes, Noel Yee
Recorder: Benjamin Domask-Ruh
3. Approval of Agenda
Motion: Sofia
Second by: Ross
Discussion: n/a
Vote: Passes Unanimously
4. Approval of Minutes:
Business Board Meeting (Link)
Motion: Benjamin
Second: Sofia
Discussion: n/a
Vote: Passes Unanimously
5. Reports
Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival discussion.
2024 Festival Report ( Afton Benson and Noel Yee)
183 registrations currently
Close to securing a special show!
- Figuring out a special show
Secured $6000 to Fund the Flow Arts seed grant program.
- This will cover the flow show budget. Woohoo!
- Good job Afton!
Sorted out the specialty workshop room
- Club YJA 10-12
- Cyril Rabbath possibly!
AGM in a big open space
- Took Benjamin’s Suggestion.
Ross – 3 signed contracts, a few out
- Noel has 2 signed contracts
- Someone just received their visa, hooray!
- Another person got denied a visa 🙁
- Christopher Sylvia (Brazil)
- Helen (Foot Juggler)
- Tierset – get contract ready
- 70% of the way there with show
- Got marketing from 3 of the performers
Gauntlet is coming along!
Calling back to possible renegade venue
Might have to find a different Joggling site…
- Insurance needs to be 2 Million for an umbrella policy…
- School isn’t really budging…
- Checked in with Insurance Company to see if they could change it
- If they do require it, we will have to move!
Financial Report (Afton Benson)
Funds from ‘Fund the Flow Art’ should come in the next 30 days
Future Festival Site Report (Mike and Jake)
Waiting on a quote from Little Rock
- Difficult to work with/Sketchy (Got 2029 dates wrong… again (July 16-22))
- Waiting a week to get a quote from hotels
- Will get an estimate for theater/convention center
eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Membership Data
Marketing Report (Matan Presberg)
Lisa and Kenzi are doing GREAT!
IRC Report (Erin Stephens)
n/a – Is one coming up in Honduras
Ross wants to reach out about streaming
YJA Report (Benjamin Domask-Ruh)
Planting the Juggling Seed Show is a GO!
- Library, 11am meet/warm-up – 12pm show – 1pm Workshop
- Sent over marketing materials
Planting the Juggling Seed | Marketing
Badge Book Pricing
500 – Juggling Book – Coil Bound
100# Satin Cover
70# Inside Pages
Sticker inserted in book
$ 1,827.51
500 – Stickers
$ 4,815.00
Total – $13.29/Book
Shipping –
Bubble mailer
Total w/shipping – $16.36/Book
Sell @ $25/Book = 8.64 Profit
500 x 25 = $12,500.00
Lives affected = Priceless
OpsO Report (Ross Berenson)
- RFP Update
- In progress, cleaning up based on edits
- Will set up survey monkey account
- Board Guide – Packet about what being on the board entails
- In progress – Will send to general board members
- Good to have on the website for future board members
- Email Martin Call for Festival Directors
- Talk with Thom about ToTMers doing Tutorials
- Should revisit ‘Code of Conduct’ for festival
- Need to decide how to enforce code of conduct
6. Motions for Consideration
7. Varia:
Kaylin: Never Been to a Juggling Festival Brief
- eJuggle article will link to the guide
Sofia: *Flaunts the fact they have their own rocket factory*
Martin: If anyone has anything for the newsletter, send it in soon!
- Mentions being a Bottle Rocket Aficionado
8. Confirm Next Meeting
Next meetings will take place on…
for the next vision meeting – April 1@ 6:00pm ET – Ross Brings Clown Pie
for the next business meeting – April 15 @ 6:00pm ET – Afton Brings Tax Paddle
9. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 6:47 pm Eastern.