1. Call to Order
Chair, Mike Moore, called the meeting to order at: 9:05 pm EDT
2. Roll:
Present: Afton Benson, Aslynne Howes, Chris Garcia, Matan Presberg, Ross Berenson, Scott Steiskal, Mike Moore,
Absent: Eric Shibuya, Amy Wieliczka
Recorder: Afton Benson
3. Approval of Agenda
Motion: Matan P.
Second by: Aslynne H.
Vote: Unanimously approved
4. Approval of Minutes:
Business Board Meeting (LINK)
Motion: Scott S.
Second: Aslynne H.
Vote: Unanimously approved
5. Reports
Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival discussion.
2021 e-Festival Report (Ross Berenson)
Discussion: Website is in progress, hopefully it’ll be done sooner than later and getting some help with that. Events are moving forward with contacting panelists, classes, performers etc. trying to get some of these finalized. Reached out to Richard H about details for streaming all 11 events.
[Amy joins the meeting: 9:08]
Matan: has been working with people to put the marketing plan into action, working on getting an event up online so we can invite people. Hoping to lean into personable and organic marketing. Getting those who care about the IJA festival to share and invite people. Merry S is looking for translators for numbers.
Mike Moore added one hour prior to meeting:
A member made a suggestion for an alternative to a generic waiting screen:
Got the negatives scanned from a life member and they had an idea of having a slide show in front of the streams with trivia. **See the link above** It would just scroll along on it’s own. Going to let Debbie know so Ross can let her know what we’re looking for.
Financial Report (Afton Benson) **ADDED 3/22/21 6:45 CDT**
Future Festival Site Report (Mike Sullivan)
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Membership Data
Discussion: (No update)
Marketing Report (Erin Stephens/Matan Presberg)
Discussion: (No update)
Matan P: A recent tricks of the month had some explicit music, and it got posted quicker than it should have to avoid those moments. Working on getting onto ejuggle promotion as well.
Mike M.: the video is no longer listed on YouTube on our page, are we doing a new audio swap from the creator?
Matan P: will follow up with Jorge to see if an audio swap can be done.
Chris G: Spam accounts on Instagram
Matan: IJA did a giveaway and we’ve done this before; we randomly message a winner. A spam account with extra letters copied the info and started sending a lot of messages telling them they won trying to get their information. Got the account taken down within 24 hours from Instagram. There’s been at least 2 other accounts. It’s something to be aware of and we should try to get verified with Instagram.
Mike M: How long would it take to get verified?
Matan P.: Not sure, will let us know later.
IRC Report (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: (No update)
Chris G: Did we announce that we cancelled the Mexico IRC
Matan P: We never announced it was happening
Aslynne H: That got passed onto Erin?
Matan P: May have, will follow up
OpsO Report (Scott Steiskal)
Discussion: Scott S: I am looking at a second investment option with Charles Schwab. This makes two to look at I will send the specifics of the two we have so far after the meetings to the whole board.
Looks to be very straightforward and no touch account, they invest and balance it. Something that will self balance would be great. It’ll keep us in the realm of what percentages we’re looking at. Will be sending Thrivent and Charles Schwab to the board soon.
Scott S: I have two proposals for festival director. One from Mike Sullivan and Dan Holtzman; Second from Afton Benson; waiting to hear from potentially one more person. Going to email Martin to get the deadline into the eNewsletter.
Discussion: 2021 Budget for board review
For reference, 2020: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZA9bJozspimV_OrpTPOZi5DNl-LMx0JutLF2dJmfnyg/edit?usp=sharing
Scott S: Could we do stickers through the Tee-spring store? Then there’s no upfront cost.
Mike M: Could you talk to Josie and work out those details?
Scott S: It could cut costs by about $400 the up front expenses
Mike M: Not sure how TeeSpring profit shares, but it wouldn’t be a straightforward saving. Still probably more reliable profit
6. Motions for Consideration
A: Motion to give Simeon Spottswood$20 credit to teespring for his article on his experiences as a Black juggler in the United States
Author : Eric Shibuya
Motion : Amy W.
Second : Aslynne H.
Discussion :
Matan P: would like to make a $20 donation to the IJA if we pass this
Mike M: Is this motion talking about the board is taking the funds out of the IJA Budget?
Asylnne H: The specificity is that it’s Teespring
Afton B: Did the article get posted? Not that we shouldn’t compensate them anyway.
Amy W: Not seeing it.
Mike M: Intended to be on the way. Scott Seltzer was trying to get ahold of Simeon, sent Scott that information on 3/16/21
Aslynne H: Did get an email from Eric S. Had Simeon’s information in there as well.
Afton B: Can we offer him whatever item on the site and send it ourselves from teespring?
Scott S: Yes we can
Aslynne H: Who is going to get in contact with Simeon?
Scott S: Will contact Simeon to see what he’d like merch wise from teespring. Do we say $20?
Mike M: Can CC Mike or Matan so he knows it’s not a scam. And yes $20
Amend to read: Motion to give Simeon Spottswood$25 credit to teespring for his article on his experiences as a Black juggler in the United States
Mover: Matan
Seconder: Aslynne
Vote :
In favour:
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : Unanimously Passed
B: Motion to approve IJA Organizational Sponsorships
Author : Afton Benson
Motion :Matan P.
Second : Scott S.
Discussion :
Afton: We’ll also add a brief vetting process to avoid parties against IJA goals/unrelated to juggling being organizational sponsors.
Chris G: Was this for a business only so tax id number verifications? Could an individual do this?
Afton B: Would be a good vetting process question where we can talk/email with them?
Scott S: Maybe tiers for individuals too?
Matan P.: Matan Juggles the brand wants a slot, that feels like a good use of the org sponsorships.
Chris G: Are we expecting juggling/circus groups and what not? Or like RedBull types?
Afton B: Pitching it to juggling/circus groups for the most part
Aslynne H: Did you touch base with Dennis and Marilyn
Afton B: Can check to just make sure it rocks with the IRS. (Check on the table/newsletter)
Chris G: What fee type is this?
Afton B: It’s annual
Vote :
In favour:
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : Unanimously Passes
C: Motion to create a Technical Officer Role
Author : Amy Wieliczka
Motion : Chris G.
Second : Aslynne H.
Discussion : Amy W: Added Operations Officer will fill that role unless someone is in the role.
Vote :
In favour:
Oppose :
Abstain : Amy W
Result : Passes with all others present
D: Motion to appoint Amy Wieliczka as Technical Officer
Author : Amy Wieliczka
Motion : Scott S
Second : Matan P
Discussion :
Vote :
In favour:
Oppose :
Abstain : Amy W.
Result : Passes with all others present
7. Varia:
eJuggle update (Aslynne, Tuesday 9:17am)
Aslynne H: Scott responded to my email, brought up the idea of using fest packages in compensation as well to help people looking for financial assistance so they can be compensated that way instead of cash or providing a discount.
Mike M: They can use the credits for purchasing a festival package.
Afton B: He’s looking to do this as a pitch for writers?
Aslynne H: Using it toward helping people offset their festival expenses
Mike: communication update (mailing list and Scott Seltzer)
External emails into the juggle.org seem to work okay, but nothing Mike has sent has gotten through to anyone; kept Martin and David L. updated and they are working on it. For the moment it’s best to use person email addresses.
In communication on FB messenger Scott Seltzer’s email was filtering them weird so he hadn’t gotten some of our communications
If other juggle.org email addresses are included it seems to block those.
IJA Virtual Hangout (Chris G, just added during meeting)
In the last hangout there was a quick discussion if we should push the meeting an hour forward. (also how does daylight savings affect the new time with other countries?) Would maybe be looking to start at 10 am PDT
423 Day Montage Video (Chris G, just added during meeting)
Should we try and organize a collab/montage video for this? We need to put out a call for editor and call for submissions in next newsletter.
If board members can read the guidelines and comment if they haven’t already that would be helpful. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uMJMZAO9oEGEqoeoKVtawoEzTLAINdb_6NZHB6jfnWs/edit
Submission deadline for those who want to edit: ~20ish days
Deadline: 4/16 for final submission
Looking to do montages for other items vs 423 or 531
Highlighting demographics in juggling, doing that for Black History month, pride; try to see how that’d work with the marketing team.
Pride would be the next area coming up towards the end of June. Could someone collect the videos and get them to Mike M and he may know someone who can edit videos. Start by asking people on the juggling discord and social media.
Change: Aslynne will ask on Juggling without Patriarchy group first (Mike asks discord second)
Chris: I will donate $100/video (max 3 videos/year) for a video editor. Should I donate straight to the IJA?
Afton: Yes, with an earmark/comment specifying it’s for video editor for collaboration videos
8. Confirm Next Meeting
Next meetings will take place on…
for the next vision meeting: April 20th, 2021 9 PM EDT
for the next business meeting: April 27th, 2021 9 PM EDT
9. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 10:41 pm EDT.