Business Board Meeting May 21st, 2019

1. Call to Order

Chair, Exuro Piechocki, called the meeting to order at: 5:05 pm PST

2. Roll:

Present: Sofia Noethe, Mike Moore, Eric Shibuya, Matan Presberg, Galen Harp, Krystin Railing, David Cain, Exuro Piechocki, Ian Michael-Loughlin at 5:28


Recorder: Exuro


3. Approval of Agenda

Motion: Eric

Second by: Sofia


Vote: Unanimous approval

4. Approval of Minutes:

Business Board Meeting (4/23/19)

Motion: Sofia

Second: Mike M


Vote: Unanimous approval


5. Reports

Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival discussion.


2019 Festival Report (David Cain)

Discussion: Tons has been happening.

-Medals arrived today.

-Flow Show and Juniors have changed times. Not many entries for juniors so they will be on the same night as teams and individuals. Flow Show is now taking the Weds night at the Embassy theater. Albert Lucas will do a demo and Q&A session in what was the flow show time slot

-5 films for flow show

-Awards have all been decided upon. Can we announce who the winners are in advance?
-No opposition to releasing the names of the winners

-T shirt design has been sent to Crash for production

-Welcome Show and Cascade are both looking great.

-David has received permission to show a documentary on Ernest Montego

-Game Show Night is looking good with ‘IJA celebrities’ lined up as participants setup by Mike Sullivan for festival schedule

-Courtyard is full, Hilton at 80%, so contract requirements have been met. Based on hotel occupancy, fest attendance is expected to be good

-copier/printer has been rented for reg. Desk

-Awards plaques being ordered locally tomorrow

-Room assignments for staff/special guests are being done tomorrow. Only needing Parliamentarian name.

-Biggest worry is insurance certificates haven’t been produced yet. Afton is working on it.

-Team has really been stepping up any time David has been in need of help. The handbook that Krystin has been developing will be instrumental in future years.

-Emailed 5 people that need Visa invitation letters. Waiting to hear back from them. Needs name/email of scholarship winners that might need Visa invitations

-International Scholarship winner who is 16 is unable to reserve a hotel room.

-Individuals competitor is inquiring about scholarship opportunities.

-Should be a pretty good year for championships. High expectations for teams and individuals

-Exuro : Currently $27k below projections for advance registration net.
David : Has a strong expectation that many people will show up for a portion of the event but not the entire event. Hotel sales are exceptional for this year and so we anticipate quite a few people who will purchase day passes rather than full packages. We are under budget on many other line items for expenses.

[Ian enters the call at 5:28]

[Matan exits the call at 5:29]

[David exits the call at 5:36]


Financial Report (Afton Benson)

Discussion: Treasurer Report 5.21.19

To Afton: We are not yet finished with the scholarships


Future Festival Site Report (Mike Sullivan)

Discussion: none


eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)

Discussion: none


Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Membership Data


Mike Moore: I put in a graph with a 12 period moving average.  This smooths out trends based on the months, and allows us to focus on yearly trends.  The graph does not read the data in the google sheet right now (I made it on Excel) because I had to reformat a couple things and didn’t want to vandalize someone else’s spreadsheet without permission.


Marketing Report (Erin Stephens/Matan Presberg)


Ian : The IRC videos are looking awesome!


IRC Report (Erin Stephens)


Exuro: Drafting IRC director contract… slowly.


YJA Report (Galen Harp)

Discussion:  Discussion on sending a representative to the AYCO Festival in August.

Ian : Does Krystin have a good plan for at the festival?

Galen : Plans to meet with Krystin at the IJA Festival in Fort Wayne to develop a game plan/strategy for what to do on site.

Krystin : Will provide a description of what she will do on site.

Galen : A lot of this is about getting our foot into the door and breaking the ice with the Circus educators community.


WJD Report (Josie Marks-McQuade)

Discussion :

-The IJA logo is now on the back of the tshirts.

-some t-shirts have sold


6. Motions for Consideration

A. To rename the “IJA Sammie Vance Award for Youth Civic Achievement” to the “IJA Sammie Vance Youth Civic Achievement Award”

Note from Author : All other IJA Awards with “Award” in their name have the word at the end of the name.

Author : Bill Barr
Motion : Mike
Second : Matan

Discussion :

[Ian exits the call at 5:56]

Vote :
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : Unanimous approval


B. YourMembership Career Board – Mike Sullivan

As discussed last month, our Association Management System vendor, YourMembership/Community Brands, has offered IJA a free, hosted professional jobs board to connect working jugglers with talent bookers.

This will cost IJA $0.00, and will be a significant new member benefit for jugglers everywhere. IJA retains half of all fees, which are paid by talent buyers, not jugglers. This is a new, non-dues, non-festival revenue opportunity for IJA.

After discussion last month, the Board wanted more information on costs. Since then, I have confirmed again, in writing, that the system will cost IJA nothing. As well, I committed to volunteer to work with YourMembership to bring the system up and get it integrated into our site, most likely at a separate domain, such as or similar.

Additionally, I requested a sample contract, which I’ve attached in this month’s GDrive folder. You can review the contract to see the terms and conditions. You’ll see it is a simple 4-page contract, with all fees and royalty payments clearly specified.

I would recommend the Board approve that we move ahead with this new benefit for our members, and we can announce it at the festival.
Author : Mike Sullivan
Motion : Matan
Second : Eric


Discussion :

Eric: I support this (and can reiterate at the meeting). I believe we can/should place a disclaimer on the site that jugglers here aren’t specifically ENDORSED by the IJA but this is only a service the IJA provides for members (the “find a doctor” sites have similar language). Second, while this service can/should be available for any IJA member in good standing, the IJA should have the right (clearly noted in the site or agreement) to remove any juggler from the page.

Vote :
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : Unanimous approval


7. Varia:


8. Confirm Next Meetings

Vision Meeting Tuesday June 4th, 2019 at 5pm PDT.

Board Meeting Tuesday June 18th, 2019 at 5pm PDT.

Festival AGM Wednesday June 26th, 2019 at 3pm EDT.


9. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn : Ian

Discussion :

Voting : Unanimous approval


Meeting adjourned at 6:09 pm PST.


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