1. Call to Order
Chair, Aslynne Howes, called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm Eastern
2. Roll:
Present: Matan, Chris, Benjamin, Afton, Martin, Aslynne
Absent: Amy, Scott, and Niels
Recorder: Matan
3. Approval of Agenda
Motion: Benjamin
Second by: Matan
Topic for varia we might need a motion for – not a problem for approving the agenda.
Vote: passes unanimously
4. Approval of Minutes:
April Business Board Meeting (LINK)
Motion: Benjamin
Second: Chris
Vote: passes unanimously
5. Reports
Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival discussion.
2022 Festival Report (Afton Benson)
Discussion: Report added 5.22.22 1:15 pm CST
Martin: will Jay Ko be filming at the festival
Afton: yes!
Martin: should we solicit volunteers to teach juggling on Tuesday (as discussed in report) morning in the eNewsletter?
Afton: let me follow up but probably!
Financial Report (Afton Benson)
Discussion: Report added 5.22.22 1:15 pm CST
Aslynne: (responding to ? about what people want to see in these reports) – comparison against previous year would be helpful
Martin: cash position of IJA would be great to see in the reports
Benjamin: what are ‘communications – other’ Afton: eJuggle
Benjamin: what are ‘communication – professional services’ Afton: Dennis Treasurer services
More general discussion of naming conventions of P&L line items
Future Festival Site Report (Craig Lewis)
eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Membership Data
Martin: Added missing Life Member family members, causing an increase in membership numbers (life members can add family members at no extra cost)
Aslynne: email came in that someone is interested in membership director to take over Marilyn’s position (who is interested in stepping down)
Martin: concerned we advertised membership director position as too low commitment
Marketing Report (Matan Presberg)
Matan: 12 posts/22 days, short of goal of 1/day. Call in enewsletter for marketing help. Demand increases as we get closer to the festival for short video editors.
Afton: can we put out an extra newsletter for the festival asap?
Martin: yes – if you send me the content
IRC Report (Erin Stephens)
Afton: IRC Mexico happened right? Was hoping for a report, but saw that it happened on Social Media
Benjamin: in general, officers are not required at these meetings right?
Aslynne: correct! Not required, and often difficult for officers like Erin who are in a very different time zone and the meeting times can be prohibitive.
YJA Report (Benjamin Domask-Ruh)
Afton: re: connection with AYCO – Galen went to one AYCO convention
Martin: some places we say badges, some buttons, what’s the deal?
Afton: probably a cultural thing! Some places use badges, some buttons.
Martin: I think they should be consistently called badges, to denote the idea of achievement, whereas button doesn’t have that.
Benjamin: can we update the website?
Martin: yes! I can do that
Chris: someone reached out during the collab last year wanting help getting started teaching juggling in India, could be a good potential contact. (connection underway, emails have been forwarded)
Conversation about reference letters for this contact agreed to be taken offline.
OpsO Report (Scott Steiskal)
- After confirming the existing budget with Afton i took action to get a world juggling day t-shirt designed. It is available on teespring now. I will get pictures to marketing.
Link is here: https://ija-store.creator-spring.com/?
Martin, I will have a blurb on that for the newsletter by Friday.
- We have someone expressing interest. I am reaching out and opening a discussion, I will take the communication from here and cc Aslynne.
Afton: ‘expressing interest’ almost definitely refers to membership director.
Benjamin: can we get the WJD logo on a ‘premium tank top’?
Afton: yes, just shoot Scott a message and he can add it easily.
6. Motions for Consideration
- Motion to appoint Exuro as 2023 festival director.
Author: Scott Steiskal
Motion: Matan
Second: Benjamin
Aslynne: we’ll discuss candidates and then amend the motion
Chris: expresses interest in all board members being able to express their opinions
Aslynne: heard from Niels and Scott on their opinions, both leaning in the same direction towards Exuro
Aslynne: liked direction Exuro is looking to take the festival in, especially the DEI team.
Matan: Exuro has been talking about his current actions towards the festival and has a lot of the necessary team in place, Jared doesn’t sound like he’s covered as much ground, but his passion for the project is definitely a positive.
Benjamin: Exuro’s statement about connection to the festival site feels strong, in addition to things previously stated.
Matan: let’s move forward with voting
Chris: what were people asked to submit for their candidacy statement?
Afton reads what went out in the newsletter
Aslynne: Scott received this from Jared back in November prior to anything going out in the eNewsletter.
Chris: expresses concern that Jared didn’t understand what we were looking for
Aslynne: what do you think the main push for each candidate is?
Chris: passion for the project and excitement would make Jared a strong candidate, excited to hear more about the specific ideas. Agrees with previous statements about Exuro.
Benjamin: both of these candidates were board members right?
Aslynne: both candidates had the same opportunities to submit information to the board
Matan: Exuro is interested in 2023 specifically, and that’s really appealing
Matan: motion to amend the motion to read ‘Motion to appoint Exuro as 2023 festival director’
Benjamin: seconds
Vote: passes unanimously
In favor: Matan, Benjamin, Aslynne
Abstain: Chris
Result: motion passes
7. Varia:
Extension of board nomination deadline?
Changing size of board?
Martin: We have 3 nominations, but 4 open seats. The highest number of write-ins would get the last seat
Matan: are they on the board, or are they then invited?
Martin/Afton: They would be extended the invitation and if they accept, they would be on the board. The board can fill an empty seat with whoever they want. If there’s a write-in, they would be considered elected to the board.
Afton: can we push the deadline until June 15th?
Aslynne: happy to push the deadline
Benjamin: agrees
Call will go out in the newsletter
Motion to extend the deadline until June 15th for board nominations
Author: Benjamin
Motion: Benjamin
Second: Matan
Vote: passes unanimously
8. Confirm Next Meeting
Next meetings will take place on…
June 19 for the next vision meeting 7:00pm ET
June 26 for the next business meeting 7:00pm ET
9. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 8:43 pm Eastern.