1. Call to Order
Called to order at 9:00 EDT
2. Roll:
Present: Scott Steiskal, Amy Wieliczka, Afton Benson, Matan Presberg, Mike Sullivan, Craig Lewis, Sofia Noethe, Aslynne Howes, Mike Moore, Martin Frost
Absent: Eric Shibuya
Recorder: Aslynne Howes
3. Approval of Agenda
Motion: Sofia
Second by: Amy
Vote: Motion passes unanimously
4. Approval of Minutes:
April’s Business Board Meeting (LINK)
Motion: Scott
Second: Sofia
Vote: Motion passes unanimously
5. Reports
Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival discussion.
2020 Festival Report (Amy)
Efestival report from 5-12 meeting:
Mike Moore: Awards would be good to do. Hopefully get some pomp and circumstance through a video (and if desired, they could be recognized in person as well, next year)
Especially for the Sammy Vance Award, which is going to people who are going into or applying for college next year (well, maybe). Might help their chances!
Amy: workshop, panel discussions, vendors, movie night, ongoing hangout space, trelo board was made
***Looking for people to make panel discussions, and organization***
Mike: does anyone know about timeline for advertising competitions etc?
Afton: needs approval for go ahead on prizes etc. do we want members to be the judges
Motion for members to be judges for competition
Motion for juniors to be eligible in 2021 if they were also eligible in 2020.
Sofia : idea of fundraising goals during the eFest, i.e. donations and raffle
Scott: working on workshops, included in newsletter for tips and tricks etc for running workshops, we are planning to use Jitsi, people should have a general plan/curriculum for their workshop, requesting people indicate the language, time per time zone
Mike: Jitsi allowed all members equal control, has that been fixed?
Amy: I don’t see that being a major problem, that has not been fixed.
Password protection exists, but it only really prevented people from calling in instead of kicking people out
Martin: Are we planning to use Jitsi for all events?
Amy: No, we are planning to use multiple platforms for different events
Scott: youtube and facebook for gala and shows, which would need to be included in the schedule.
Martin: Will Jitsi be able to handle the volume?
Afton: I don’t think there will be so many people that volume would be a problem for workshops
Mike: Has anyone looked into google meet?
Amy: We can investigate that and try it out after the meeting
Scott: Biz is interested in taking the lead of XJuggling, will follow up tomorrow with Biz. I will send out article and would appreciate feedback.
Financial Report (Afton Benson)
Afton: If people can’t make the next festival, they will not be reimbursed for travel (part of the championship prizes). Championships would require membership to watch and judge videos.
990 discussion: No discussion
Problems or concerns with the prizes: None
Further discussion on the financial report: None
Future Festival Site Report (Craig Lewis) – Added Monday Afternoon
All contracts for IJA 2025 in Evansville have been received and reviewed, and we would like to ask the board to approve these for signing.
Afton: Contract includes labor and overnight charges, which is concerning
Mike S: Convention was told our budget
Afton: contract does not include a final estimate
Mike S: can Craig get an estimate of the total labor and overnight charges?
Afton will email Craig
Craig: Mike S and Craig visited the location, looked over contracts and see nothing wrong, contracts are on the Google Drive
Discussion on the contracts: None
eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)
Discussion: None
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Membership Data
Discussion: None
Marketing Report (Erin Stephens/Matan Presberg)
Discussion: None
IRC Report (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: None
YJA Report (Galen Harp)
Thom: Might not be able to make it to the meeting, but wanted to give an update on the materials I’ve been working on for the YJA program.
A few of you have seen drafts of it now – the YJA materials will be a modified version of the first few chapters of the book Juggling: What It Is and How to Do It, with notes for teachers on pages opposite the instructional text.
Not much more to report than that, but I anticipate the YJA-specific materials to be prepared towards the end of August.
Discussion: None
6. Motions for Consideration
A: Motion to change bylaws to as outlined here.
Author : Mike Moore
Motion : Sofia Noethe
Second : Matan Presberg
Discussion :
Note: these were added Tuesday afternoon. I don’t think there’s anything too controversial here, but we can postpone this or limit its scope if necessary
Proposal A) : cannot be adjusted on the fly, it will be removed for the time being from the vote
Motion amendment: remove Proposal A
Author: Mike M
Motion: Mike M
Second: Sofia
Discussion: None
Vote: amendment passed unanimously
Afton: left 9:44pm
Proposal B) : Amend proposal B to remove greyed section
Motion: Mike M
Second: Sofia
Discussion: None
Vote: motion passed unanimously
Amended Proposal B):
Motion: Mike M
Second: Sofia
Discussion: None
Vote: motion passed unanimously
Proposal C): Discussion
Proposal D) amendment: “Replace all instances of “his or her” with “their””
Motion: Mike M
Second: Amy
Discussion: None
Vote :
In favour: Amy, Sofia, Matan, Scott, Aslynne, Mike Moore
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : Proposals B-D passed unanimously
B: Motion to create the position of Operations Officer as outlined here.
Author : Mike Moore
Motion : Matan Presberg
Second : Amy
Discussion : Note: this motion was modified (18th afternoon) with consideration to Eric Shibuya’s email.
Afton: I would suggest we write a clearer type “job description” for this role if this is approved so we can put out a clear call. This would be good for other roles as well.
This seems like a return to pre-2004 titles, who would be interested in this role as a volunteer and no financial compensation?
Intention is for these to be split, but the Chair will continue both position if the new role is not filled.
Matan: will the position immediately occur, and if so will Mike continue to fulfill both roles in the interim
Amendment: add “split” in job description
Motion: Mike M
Second: Sofia
Vote: amendment passed unanimously
Vote :
In favour: Aslynne Howes, Scott Steiskal, Matan Preseberg, Sofia Noethe, Amy
Oppose :
Abstain : Mike Moore
Result : motion passes
B(2): Motion: Appoint Mike Moore as the Operations Officer
Motion: Mike
Second: Matan
Vote: Mike M abstaining, motion passes
C: Motion to approve contracts for Evansville for 2025 IJA Festival – link – Added Monday Afternoon
Author : Craig Lewis
Motion : Scott
Second : Aslynne
Discussion : I’d like to adjust this motion to be to approve the contracts, pending approval by Afton that we have resolved her minor (but valid) concerns with the ONEP contract by email within the next few days. -Craig (IOW, approval to sign the Doubletree Hotel and Victory Theater contracts.)
Craig: would like the board to expedite decision to approve
Mike: would like more time before signing
Martin: can we have an additional meeting possibly next week to officially vote?
It is intended to be reviewed in a few days once Afton’s concerns have been addressed and people have more time to review the contracts.
Vote :
In favour:
Oppose : Matan, Sofia, Scott, Aslynne, Amy, Mike Moore
Abstain :
Result : Motion does not pass
D: Motion to approve the IJA 2019 990 Tax Form (Added Monday Afternoon)
Author: Afton Benson
Motion: Scott
Second: Amy
Discussion: The board has had a chance to review the draft document and there were no questions that were not addressed.
Vote :
In favour: Scott, Amy, Sofia, Aslynne, Matan, Mike Moore
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : Motion passes unanimously
E: Motion to approve Championship Prizes for 2020 (as below):
Author: Afton Benson
Motion: Amy
Second: Scott
Ind Gold: Festival 21 package; $100 travel reimbursement for 2021
Ind Silver: Festival 21 package; $50 travel reimbursement for 2021
Ind Bronze: Festival 21 package; $0
Jr Gold: Festival 21 package; $75 travel reimbursement for 2021
Jr Silver: Festival 21 package; $50 travel reimbursement for 2021
Jr Bronze: Festival 21 package; $0
If the winner is unable to attend the 2021 festival they would receive no cash prize
Martin: who proposed this motion? Were Neilfred and Viveca involved?
Mike: Not sure who proposed it, it was a group proposal that involved Neilfred and Viveca
Vote :
In favour:
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : Motion passes unanimously
F: Motion to approve: For the Juniors division in 2021, anyone who would have been eligible to compete in Juniors in 2020 will remain eligible for 2021; you must have been under 18 as of July 16, 2020. They do not have to compete in the online competition.
Author : Afton Benson
Motion : Amy
Second : Scott
Discussion :
Vote :
In favour:
Oppose :
Abstain : Mike Moore (coach of a junior, potential conflict of interest)
Result : motion passes
E: Motion to appoint [person] as 2021 IJA Festival director
Author : Mike Moore
Motion : Scott
Second : Sofia
Discussion :
Noel would be a potentially strong candidate as he was intended to be organizing this year (others also seem to be strong candidates)
Mike: Jared seems to be a strong candidate as well, and has advantage of location
Matan: Jared has a good vision, but does not know how well he would do running the fest. Is comfortable with all candidates
Mike S?: Jared may not be as strong a candidate for paperwork and other things compared to other candidates
Matan: Chris Kelly did not feel comfortable with the way a festival was run in terms of compensation compared to how attendees were charged (Fest run by David)
Scott? : funds could not necessarily be allocated to performers as they may be restricted funds and may not be permitted to be allocated in other ways
Mike S?: Current thoughts are to have Noel continue to run 2021 as well
Mike: Ross has not been involved in running IJAs but has been involved in other festivals
Scott: Maybe to have Ross as new blood, but Noel may have the connections (volunteers etc) that can be rolled over to 2021
Amy: Noel and Jared are personal frontrunners. Makes sense for Noel to rollover and likely to be able to recruit the same volunteers and will have an easier time for next year
Mike: suggests delaying about a week
Sofia: would prefer to delay but knows her own frontrunner
Martin: can we delay until the meeting re: contracts?
Vote :
In favour:
Oppose : All
Abstain :
Result : Motion rejected unanimously
7. Varia:
8. Confirm Next Meeting
Next meetings will take place on…
for the next vision meeting June 2nd, 9:00pm EDT
for the next business meeting TBD
Afton: I cannot do Thursday evenings
9. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn : Matan
Discussion :
Voting : Motion passes unanimously